1927-1928: Christmas is understood to be a pagan celebration
1928-1936: The use of the cross is gradually discontinued
Strange that according to them only JW's were workers on the roadway receiving instruction from Jehovah here in the United States. Fifty years prior to this my great-great grandfather was a minister of some note in England, even traveling an annual circuit to preach sermons to remote congregations. He was already preaching about Christmas and the use of the cross then, and that the soul was not immortal. He was what was termed as a "dissenter" against the teachings of the Catholic Church and the Church of England. Some time worn writings in his own hand state how in the late 1800's he traveled to Pennsylvania, USA to meet with others who had similar beliefs.
But of course the governing body has proclaimed that they, and ONLY they are the channel of Bible teaching. I would like to hear them explain why it was only the U.S. that had their "truth"?