Population 22 Million People
625 Cases
555 Recovered
7 Deaths
Population Density 673 People per Sq km
Not bad for a bunch of sheepe.
How is the United States doing ??
i think many people feel secure with an abundance of rules.
they enjoy being told what to do, how to think.
it makes them feel safe.
Population 22 Million People
625 Cases
555 Recovered
7 Deaths
Population Density 673 People per Sq km
Not bad for a bunch of sheepe.
How is the United States doing ??
i think many people feel secure with an abundance of rules.
they enjoy being told what to do, how to think.
it makes them feel safe.
In a free society rights don't exist without first acknowledging your responsibilities as a citizen.
as thanksgiving is just around the corner, just about all the states are implementing total lock-down with high penalties on any citizen who disobeys.
but what is the deal with texas!.
Jesus Christ .....are people actually this fucking stupid. It’s insane.
Are local hockey rink is being converted into a field hospital and we are running out of nurses .
No words .
as thanksgiving is just around the corner, just about all the states are implementing total lock-down with high penalties on any citizen who disobeys.
but what is the deal with texas!.
Its really sad watching ex JW of all people still falling for the persecution complex and conspiracy nonsense.
Like if you have to wear a mask next thing the thing the goverment will do is make you stuff a jar of pickles up your ass or the stat 99.8 survive getting the virus.
My sister is an ICU nurse who has to risk her life 16 hours a day fixing total dipshits .
hey, guys - how ya doin?.
so, what are your favorite movie clips?.
gimme your best movie clips, please, ladies and gentlemen.. here's one of mine ….
My bloody valentine - Lost in Translation.
This is exactly how it feels leaving a bar , half drunk in Tokyo at night.
as thanksgiving is just around the corner, just about all the states are implementing total lock-down with high penalties on any citizen who disobeys.
but what is the deal with texas!.
Too bad the Evangelicals couldn't care about the elderly as much as they do about 6 week old fetuses.
As a life long conservative, I am done. Its an embarrassment, especially with a vaccine roll out only a few months away.
since covid and the lock down.
no jw's spreading their crap on saturday.
I am actually surprised at how good they still are at wasting time. I bet they are still 10 to 15 hours a week of my wife’s time.
here is a screenshot from a video on jw.org.
go to videos, our organization, history .
jehovah's witnesses—faith in action, part 1: out of darkness.
Does any else notice how they just kind of talk around the bible, when they are talking about the importance of the preaching work ? I guess faith without some kind works is kind of a dead faith but handling out literature without a basic understanding of the gospel message ??? ..................I don't get it.
Every JW I have ever encountered and tries to give me a magazine , I also ask them to give a brief summary of the book of Romans. Never I ever made one who could explain that to me.
why is there a group so fearful of being tracked?
if you carry around a cell phone, your every movement is being tracked, even if you disable it.
court proceedings have shown google and apple can hand all the data over of all your movement.
Were people this stupid before the internet ??
hey all!just to start i want to let you know the reason i'm here is for a school project.the project is very simple.
the goal is to learn about other religions.
this information will only be used to inform not to spread hate, deceit, or insult.i have three general questions.
The basic difference from Christianity from all the other religions of the world is you are doomed from birth. There is no good works that can save you. There is no carrot and stick here.
Jehovah Witnesses are just like every other religion in the world. Though some weird combination of works, faith and obedience to the leadership of eight men in New York, you can earn your salvation.