The worker bees...only need the education to succeed in what is (incorrectly)
perceived as low level jobs.Education for the benefit of society isn't even acknowledged as a right for the average citizen.
So what then is the benefit of hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on an "education" that has no practical benefit? Here are just a few. Culinary Arts degree, Fashion Design degree, Art History degree, Music degree, Liberal Arts degree, Studio Arts/Fine Art degree, Performing Arts.
Does a person need that kind of education to flip burgers for the rest of their life, or wash windows, or build homes, or any of a hundred other needed occupations that are looked down on by the over-educated self important elites? The trouble, as I see it, with huge amounts of college debt to learn something that only benefits a small portion of the work-force is that employment potential is low in relation to the cost to get those few jobs. The seeming mind set of people contemplating continuing education appears to be "low effort, high return" and the world just doesn't operate that way.
I was given the choice to go to college by my parents (against WT advice) with the recommendation of studying to be a lawyer or doctor. I chose instead to go to a vo-tech junior college at low student cost for training in a fast growth construction sector job. When minimum wage was only $1.60 per hour I was hired right out of school at $9.00 per hour. By the time I was in my mid- forties I was comfortably retired with a paid for home, and money enough in investments to live the rest of my life my way.
As a previous post said, "College is not for everyone."