Masturbation is pretty much as natural and common as blowing your nose.
If I remember it was George Carlin who said, "If we were not supposed to masturbate, our hands would be where our shoulders are!"
as a youg man this stunned me when i studied the original "youth" book 97% had done it so i thought soo that's pretty much everyone i guess the 3% were witness youth!
also "awake" claimed 90% of students had accessed porn at some time.
everyone is doing it i guess 10% are the witness dumb was i?.
Masturbation is pretty much as natural and common as blowing your nose.
If I remember it was George Carlin who said, "If we were not supposed to masturbate, our hands would be where our shoulders are!"
do you think he could get reinstated as president?
do you think trump will run again for president or do you think he will just be a force for the republican party behind the scenes?.
I would like to see Trump make a comeback, just to watch TDS sufferers heads explode.
Otherwise I personally think he is a crude, boorish person I would not choose to associate with. But he did do some good things for the U.S.
I sometimes pray to a milk jug.
I get the exact same answers doing that as when I prayed to God.
1. No.
2. Yes
3. Wait
This is what convinced me that prayer DOES NOT WORK.
are you ready to celebrate??
it’s such a big holiday that the local electric company will be closed in order to celebrate.
only emergencies will be dealt with on that day.. what are you doing for the holiday?.
As a white male I love fried chicken and watermelon. I hope that doesn’t mean anything negative
So do I. And there we go, engaging in "cultural" appropriation again.
i have been to the city hundreds of times.
i’ve always loved the vitality of the city and no one could ever say that you could get bored in nyc.
i regularly went for business during the day and in the evenings go to local bars and restaurants as well as the village.
Everything good in the U.S. just has to be in NYC. . .nothing good has ever come out of that s**t-hole. IMO
i realized that teenagers and young witness adults were getting away with murder per my daughter.
she told me that all these exemplary young people featured at assemblies and conventions were not real good examples.
after she got married years ago to a “ worldly “ man, she told me about all the kids who were fornicating and getting drunk and high, including elder’s kids.
Where was Holy Spirit???
Perhaps in the privy?
back in the day, tons of witnesses were brought in the “back room “ to be counseled by elders because of their dress and grooming.
some elders frowned on mustaches or hair that went past a certain point on a male.
women were regularly harassed because their skirt was too long or too short or had a slit on the side.
A mustache that looked "like the Marlboro man", side-burns longer than the part of the ear called the Tragus (that little flap of cartilage over the front of the ear canal), western boots that were bone colored with caramel colored lizard wing-tips, a two-door sports car, a four-wheel drive pickup, livestock.
I was always on their radar as an adult because I did not scrape and bow to the eldurrs.
have you ever had to deal with these crazy intrusive people flipping out on you?
just curious.
I am fee to kick them in the rear end.
Just be careful that you do not hurt their head.
so you all probably heard that the awake magazine is back, .
and one of my jw relatives said they were told by some elders that meetings and field service will resume before the end of the year.. they said this covid virus was a test, like when the romans breached jerusalem and retreated, only to come back later and sack jerusalem.
Now is not the time to focus on Education, Entertainment, and Work, retirement, etc, but now is the time to send us all your hard-earned $$$$$. Now back to work you worthless slackers!
donations to support theocratic activities.
2021-june-s-147-announcements and reminders.
zipped folder.
Thank you!
I did notice this little nugget: When visiting it will default to your present location.Therefore, you must update the location to India in order to donate as an Indian citizen. To update the location, simply click on the country name displayed, and enter “India” in the search form that opens.
Isn't it strange that WT condamns lying as being from Satan out one side of their mouth, and then in order to get more $$$ in donations instructs members how to LIE when setting their actual physical location to a country location where they are not at so that the money will roll in! HYPOCRITES!!