The Watchtower as far back as the early 1990s got to the point of refusing to state that a person should even attempt to use force in the defense of one's self or an innocent third party.
Here is my go to reference when any JW tells me that I should never defend myself, and instead rely on God to deliver me from any potential violent attack.
*** g 6/08 p. 11 When Is Self-Defense Justified? ***
On the other hand, what if a person’s life is threatened by an assailant? A law that God gave to ancient Israel sheds light on this. However, if an intruder was fatally struck at night, the householder could be exonerated because it would be difficult for him to see what the intruder was doing and to ascertain the intentions of the intruder. The householder could reasonably conclude that his family was under threat of harm and take defensive action.—Exodus 22:2, 3.
The Bible thus indicates that a person may defend himself or his family if physically assaulted. He may ward off blows, restrain the attacker, or even strike a blow to stun or incapacitate him. The intention would be to neutralize the aggression or stop the attack. This being the case, if the aggressor was seriously harmed or killed in such a situation, his death would be accidental and not deliberate.