It’s just not fair that ONE PERSON attains more wealth
than he/she will be able to spend in a LIFETIME, while others are
struggling to avoid becoming homeless.
Yeah, we must find a way to make low effort equal high reward. And also find a way to make high effort yield low reward. Now THAT would be fair!
Should there be a cap on How Much Children of the Billionaire
should receive as inheritance?
Of course. When someone who has amassed a fortune through hard work, long hours, and high effort dies the government should confiscate every last penny of their estate and give it to the "poor". After all it is not the "poor" people's fault they have less, so they should once again have low effort rewarded by high reward.
I would like to have all the perks of the so-called rich, but I am satisfied with what I have earned and paid for with my own two hands. My hands were made to work, not to hold out waiting for someone to give me what I did not work for, and what I have no right to just because they have it and I do not. Perhaps the government should mandate that wealthy people give their "ice cream money" to the government or other people? That would be more fair, would it not?