The free ride via the government is over.
There never should have been a "free" ride. People seem to forget the saying, "There ain't no such thing as a free lunch." SOMEONE is paying for the "free" stuff that the left seems to always give away, courtesy of the employed hard working man or woman, to what is normally the professional users.
If one chooses to live beyond their means and not save a dime for the future that is not my fault, it is not the responsibility of anyone else to bail them out!
Call me hard hearted, I had a belly full of the chronic users in the JW world who could always find enough for a new smartphone, a new car, or getting a new credit card; then they whined, pissed, and moaned about how unfair Satan's world was when the bills came due and they had no savings set aside for a rainy day to fall back on and believed it was their due to get looked after.
I have very little sympathy for most people who cannot pay rent.