The one who is pure and righteous at heart gives ample evidence of his righteousness. His speech is kind and upbuilding, his actions positive and generous. . .
Well that certainly disqualifies 99.9% of JW's!
take a look at this heresy:"righteousness is the state of being right with god by complying with his standards of good and bad.
"- the watchtower—study edition | july 15, 2001 | blessings are for the righteous onewow!
my bible says in several places that "there is no one righteous, no not one".
the watchtower—study edition | november 2021. study article 47. how strong will your faith be?.
16 note the example of geydi, a sister from guatemala.
her husband, edi, was murdered as they were returning home from a congregation meeting.
Some time ago in my areas a JW woman's husband had a heart attack on Friday evening. Saturday morning while he was laying in an I.C.U. bed she traveled to the circus ass-embly about a three hour drive away.
During the mid-morning begging for donations and song break an attendant came from behind the stage to inform her that her husband had died. When they asked if she would like someone to ride with her to return to her home town she said "No". She let them know that he was dead so there was nothing she could do for him by returning home, so she would stay for the rest of the ass-emly.
Of course they let everyone know what had happened and what a "fine example of loyalty" she was when they made the noon announcements before meal break, and of course the greater majority of people in attendance stood there clapping like a bunch of trained seals.
original reddit post (removed).
I never really got into his stuff because I find the videos irritating and can’t watch.
That pretty well sums up my opinion, even though I don't have a dog in this fight. That said, there are other exJW's that have Y.T. video channels that I find just as arrogant, smug, smarmy, and irritating, and I do not watch those either.
so a jw elder acquaintance sent me an email "encouraging" me to return to the organization, including this little nugget of a quote from today's wt session,*** w21 november p. 23 par.
11 how strong will your faith be?
***learn to trust those whom jehovah and jesus trust.
The governing body is god's sole channel of communication. How do you know? God told us so. How do you know that he told you that? Because we are the governing body, god's sole channel of communications. How do you know? Because god told us so. And just like a roulette wheel, round and round it goes, where it stops who knows?
so a jw elder acquaintance sent me an email "encouraging" me to return to the organization, including this little nugget of a quote from today's wt session,*** w21 november p. 23 par.
11 how strong will your faith be?
***learn to trust those whom jehovah and jesus trust.
So a JW elder acquaintance sent me an email "encouraging" me to return to the organization, including this little nugget of a quote from today's WT session,*** w21 November p. 23 par. 11 How Strong Will Your Faith Be? ***
Learn to trust those whom Jehovah and Jesus trust. At times, those appointed to take the lead may give direction that does not make sense to us. However, Jehovah blesses obedience.
He said that this article proves that The Slave 'loves' me and is telling me to return and I should even though I feel that it makes no sense for me to do so.
I replied with a simple Thank You, and then blocked him.
don't understand....but this crisis in ukraine seems to be getting out of control....i mean, everybody knows how to start a war..... by the way, as always, people at the borg are having a field day.....
America’s commander in chief will sit there and put sanctions on an ever shrinking free world.
Well SOMEONE may put sanctions on an ever shrinking free world, but it won't be Brandon. The best he can do between naps is mumble what is put on a teleprompter (and not very well) and wait for someone to change his Depends while he sits gazing at his navel. Meanwhile the politicians who idiotically agitate for nuclear war edge the world ever closer to Armageddon, and not the one the JW's pray for.
can you add to this:.
"does anything about your religion trouble you as a jehovah’s witness or is it all good?
some of the things that would trouble me if i were a jehovah’s witness would include:.
I . . .got the sense that they hate thinkers!
That is it in a nutshell. I remember my father telling me once during one of our many discussions, "Son, it isn't that you think too much. It is that others do not think enough!"
Then he proceeded to show me five cases where Jesus asked, "What do you think?", of persons he was talking to. Can you imagine any one of the governing body EVER asking one of the R&F JW's, "What do you think?"
2022-01-16 covid test kits.
click image to make it larger.. .
I can hear it now..."Jehovah's organization has lovingly arranged to provide these kits..."
That isn't so far fetched. A shirttail relative who is PIMI has three family members who think they might have contracted COVID. They have been sick for over a week, and they refuse to go to a medical facility to get tested, or to purchase an at home test kit. Their reply when asked why was, "We are waiting for the ones that the society is providing. We ordered them just a few days ago from the link in the email we got Tuesday night."
One just cannot make up the level of idiocy that is infecting so many in the JW's these days.
2022-01-16 covid test kits.
click image to make it larger.. .
Weasel words. "Our organization does not sponsor any proselytizing IN funeral homes."
And that is true, however multiple times JW's are "encouraged" to reach out to grieving ones. (they get that information from obituaries)
Same thing as Jackson claiming it would SEEM presumptuous to claim they are the mouthpiece of God, while never actually denying that they make that claim!