I have repeated a comment on here before that my mother said before she died. "If Jehovah's Witnesses had been in the forties when I got baptized what they are now...I would NEVER HAVE BECOME ONE!"
JoinedPosts by FedUpJW
Oh how this religion has changed! Would this have been permitted 20 years ago??
by stuckinarut2 inhttps://m.facebook.com/100002613343180/posts/2271710659592690?sfns=mo.
would the old-timers even recognise this religion anymore?.
this is from one of the international conventions held this year.
Love Among Yourselves?
by Lost in the fog inyou have to wonder why a congregation which claims to have love among itself would not do something to help this poor off member of the congregation.
oh wait a minute, they preached to him, got him in, so now he's on his own - just like all the rest of them!
https://www.kilburntimes.co.uk/news/disabled-man-s-housing-fears-in-brent-1-6066131 .
Before he died my dad due to loneliness after my mothers death began to get pretty grouchy. An "elder" came by and told me I should just put him in a home. At the time that was not an option as my dad was still perfectly able to care for himself. The "elder" said that he had offered to, "have your father's suit cleaned," and he told me to, "mind your own business."
I told the "elder", "That was sure nice of you. He will die of loneliness, but at least he will be buried in a clean suit! No go away!"
My father had a saying before he died, "They have 'love' on their lips, but none in their hearts!" Yes, actions speak louder than words. Today's typical JW is nothing if not a hypocrite!
2019 BOE Elders letter May 13 England - Ireland Data Protection
by Not_Culty inhttps://tinyurl.com/y2bzncu9.
Correction: the Zimbabwean letter (mentioned in the post above) was really sent by mistake.
Ah...I see holy spirit is at work again.
married young--in the cult--divorced ?
by stan livedeath infollowing on from mrquik's thread.... who of us married at an early age to another j-dub ?
how long did the marriage last?.
how did it end ?.
Married to a regular pioneer. I was 20 she was 18. Fornicated like rabbits before we got married. First child died at five months of age and she went off the deep end. Jehovah had lovingly killed the child, just like David and Bathsheba to punish us, according to her. Divorced shortly after. I became PIMO. She went full on PIMI. Now my goal is to make people think by subtle comments and questions.
CO at assembly in Ohio repeatedly says great tribulation is "only minutes away"
by LevelThePlayingField insnippets of two talks by co at ca and during his visit to a congregation in ohio.
fear mongering at it's best.
has anyone else heard their co say the same nonsense?.
"What if a law were passed saying you could no longer teach what the Bible teaches?" this goomer asks. Well Brother Goomer, I would still talk about the BIBLE (If one still believed it), I just wouldn't be so quick to spout the WT nonsense that has ZERO BASIS in the Bible! If one believed in God it would be no big thing to suffer for that belief, but I would be Goddamned if I would suffer for eight fat, old buzzards who have lived off the money and sweat of their mentally blind followers!
And of course Brother Goomer had to throw in that bit about "We will all be terrified." Doesn't their Bible tell them, "Do not be afraid!" It was the fearful ones who failed!
My parents and those of that [overlapping] generation would be disgusted with the limp-wristed, paper-assholed snowflakes populating the JDubs these days!
How Should Houses of Worship Protect Themselves Against Shooters?
by minimus inis there a way?
these madmen go into soft areas knowing they only will have firepower to inflict their damage.
i think people better start thinking ahead about what they can do to protect themselves..
Just lock the front door, depend on Brother Dumb-as-rocks to know exactly who is or is not a deranged mass shooter to open the door, and holy spit (spelling intentional) will protect you.
Some Religions Make Their Women Fat!
by new boy insad but true.
my ex-girlfriend was raised mormon.
so i went to a couple of her church services.
So, why don't Witnesses disfellowship/shun those who eat fast food and are obese?
Because they are just building bigger temples?
Congregation memorial stats
by nowwhat? in2 congregations met together attendance 355 which is close to exact number of combined publishers.
only saw a couple of new faces.
so it looks like once again the invitation work was a complete failure and relatives of jw's couldn't be talked into coming anymore!.
@FedUpJW, what was the purpose of the American Indian drinking the wine? Did he not know that he is not supposed to drink the wine? I am curious to know why he drank the wine.
I sat directly behind him. He staggered in off the street at the last minute request of a "slightly" mentally off brother. The poor fellow could barely stand up or walk a straight line, and he reeked of alcohol. He was pretty well passed out for most of the ritual...until the wine glass came by. That perked him up, and of course what else would he do?
I did kind of feel sorry for him, but it was funny nonetheless.
Congregation memorial stats
by nowwhat? in2 congregations met together attendance 355 which is close to exact number of combined publishers.
only saw a couple of new faces.
so it looks like once again the invitation work was a complete failure and relatives of jw's couldn't be talked into coming anymore!.
Declining attendance where I am. It was funny though that an American Indian sat in the front row and polished off the entire glass of wine before passing it on. Funniest part was watching goblet passer trying desperately to get it away from him.
If the meetings are so enjoyable and serving the big J is such a privilege...
by HiddenPimo inwhy is it that all of the friends show happiness and excitement when a meeting is cancelled?.
no meetings week of memorial "what a blessing from jah!".
bad weather - oh it's so nice to have a night off.
Why is it that ALL of the friends show happiness and excitement when a meeting is cancelled?
I don't. But then again I am just screwing with them when I mention that THE BIBLE says we are to, "consider one another to incite to love and fine works, 25 NOT forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the MORE SO as you behold the day drawing near." Then I ask if perhaps the day is not so near as they keep claiming after all if we can cancel meetings? Then I get the "deer in the headlights looks" and they run away mumbling to themselves.