The God who kills majority for the sake of a microscopic minority exists only in the imagination of Bible writers who also wrote Joshua stopped sun from revolving till he achieves victory over a war he was fighting. Real God that exists outside the purview of Bible is unconditional love because
1) He has fine-tuned the universe whose too obvious teaching to us is that we must fine-tune our activities to benefit us and others. He has never asked anyone of us to give Him worship or honor; but has given us, on a daily basis, the proof that He doesn’t favor worshippers because they pray to Him nor He punishes those who dishonor Him by denying His very existence. Thus His action proves that He is unconditional love. If humans are going to be killed, that would be because of the arms-merchants of the earth whose ego and greed is greater than the size of universe God has created.
2) God has planted life only on earth which looks almost like a dust-sized particle in comparison with the vast universe (which thus leaves the basis for spirituality that we have no basis for fighting war small or big between individuals or nations (individuals collective) because the earth we reside itself is only dust-sized ruling out the possibility to create an ego for humans and thus to grow it greater than the size of universe.