Lack of love & hypocrisy in the congregation started things for me.
This /\ /\ /\. As others have also experienced, the total and complete lack of any measure of genuine love. And the total complete display of hypocrisy.
Watching a rich "brother" screw around and divorce two Witness wives, embezzle money from his work place, chronic drunkenness, tax fraud, insurance fraud, and lying and each time getting a pass by contributing large amounts of $$$ to the local kingdom hall eventually even being promoted up the ladder to elder.
Watching elders kids getting promoted up the ladder while they did nothing to deserve it. Being told by an elder I was "reprehensible" because I had been married more than once and so would never be appointed (now I just don't give a damn) but they always seem to come crying to me when they need FREE mechanic work, electrical work, computer work, or any other labor they are too stupid to learn how to do or too lazy, and then criticize me for telling them "NO"! Being condamned for working full time and saving money for the future so I could store my current labor in the form of those savings for a later date and not have to work as hard, now being debt free and "retired" comfortably at an age when I can fully enjoy my time. Being hit up for money for every last kingdom hall project and broke witness who "needs" money, told the money I give reflects my love for God. I must not love God because I do not give anything to the JDubs any more.
These and so much more.