Sex before marriage is usually the only sex one will get.
Like the old joke, "How do you cure a woman of nymphomania? Marry her!
for ex jws, pimos, pomos, faders, born again christians, agnostics, atheists, etc.
what is your opinion regarding sex before marriage, has your view been influenced since you left?
in western society, you’ll probably find yourself ridiculed to be an 18 year old virgin so i am curious to hear opinions from here.
Sex before marriage is usually the only sex one will get.
Like the old joke, "How do you cure a woman of nymphomania? Marry her!
from what i understand, a letter was read this past week in regards to congregation reassignments and that the elders want to meet with people at their homes to tell them where they have been reassigned.
obviously, this would be due to the merging and dissolution of congregations.
can anyone confirm this?.
One of four congregations in my immediate area is being dissolved effective Sept 01, 2018.
No surprise there as twenty years ago the combined totals of those four congregations was about 360 persons. Now it is about 170 with less than thirty in the one that is now gone.
The congregation that is absorbing the one to be dissolved is under rare ideal driving conditions a forty minute round trip away, by mountain roads that are tourist clogged in the summer and snow and ice clogged in the winter. I guess they will just have to "obey whatever directions they get, even if they do not seem practical..."
first, let's look at what counsel is published by the watchtower and required as proper behavior in the congregation.. *** g88 9/8 p. 20 should i tell on my friend?
***understandably, you may not feel you have the spiritual qualifications to readjust an erring friend.
but would it not make sense to see to it that the matter is reported to someone who is qualified to help?
That bit of snitching cost the young man $40K.
I believe I wold have got my $40K out of the snitch in one way or another. Snitches get stitches.
i have not seen jehovah’s witnesses in my neighborhood for several years now.
it appears that the cart witnessing has taken over.
congregations are being consolidated and witnesses are being forced to travel a greater distance than before.the burdens/privileges of elders seem to be ever increasing!.
Does everyone in the Cong get a cart if they're a publisher - "you get a cart! you get a cart! you get a cart!"
I have heard that one has to be "trained" and then request approval form the serve us committee. Even IF I were PIMI and interested in cart time I would not. It was Jesus that said to "GO", not three nitwit elders who wouldn't have a clue even if it were given to them free.
from what i understand, a letter was read this past week in regards to congregation reassignments and that the elders want to meet with people at their homes to tell them where they have been reassigned.
obviously, this would be due to the merging and dissolution of congregations.
can anyone confirm this?.
If the rank and file have done what the watchtower wants and have got a low income job they will be really pushed to find the extra money to get to the kingdom hall.
The half-wits will just view it as another opportunity to show their loyalty stupidity.
You have to be out of your freakin' cotton-picking mind to be driving 50 or miles each way on a winter night when the windchills are in the -40 and below and endangering your family. Can't blame the JW's who think practically and say ''Nah, forget it'' ,''not safe''. Good thinking, practical people think like this. Survivors.
Oh, but they will remember all the stories of the ones who walked 75 miles each way, three times per week, over crocodile infested rivers, and lion infested forests, past army troops armed with automatic weapons searching for JDubs to use for target practice...and just blindly do it.
not sure if this was every where or just our area, but you could always tell who was big shit top dog in the hall elders by the size of their bag.
my dad used to call them elder bags.
This is what one of the recent C.O.'s had. He would stroll in with this thing on wheels, look at the closest kiss-ass M.S. and say, "Here is my briefcase. Take it to a chair in the front!" And of course Brother Kiss-ass would do it with a big grin knowing he was "important".
there are many here who think they can infiltrate my web-site.
be warned that we administrators of jwtalk call the listed congregation on your application for membership in our site to verify if they know you!.
some of you have slipped through the cracks and got into our site, but rest assured, we will find you out and ban you!.
Trotty sitting at the computer posing as a "good" JDub?
our whole congregation was excited as we stood in front of our brand new kh and smiled for the photographer from the local newspaper.. for years we had been travelling 30 mins each way to attend the meetings and now, after a big effort of donations and hard work we finally had our own kh in our own town.
in the picture, there were 45 smiling faces of all ages, from the newborn to the old brother that had turned 100 and everyone in between.
the year was 1978.. the congregation grew and shrank over the years, probably hitting its peak during the 80's and 90's, there was even a renovation in the early 90's that the local brothers donated towards, for the benefit of the local town to hear the good news about the imminent arrival of the end.
At its peak the congregation had around 90 publishers in the 1980s. Now it’s about 45 and half of those are over 60.
Where I am, there were 86 regular members in 1996, with average attendance of 95-100 for EVERY meeting; and that was three time per week. Now a short twenty-two years later average attendance is 30-35. Just yesterday I reflected on who is gone. Sixty-three names on paper from clear memory. C.O. gave the, "You need to go where you may be assigned, even if it isn't as convenient" spiel a few weeks ago. Already hearing the rumblings of a merger with another congregation that will mean a one hour round trip too.
the attack by gog of magog with commentary watch to the end.
talk from the 2018 convention .watch till the end.
6:40 We don't give a f--k if we split your family up. Just because you are old doesn't mean you can think that you matter to US important elders who dictate that YOU go somewhere else without any of your family! Remember, you MUST OBEY our instructions no matter how asinine they are!! Now, BE GONE WITH YOUR USELESS HIDE!"
Wish that people would see this for the blatant bulls--t propaganda that it is, and not the "food" that it is claimed to be.
i don't see any way to comment, no matter what thread (topic) i am reading.
No issues making replies here either. I do notice though that if I copy and paste a quote the comment box gets stretched so wide I can only see half of it.