Also, most Trump supporters I am friends with wouldn’t shun me if I decided to support another politician.
I cant say the same for a Democrat who migbt find out you support Trump.
”He’s a trump supporter! You shouldn’t date him.”
this is related to a comment i made in a previous thread.
cults exist in many diverse parts of society.
this includes politics.
Also, most Trump supporters I am friends with wouldn’t shun me if I decided to support another politician.
I cant say the same for a Democrat who migbt find out you support Trump.
”He’s a trump supporter! You shouldn’t date him.”
Anyone have a summary of the video for those of us not in a position to watch it right now?
immigration: the truth about the lie: crimecrime: do immigrants increase rates of violence?
there has been a lot of talk about how immigrants pose a threat to the safety of this country by increasing crime rates.
is there any truth to this, or is it "fake news.
immigration: the truth about the lie: crimecrime: do immigrants increase rates of violence?
there has been a lot of talk about how immigrants pose a threat to the safety of this country by increasing crime rates.
is there any truth to this, or is it "fake news.
if everything is supposed to be about the lives of children, how can they hypocritically fight to take babies and kill them?
what about the children and their quality of life?.
Coded-Logic: I also feel it depends on your definition of abortion. I don’t feel the same way about a Plan B pill as I do of an abortion at 20 weeks.
this is related to a comment i made in a previous thread.
cults exist in many diverse parts of society.
this includes politics.
There is a little room for moderates in the Democratic party, and almost no room for moderates in the Republican party.
That is a gross and naive misrepresentation. Trump is not a moderate, at least on the surface. The policies he’s put forth, though, have been somewhat moderate. However, the only moderates in real life that I know are republican or are starting to lean republican.
My views are best represented by the libertarian left. But there’s no representation in the Democratic Party for any kind of fiscal libertarianism. Now, the republicans are starting to adopt a more laissez faire position to social issues.
I can have a rational discussion with conservatives about gay rights and my stance on adopting a less interventionist military policy.
However, no one that is on the left in my circle of friends can have a rational discussion about Trump’s tax bill, strict immigration enforcement, or gun rights.
Every conservative friend I have supports the rights of gays to get married. Some of them are even atheist.
No Democrat friend I have supports an artists right to turn down a custom job that offends his conscience when that artist happens to be Christian and White.
I find conservatives more open to discussing ideas and less likely to take offense if you have a different point of view.
You really need to sit down and try to have a friendly chat with a republican, Lee.
this is related to a comment i made in a previous thread.
cults exist in many diverse parts of society.
this includes politics.
According to Professor Lalich (Professor Emerita of Sociology at Pacific Standard), cults consider their ideology the "one true path", and share four characteristics:
They 1) espouse an all-encompassing belief system; 2) exhibit excessive devotion to the leaders; 3) avoid criticism of the group and its leaders; and 4) feel disdain for non-members.
It's not coincidental that this sounds like both Jehovah's Witnesses and members of the modern-day political left. Like the JW's, they have to meet regularly with their followers to rally and demonstrate against the latest outrage du jour handed down to them by their leaders. They feel like they are a "special group" of people following a very "righteous cause."
Like the Watchtower, they create common enemies, and try to separate their true followers from the rest of the "deplorables." Only they have the answers and can fix the problems. Anyone not buying the anti-Trump narrative are "apostates" for drawing attention to the media's obvious, blatant lies. They seek to brand them as "Nazis" or "racists" to shut down the flow of information that can discredit their leftist ideology.
Instead of breaking up families of members like the Watchtower, the left broke up families of immigrants under the leadership of Obama. However, quite literally, there are actual families where rational discussion of politics is becoming impossible due to the extreme "all or nothing" brand of Leftist ideology.
Cult-like supporters of the Left will eventually become disillusioned, and look for some other all-encompassing truth or charismatic cause to chase after. Video worth a watch:
PS: Womp womp
i think he is.
if you don’t want to put reasons for your yes or no, it’s ok. .
your vote,please?
It’s a good point. Anecdotal vs scientific evidence: anyone who’s been to “uni” should know the difference. An anecdotal clip between two people doesn’t represent a large cross section of voters, just as THIS clip of very clueless [democrats] doesn’t (I hope) necessarily represent the majority of them. If it does, then we’re all fucked.
i love gospel music.
i don't feel like i need to believe in "jebus" to appreciate the music.
i can't go into a gospel church because i might just get religion again - that or i'll be grabbing the mic on be on the stage waving my hands and praising the lord.. i particularly like dylan's gospel period.
One of my all time faves. Funny story behind office manager the employees hated got fired at an old job of mine. We played this song the minute we found out. (Followed by ding song the witch is dead.)
i live in the des moines iowa area , i would be interested in doing a kingdom hall crash after watching some on youtube, i would love to do that with a group of people.
i haven't meet any other ex jw around here.
i was never baptized, i always knew i could never live up to jehovah's standard so i never did even consider baptizing.
I’m an exjw and hate the organization, but that video you shared of JWFairyTale pissed me off. I don’t blame the guy that wanting to fight him.
Violence isn’t the answer, but someone like that deserves a good ass kicking.