It's how they feel about being a member, being part of it all, and the morals and lifestyle they promote.
Even one of their new songs is called How does it make you feel?
i can see it that watchtower will become an online/tv based group with just con-vention hall$.. field service would be letter writing and phone preaching, door to door is done.. watchtower will have pay to view programs and still ask for donations after all that.. zoom meetings are here to stay.
kingdumb halls will be sold off except for con-vention venues, or need for new ones$.. df'ing will continue.
the craziness will continue.
i can see it that watchtower will become an online/tv based group with just con-vention hall$.. field service would be letter writing and phone preaching, door to door is done.. watchtower will have pay to view programs and still ask for donations after all that.. zoom meetings are here to stay.
kingdumb halls will be sold off except for con-vention venues, or need for new ones$.. df'ing will continue.
the craziness will continue.
The fear factor will get more intense.
Agreed. It is already happening from what I hear. The occasional times I stop by on ZOOM just to see what the people are up to I am amazed at how many of the "encouraging" talks are now geared to how bad it will soon be, and how they won't be able to count on Jehovah keeping them alive through it all, but it will rather be a few select ones who may be saved. I remember decades ago it was all about not worrying, now it is fear, worry, and stress that is promoted.
original reddit post (removed).
hi everyone i would like to say hello to everyone,.
i just started attending kingdom hall about a month ago now and am doing bible study with a brother..
This is what, something like the third or fourth "new" member posting pretty much the same thing in the last month or so? Then they run away and a few days later another one pops up.If you are a real person and not a returning troll, welcome.
Unless you're a troll and wasting our time. I am suspicious.
A pound to a penny says this guy's a troll.
2022 may 5th announcement.
2022 may s-147 announcements and reminders.
2022 may 5th announcement.
2022 may s-147 announcements and reminders.
original reddit post (removed).
what is brazen conduct according to the watchtower?.
here are some references from the new flock book:.
they have really pushed the envelope to bundle a bunch of things into one really evil word.
this can be confusing because the wts has adjusted from not having a clergy class to not having a "paid" clergy class.. "a congregation of brothers precludes having a proud clergy class that honors itself with high-sounding titles and elevates itself above a laity" wt 6/1/2001 p. 12, pp 11. still same idea in 2021 wt october, p. 20, pp.
7, but 2022 in the wt publication, frequently asked questions about jehovah’s witnesses, page 13, the wts inserts "paid" in front of "clergy perhaps to shore up their current statement in secular courts they have clergy, just not paid) "following the model of first-century christianity, jehovah’s witnesses have no clergy-laity division.
all baptized witnesses are ordained ministers and share in the preaching and teaching work.
WT precludes having a proud clergy class that honors itself with high-sounding titles and elevates itself above a laity
They are partially correct. They do not have a clergy class they just have a proud ELDER class that honors itself with terms like Coordinator for the body of elders, Service Overseer, Secretary, Circuit Overseer, Branch Overseer, governing body, helper to the governing body, ad nauseam. And as said above all the freebies that they receive courtesy of "voluntary" donations by the gullible sheeple are in fact pay. Just ask any CPA or tax advisor if it is considered income/pay for tax purposes in the U.S. when it is given to a member of a business.