Immigration: The Truth about the LIe - CRIME

by Wonderment 61 Replies latest social current

  • Wonderment

    Immigration: The Truth about the Lie: CRIME

    CRIME: Do immigrants increase rates of violence? There has been a lot of talk about how immigrants pose a threat to the safety of this country by increasing crime rates. Is there any truth to this, or is it "fake news."

    : “In fact, most studies in the U.S. have found lower crime rates among immigrants than among non-immigrants, and that higher concentrations of immigrants are associated with lower crime rates.

    FOX News (07/12/2017): “Fear of an illegal immigrant crime wave is sparked by the fear that they are overwhelmingly murderers, rapists, and thieves. In reality, illegal immigrants have lower incarceration rates and live in places with lower crimes rates than native-born Americans.... Looking at all incarcerated prisoners in state, federal, and local adult correctional facilities provides a more accurate picture of illegal immigrant criminality. Based on census data, the numbers show that illegal immigrants are about 44 percent less likely to be incarcerated than native-born Americans.”

    NPR (05/02/2018): “The Trump administration regularly asserts that undocumented immigrants are predatory and threaten public safety…. Now, four academic studies (University of Wisconsin - 2 Studies; Cato Institute; U.K. journal Migration Letters) show that illegal immigration does not increase the prevalence of violent crime or drug and alcohol problems.... U.K. journal Migration Letters shows that youthful undocumented immigrants engage in less crime than do legal immigrants of U.S.-born peers.”

    University of Pennsylvania: "For those who are skeptical that these findings are true, consider the case of El Paso, Texas a working class city of approximately 700,000 people that sits opposite the Rio Grande.... More than 80% of El Paso's residents are Hispanic and the vast majority of these individuals are of Mexican origin. A large population of El Paso's Hispanic population are immigrants. In fact, El Paso has one of the highest proportions of immigrants among U.S. cities. Many of these migrants are undocumented. If those who fear Mexican immigration are right, then El Paso should be a hotbed of violence. As it turns out, El Paso is one of the safest cities in the United States with a homicide rate of 2.4 per 100,000 residents.

    New York Times

    “The Trump administration’s first year of immigration policy has relied on claims that immigrants bring crime into America. President Trump’s latest target is sanctuary cities. ‘Every day, sanctuary cities release illegal immigrants, drug dealers, traffickers, gang members back into our communities,’ he said last week. ‘They’re safe havens for just some terrible people.’ As of 2017, according to Gallup polls, almost half of Americans agreed that immigrants make crime worse. But is it true that immigration drives crime? Many studies have shown that it does not.
    “Immigrant populations in the United States have been growing fast for decades now. Crime in the same period, however, has moved in the opposite direction, with the national rate of violent crime today well below what it was in 1980.... The 10 places with the largest increases in immigrants all had lower levels of crime in 2016 than in 1980.”

    What do you think? Are these sources reliable? Or, are they "fake news"?

  • blownaway

    Illegal immigration puts a strain on the system. Some who come in come to smuggle drugs and people. No nation has ever survived and not had boarders. Places like Eastern Europe Poland and others who limit immigration and do not let in Muslims are not having the beheading, stabbings of killings as England, Germany and the USA. In Germany there are no go zones Women have been groped and rapped. It is an issue. Japan has very limited immigration and is very hydrogenous and it is very stable low crime and the people are happy.

  • Sugar Shane
    Sugar Shane

    @ Wonderment:

    All good quotes, from credible, fairly mainsteam news sources. Fox was on the list, though it was penned by Alex Nowrasteh, an immigration policy analyst who’s worked for the CATO institute, and other libertarian causes (remember the Tea Party?). He was also a graduate of George Mason University, and the London School of Economics. In other words, he’s too smart to appear on Fox & Friends, or with college dropout, Sean Hannity.

    I digress...

    The problem is, and will continue to be, a certain loud minority won’t allow themselves to be confused by such facts.

    They will come up with ‘alternative’ facts, or go into mental lock-down when confronted by the actual facts. Probably no different than what the still-in, or “PIMI” JWs do when confronted with actual facts about their Org.

  • waton

    Interesting point, statistics . Being illegal, would be a big incentive to avoid having a 'second strike and you are out' situation exposing you to ICE.

    Sadly there is home grown crime, but why increase the total crimes committed by allowing illegals to add to that?

    Local US police do not want to enforce federal immigration laws, because it would hamper their work in combatting crimes committed within the illegal migrant populations, much of which goes unreported anyway.

    In Germany pitched battles with death and injuries are fought in the streets by migrant clans on a daily basis; there does not a week goes by that young females are not raped, murdered by "New Germans" .--- very sad.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Do immigrants increase rates of violence? - this is the wrong question.

    The real question should be ... do illegal immigrants increase rates of violence?

  • humbled
    The real question should be ... do illegal immigrants increase rates of violence?

    illegals are the quiet ones in my area. I know some (Hispanics)The crime rates seem to come in the following generations. The ones that are “privileged Americans” if they do not get an education and get away from violence.

    In Germany pitched battles with death and injuries are fought in the streets by migrant clans on a daily basis; there does not a week goes by that young females are not raped, murdered by "New Germans" .---

    Messed up young Muslim men? A special subset, l think.

  • Sugar Shane
    Sugar Shane

    All but one of the articles posted above by Wonderment specifically addressed just that: illegal, or undocumented immigrants. That would include the one from Fox News.

  • scratchme1010
    What do you think? Are these sources reliable? Or, are they "fake news"?

    Looking at the little snippets of information in your post, it's difficult to determine the veracity of the information.

    However, I don't need any outside source to prove to me that crime in USA is committed by people from every walk of life. Just spend a day watching the Investigation Discovery network.

    I don't understand trying to demonize one culture or another. I know great people who are the most decent, fine people, all of them have completely different heritages.

    One cannot say that people from a given country are criminal. That's just nonsense, and I don't need a study or numbers to back that up. Being human is enough proof.

  • humbled
    One cannot say that people from a given country are criminal. That's just nonsense, and I don't need a study or numbers to back that up. Being human is enough proof.

    Jeezus, you have a brass neck , Scratchme.


  • never a jw
    never a jw

    Blownaway "Illegal immigration puts a strain on the system"

    It may, it may, buy I wonder how much of the 21 trillion dollar national debt and the hundreds of billions of dollars in annual deficits are caused by illegal aliens. It's a tough one, they take and give in ways that are hard to measure. For example, the lettuce or packaged meat, or nannies, or house cleaning are a lot cheaper thanks to illegal aliens. Those benefits to individual Americans gets lost. But even if you did your economics math in the worst possible way, even then the big problem facing this country is not illegal aliens. It's much, much bigger than that. But, who gives a shit, 21 trillion dollar debt doesn't stir any emotions in nativists, patriots, chauvinists. May be it is because the U.S. never ranks better than 30th in math and science when compared to other nations. I bet you most Americans don't even know how many zeros to put in a trillion. And the ones who know are likely immigrants or children of from Asian countries (Korea, China, India, Phillipines). America is starting to look like Germany in 1933.

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