@ R & R - Your list left out the large numbers of prayers that the governing body has put in print JW's must also pray:
*** ws16 May p. 16 par. 4 How Do You Make Personal Decisions? ***
"So before we make a decision, we need to think about what the Bible says and then obey it. We can pray to Jehovah to help us make decisions that will please him."
So pray before deciding which side of the bed to get out of in the morning, which sock to put on first, shirt first or pants, what color shirt, what to eat for breakfast, fill up with fuel in your vehicle before going to work or after, turn left or turn right, what to eat for noon dinner, pick up groceries on the way home or wait until tomorrow, there are so many decisions that a person makes every day on auto-pilot, and every single one of them are another reason to stop and say a prayer for help making that decision, then say a prayer of thanks for being able to finally make the decision at all.
Is it any wonder so many JW's cannot make any decision without begging the eldurrs for their "help"?