JoinedPosts by stavro
A Growing Problem for Materialists
by Sea Breeze inthe famous double-slit experiment proves that light travels both in individual particles called photons and also as a mathematical probability wave.
matter itself exhibits this particle-wave duality which allows objects to exist in two different places at the same time, depending on whether of not you are looking (testing) at it.
scientists have recently been able to get molecules as large as 2000 atoms to exhibit this duality!.
A Growing Problem for Materialists
by Sea Breeze inthe famous double-slit experiment proves that light travels both in individual particles called photons and also as a mathematical probability wave.
matter itself exhibits this particle-wave duality which allows objects to exist in two different places at the same time, depending on whether of not you are looking (testing) at it.
scientists have recently been able to get molecules as large as 2000 atoms to exhibit this duality!.
After Watson and Crick, we know that genes themselves, within their minute internal structure, are long strings of pure digital information. What is more, they are truly digital, in the full and strong sense of computers and compact disks, not in the weak sense of the nervous system. The genetic code is not a binary code as in computers, nor an eight-level code as in some telephone systems, but a quaternary code, with four symbols. The machine code of the genes is uncannily computerlike. Apart from differences in jargon, the pages of a molecular-biology journal might be interchanged with those of a computer-engineering journal. . . .
Our genetic system, which is the universal system of all life on the planet, is digital to the core. With word-for-word accuracy, you could encode the whole of the New Testament in those parts of the human genome that are at present filled with “junk” DNA – that is, DNA not used, at least in the ordinary way, by the body. Every cell in your body contains the equivalent of forty-six immense data tapes, reeling off digital characters via numerous reading heads working simultaneously. In every cell, these tapes – the chromosomes – contain the same information, but the reading heads in different kinds of cells seek out different parts of the database for their own specialist purposes. . . .
Genes are pure information – information that can be encoded, recoded and decoded, without any degradation or change of meaning. Pure information can be copied and, since it is digital information, the fidelity of the copying can be immense. DNA characters are copied with an accuracy that rivals anything modern engineers can do.
Richard Dawkins, River out of Eden, 16-19
Out Of All TV Shows Over The Years Which Were Your Favorites?
by minimus inthe sopranos was my number one show.
to me it was the best series ever.
for a good laugh, i still enjoy the beverly hillbillies reruns.
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim ini don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
Fair observation. In view of the current climate that we find ourselves in, I have learned some very important lessons over the years in defending our doctrines and there are two things: the importance and role of theology and the need of careful exegesis of the biblical text as opposed to simply eisegesis in making application of the latter. Thus this creates a most interesting spiritual journey for myself and for others as one seeks to understand Jehovah's will for us.
scholar JW emeritus
I think most people who attempt to interpret the scriptures start out using exegesis and end up with eisegesis. I may be wrong, but I’m not personally convinced there is one harmonious way of interpreting the scriptures, despite using rigorous exegesis. To my mind there seems to be too many places where the scriptures can be used to support more than one position. I find you end up using your own personal preferences in deciding upon which position you ultimately chose to side with.
A well informed and knowledgeable former brother by the name of Eric Wilson also advocates the importance of careful exegesis. Despite both yourself and Eric using the same methodology you guys still draw different conclusions on many important doctrines.
Eric explains his method very well here
As it’s the pure in heart who will see God, maybe a good place to start ones personal journey in scripture is by paying close attention to the heart?
in order that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in your knowledge of Him. 18 I ask that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know the hope of His calling, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, 19and the surpassing greatness of His power to us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of His mighty strength, (Ephesians 1:17-19).
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim ini don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
I thank you for your kind comments and I am sure Rolf would appreciate this. Sadly, it appears that with the departure of Rolf from the scene it would that scholar out of the entire world wide Witness population remains alone in the advocacy of 607 BCE and other related matters.
scholar JW emeritus
I'm not sure they have given up on defending it. But the GB certainly don't refer to it as often as in the past. This may be a way of down playing its importance, in an effort to shield the faith of brothers and sisters who may start to have doubts about its accuracy? It can be a very complicated detailed subject when you break it down to its nuts and bolts. There's plenty of room for doubts to creep in if you don't have a thorough knowledge of the subject, which most people wouldn't have. People like yourself and Rolf are certainly a rare breed among the Witness population.
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim ini don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
scholar JW emeritus
Yes. Times have changed so one must move with such change and this can be both difficult and challenging. One such recent adjustment was the recent development with my friend Rolf Furuli who had sent me a personal copy of his book on our beloved Religion and the governing body which was a most interesting read. Further, here in Australia we are in the news with CSA in relation to the Redress scheme so we live in very interesting times alongside the current pandemic.
My heart goes out to brothers such as yourself and Rolf Furuli. You guys have both the ability and most importantly the courage to defend your beliefs, especially in hostile arenas. I think the Australian Royal Commission revealed the current GB are lacking in both for some reason. Maybe this is leading to frustration and as a consequence cruelty in how they are dealing with many difficult situations. I really hope Rolf has a good support network to help him through what must be a very difficult time. I fear they will do everything to tarnish his good name.
It is often said that courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.
Whatever else people may accuse brothers like yourself or Rolf of, they can’t accuse you of lacking in courage.
Awesome Video on debunking 1914!!!!! Follow it carefully to the end!!
by Beth Sarim ini don't know if anyone has stumbled across this video, but it just blew may away.
just goes to show why in dubland they adhere to the 2 witness rule so adamantly and are so anal about it.
It's nice to see you are as enthusiastic as ever Scholar JW. I know you don't get to express your opinions on doctrinal matters as freely as you would like over on JW talk. I can't help but feel you must be a little disheartened with the level of scholarly insight provided by the current Governing Body.
2017 Convention Video To Be Shown Regarding The 1975 Failure
by pale.emperor in
no mention whatsoever that it was watchtower themselves that strongly hinted towards this date.
instead they blame those who "put their trust in a date, not jehovah".. let's recap... .
The Watchtower are Right About Blood...
by cofty in... but, they fail to take note of one important detail.. i believe that if we are going to have any chance of reasoning with a jw about blood, this is the place we need to begin.. don't try to convince them that it was only a dietary law.
it wasn't, and they will never go along with it.. don't tell them that saving a life is more important than obeying a law, even a seemingly trivial one.
they take pride in obedience.
According to this verse an Israelite farmer could have brought gallons of blood drained from live animals to the altar to atone for his sins.
Jewish law forbade assaulting an animal for food without slaughtering it. On this basis alone it was forbidden. It would be like tearing off a limb from a live animal and offering it to God or eating it.
You wouldn't be assaulting the animal, in the same way that someone who donates blood is not assaulted during the process. The scriptural fact, is that blood had no real value in the eyes of God until a life was taken. It was only then you could present it to God and it was only then he would look upon it as being acceptable.
(Leviticus 17:11) For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I myself have given it on the altar for you to make atonement for yourselves, because it is the blood that makes atonement by means of the life in it.
To take this one step further the blood of slaughtered animals was not even sacred enough to atone permanently for sins.
1 peter 1:18-19 For you know that it was not with corruptible things, with silver or gold, that you were set free from your futile way of life handed down to you by your forefathers. 19 But it was with precious blood, like that of an unblemished and spotless lamb, that of Christ
It required a level of sacredness that only the blood of Jesus could potentially attain to. But Jesus still had to die before God would accept his blood as being valuable enough to pay the price required to atone for sins.
It is only through the pouring out of the life blood, resulting in the death of the animal or individual, that God views as having sacred sacrificial value. You just simply couldn't offer blood up without a life having fist been taken. This also explains why eating the blood of an un-slaughtered animal found dead only resulted in ceremonial uncleanness rather than stoning to death. It also explains why you could drink the symbolic blood of Jesus before his death without breaking any laws.
(Matthew 26:27, 28) And taking a cup, he offered thanks and gave it to them, saying: “Drink out of it, all of you, for this means my ‘blood of the covenant,’ which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins. -
The Watchtower are Right About Blood...
by cofty in... but, they fail to take note of one important detail.. i believe that if we are going to have any chance of reasoning with a jw about blood, this is the place we need to begin.. don't try to convince them that it was only a dietary law.
it wasn't, and they will never go along with it.. don't tell them that saving a life is more important than obeying a law, even a seemingly trivial one.
they take pride in obedience.
On the other hand, wt is an authority to jw and their commentary matters, so does Rashi, Sforno, Rambam, Nachimedes.
You see here is the difference. God is the authority for Christians and it is his viewpoint that matters. As Russel pointed out it was through the law of love that all other laws were to be interpreted. It is only through the eyes of love that God can be understood.
(John 4:7) Beloved ones, let us continue loving one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves has been born from God and knows God. 8 Whoever does not love has not come to know God, because God is love
(Galatians 5:14) For the entire Law has been fulfilled in one commandment, namely: “You must love your neighbor as yourself.”
(1 John 3:16) By this we have come to know love, because that one surrendered his life for us, and we are under obligation to surrender our lives for our brothers.Now look! a man versed in the Law stood up to test him and said: “Teacher, what do I need to do to inherit everlasting life?” 26 He said to him: “What is written in the Law? How do you read?” 27 In answer he said: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole strength and with your whole mind’ and ‘your neighbor as yourself.’” 28 He said to him: “You answered correctly; keep doing this and you will get life.”