So, why don't Witnesses disfellowship/shun those who eat fast food and are obese?
Because they are just building bigger temples?
sad but true.
my ex-girlfriend was raised mormon.
so i went to a couple of her church services.
So, why don't Witnesses disfellowship/shun those who eat fast food and are obese?
Because they are just building bigger temples?
2 congregations met together attendance 355 which is close to exact number of combined publishers.
only saw a couple of new faces.
so it looks like once again the invitation work was a complete failure and relatives of jw's couldn't be talked into coming anymore!.
@FedUpJW, what was the purpose of the American Indian drinking the wine? Did he not know that he is not supposed to drink the wine? I am curious to know why he drank the wine.
I sat directly behind him. He staggered in off the street at the last minute request of a "slightly" mentally off brother. The poor fellow could barely stand up or walk a straight line, and he reeked of alcohol. He was pretty well passed out for most of the ritual...until the wine glass came by. That perked him up, and of course what else would he do?
I did kind of feel sorry for him, but it was funny nonetheless.
2 congregations met together attendance 355 which is close to exact number of combined publishers.
only saw a couple of new faces.
so it looks like once again the invitation work was a complete failure and relatives of jw's couldn't be talked into coming anymore!.
Declining attendance where I am. It was funny though that an American Indian sat in the front row and polished off the entire glass of wine before passing it on. Funniest part was watching goblet passer trying desperately to get it away from him.
why is it that all of the friends show happiness and excitement when a meeting is cancelled?.
no meetings week of memorial "what a blessing from jah!".
bad weather - oh it's so nice to have a night off.
Why is it that ALL of the friends show happiness and excitement when a meeting is cancelled?
I don't. But then again I am just screwing with them when I mention that THE BIBLE says we are to, "consider one another to incite to love and fine works, 25 NOT forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the MORE SO as you behold the day drawing near." Then I ask if perhaps the day is not so near as they keep claiming after all if we can cancel meetings? Then I get the "deer in the headlights looks" and they run away mumbling to themselves.
here's the cruel, uncomfortable and dehumanizing description of transport for disfellowshipped ones:.
in cases of real need, the elders can determine wheth-er some assistance may be provided.
such assistance would be viewed as similar to public transportation in that there should be no conversing with the disfellowshipped or disassociated person.
All publishers perform their ministry not in behalf of the congregation or any other organization.
So, if it is their PERSONAL ministry, then they should all just tell the congregations or any other organization that wants a full accounting of their PERSONAL ministry to piss off!!
people can’t understand why people like trump and cavanaugh literally get angry and upset over accusations that can ruin their lives.
if i was falsely accused by a mob of something, i would be defending myself vigorously!
i think it’s ridiculous when people criticize others for not just taking it.
but...But...BUT...maybe they are supposed to all act like the JDubs are told to. If you are wronged just consider the other person superior to yourself, turn the other cheek, believe that you are the one to blame for your own mistreatment, wait on God to fix it? Or should I be able to sit on my lazy ass and blame my misfortune on the person who worked his ass off to succeed?
in episode 213 of "dogman encounters" jehovah's witness valerie grogan tells accounts of her, her mother, and her brother coming in contact with the dogman.. for those of you that don't know, the dogman is a werewolf-type humanoid creature.
there are about 7 different types of them and vic cundiff has over 243 episodes of long interviews with people that have been in contact with them.. around the 4:45 mark, she says that her mother kept telling the elders that the creatures was out there but that the elders kept saying their whole family was demon-possessed and that they would disfellowship them..
Can you be disfellowshipped if you are abducted by aliens?
Only if you spend the night and engage in mutual "manipulation of the genitals."
the family are very excited because there’s a special interruption happening this friday which has supposedly only happened once before when rutherford announced jesus’ ruling in heaven.
requires tuning into
meant to be this coming friday before the memorial.
Dear Brothers and Sisters...WELCOME to this SPECIAL morning worship boredcast (misspelled intentionally). We want to assure you that we the governing body "LOVE" you! This is a "special" boredcast because we now feel that this may be our last memorial with you "dear" Bruhh"-thers and SIS'-ters. We don't know, but it may be.... conclusion; please visit our website and take advantage of our "LUHH'-ving" provision for you to electronically donate.
(If you can stand doing it picture Rubber Face Lett saying this)
so after almost 5 months of not attending meeting, today my husband decided to attend the special talk.
i am sad, frustrated, nervous, but also hopeful that he will see something that he never did before .
lies and manipulation.
I am sad, frustrated, nervous, but also hopeful that he will see something that he never did before . . . lies and manipulation.
The saying is, "There are none so blind as those who will not to see." If someone does not see the lies and manipulation it is only because they willfully refuse to see what is right in front of them. Even though both my parents are now dead which makes it easier to fade I went for other family members who are still in. The Bethel boring-as-hell speaker stated twice for added emphasis that only, "Baptized christian witnesses of Jehovah" will have everlasting life. Then he proceeded to try to prove that by reading John 17: 3. After reading it he went on to say that knowledge of Jehovah was the FIRST step, the second was...wait for it...not knowledge of Jesus who was sent forth, it comes...GOING TO MEETINGS!! Steps three through five were nothing about Jesus Christ either, just what a person had to do to make more members. Of course the chairman concluded with the mandated spiel about asking for a study with JDubs and go to Jay Double U dot Org for answers to Bible questions. In all it was nothing other than a 30 minute sales and recruitment seminar.
I hope more people will choose to open their eyes and see.
well that was no fun at all, just got a visit to invite me to the last supper memorial.
haven't had a call for a long long time.
i tried to engage them about following bible not watchtower, they just kept changing the subject as they have always done but this time every challenge was met with "we are not perfect,the slave is not perfect" and "we don't want to have a debate".
"we are not perfect,the slave is not perfect"
And the ever present fall back, "The light gets brighter."