Jews were inventing past events to match with their later history, hence you can't take Genesis accounts to reach a conclusion on what blessings and cursing mean. It's all various wordings given to the consequences of action. (Galatians 6:7)
JoinedPosts by Ireneus
Blessings and Curses
by jws inbiblical blessings and curses have always been an issue for me - at least since i started to look at this stuff with a more critical eye.. so, what are they exactly?
i know the traditional sense of the words.
if you're blessed, good things happen to you.
Bible comes alive if we look for meaning behind the symbols it uses
by Ireneus inbible contains too much human thinking presented as though from god, thus much of its information brings dishonor to god.. yet it contains great beneficial truths behind the symbols it uses.
let us take the only two cases of miracles jesus performed without any request from anybody which would show the very purpose of his ministry:.
1) jesus healed a woman who “was bent over and could not straighten up at all.” (luke 13:11-13).
Hi jp1692
You start with Hydrogen (1) and when you reach gold (79) you add one proton you find mercury (80) [wow, what an amazing difference!] and it goes on … showing you perfect order. Now let us try a different thing with an element having 6 protons. Diamond and graphite both of which are forms of carbon [with atomic number six]. Diamond is very hard, transparent to light, and does not conduct electricity at all whereas graphite is slippery, gray, opaque and can conduct electricity reasonably well. Such differing properties are because of the differing way carbon atoms are arranged in both of them. In graphite the carbon atoms only form three covalent bonds, creating hexagonally packed sheets of carbon and the sheets of carbon become bonded by weaker intermolecular forces. However, “the diamond lattice contains tetrahedral carbon atoms in an infinite three-dimensional network.” (Chemistry Encyclopedia, In diamond, each of them would look like a triangular pyramid, composed of four triangular faces, six straight edges, and four vertex corners. This accounts for diamond’s hardness, extraordinary strength, durability, a higher density and a great resistance to compression, scratch…etc.
Such order and beauty brought about by slight modifications gives me an idea what the past of our earth was, and what would be its future. I appreciate the conclusions you derive from science. That is the beauty of life. Among scientists themselves you would find both the groups--one group whose faith in God increases as their knowledge in science increases and the other group whose faith in the non-existence of God increases as their knowledge of science increases.
Bible comes alive if we look for meaning behind the symbols it uses
by Ireneus inbible contains too much human thinking presented as though from god, thus much of its information brings dishonor to god.. yet it contains great beneficial truths behind the symbols it uses.
let us take the only two cases of miracles jesus performed without any request from anybody which would show the very purpose of his ministry:.
1) jesus healed a woman who “was bent over and could not straighten up at all.” (luke 13:11-13).
Hi Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho,
There are many ways for you to find out answers for your questions. To mention a few:
1)Now you are in Gama brain frequency. In meditation, you can gradually move into Beta, Alpha Theta, and Delta. When you reach Delta you try to see the history backward. You will find earth was a paradise to start with filled with even more provisions (with all the now extinct species).
2)or you can go to a professional Past Regression Therapist and tell him you want to see your own past births. He will take you into Delta frequency and you would see the same things what I said above—with yourself being present there through each phases earth moved. He will also give you a CD with recordings of things of what yourself said while watching your indefinite number of past lives.
Bible comes alive if we look for meaning behind the symbols it uses
by Ireneus inbible contains too much human thinking presented as though from god, thus much of its information brings dishonor to god.. yet it contains great beneficial truths behind the symbols it uses.
let us take the only two cases of miracles jesus performed without any request from anybody which would show the very purpose of his ministry:.
1) jesus healed a woman who “was bent over and could not straighten up at all.” (luke 13:11-13).
You are asking “what about those who were born in the more stricken parts of the globe? With that line of reasoning, they could definitively argue that God does NOT exist.”
When I said: "When I was born on earth, it was like I was entering a super luxurious hotel room filled with everything I need taking care of all my possible tastes..." I was referring to earth, not any part of earth where poverty exists. Earth is filled with provisions for all its inhabitants. Poverty exists because of a few people’s mentality of “dog in the manger.” “The world’s eight richest billionaires control the same wealth between them as the poorest half of the globe’s population.” ( Everyone is familiar with the beautiful principle found in the Bible: “The person who has two coats must share with the one who doesn't have any.” (Luke 3:11) Yet The rich will never understand why should they behave like a dog in the manger because entering and exiting empty-handed is the greatest truth that has no effect on people’s lives.
Look at the Periodic Table which is the perfect symbol of order, and it is typical of the universe. God is the Ruler of the universe. What you fear (our galaxy is on a collision course with the Andromeda galaxy …etc) would never happen. There is a parallel history kept in the ancient religious writings in the form of teaching of Trinity found among Hindus, Christians, Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks …etc. In the Trinity, three gods are shown to be engaged in action of creation, preservation and destruction respectively. It is not about three gods, but three phases (creation, preservation and destruction) of each block of history that happens continuously as though happening under three overseers. There are no such gods, it is presented in symbols for clarity sake.
Bible comes alive if we look for meaning behind the symbols it uses
by Ireneus inbible contains too much human thinking presented as though from god, thus much of its information brings dishonor to god.. yet it contains great beneficial truths behind the symbols it uses.
let us take the only two cases of miracles jesus performed without any request from anybody which would show the very purpose of his ministry:.
1) jesus healed a woman who “was bent over and could not straighten up at all.” (luke 13:11-13).
Hi dobutfull1799,
You have asked some questions:
1) How can you make the claim that it dishonours God?
When thoughtless Bible writers imply God elevates one nation over others it dishonors Him because all are His children (Gen 1:27)
2) First you have to demonstrate that he exists
When I was born on earth, it was like I was entering a super luxurious hotel room filled with everything I need taking care of all my possible tastes [earth contains not only just for our sustenance, but also for our enjoyment—so many varieties of flowers, fruits—apple over 7500 ……]. Provisions made for sustenance and enjoyment are real, hence sustainer is equally real (just like, if robbery is real, robber is equally real). Such provisions were not made by my parents, nor by their parents …which would finally would reach God.
3) Demonstrate what Godactually wants from humans
God wants nothing from humans, has left man to work out what each one feels like doing. (Revelation 22:11; Mathew 12:35) reaping what each one sows.
Jesus tempted by Satan, real or just a vision.
by pleaseresearch innot with their shunning policy.
me and my brother seldom communicate sadly, but no way would we go anywhere for fear of being seen with an inactive jw for over 10 years..
from the website:.
You said "Ezekiel was clear saying it was a vision. Matthew and Luke did not."
Good thinking.
Bible comes alive if we look for meaning behind the symbols it uses
by Ireneus inbible contains too much human thinking presented as though from god, thus much of its information brings dishonor to god.. yet it contains great beneficial truths behind the symbols it uses.
let us take the only two cases of miracles jesus performed without any request from anybody which would show the very purpose of his ministry:.
1) jesus healed a woman who “was bent over and could not straighten up at all.” (luke 13:11-13).
Hi Punkofnice,
In John 8:35 Jesus used the institution of slavery to make a contrast, and in Mathew 24:45 Jesus used the term "slave" in favorable light which creates the impression that Jesus didn’t repudiate slavery. Problem with such references is that it can be misused, as done in the history. "The first British slave ship to reach the Americas was known as The Good Ship Jesus." (
Bible comes alive if we look for meaning behind the symbols it uses
by Ireneus inbible contains too much human thinking presented as though from god, thus much of its information brings dishonor to god.. yet it contains great beneficial truths behind the symbols it uses.
let us take the only two cases of miracles jesus performed without any request from anybody which would show the very purpose of his ministry:.
1) jesus healed a woman who “was bent over and could not straighten up at all.” (luke 13:11-13).
This is how I read Scriptures and I derive tremendous benefit.I weed out things and take whatever good things I fihd in it.
I treat all the favorable references Jesus made to slavery as attributed to him. His life is his message, and he would not make such references.
Bible comes alive if we look for meaning behind the symbols it uses
by Ireneus inbible contains too much human thinking presented as though from god, thus much of its information brings dishonor to god.. yet it contains great beneficial truths behind the symbols it uses.
let us take the only two cases of miracles jesus performed without any request from anybody which would show the very purpose of his ministry:.
1) jesus healed a woman who “was bent over and could not straighten up at all.” (luke 13:11-13).
Bible contains too much human thinking presented as though from God, thus much of its information brings dishonor to God.
Yet it contains great beneficial truths behind the symbols it uses. Let us take the only two cases of miracles Jesus performed without any request from anybody which would show the very purpose of his ministry:
1) Jesus healed a woman who “was bent over and could not straighten up at all.” (Luke 13:11-13)
2) Jesus healed a man disabled for 38 years. His problem was ‘no one helped him into the pool when the water was stirred because while he was trying to get in, someone else was going down ahead of him.’
(John 5:1-9)
Whether such miracles did happen or not is not important. Essence of these two accounts is that Jesus became friend of the friendless enabling men and women to stand up—something he himself showed through his life, symbolized in the saying “not one of his bones was broken.” (John 19:31-34) In other words, purpose of his ministry was to tell humans to stand on their bones [which support our whole body], the symbolic meaning of which is: ‘Be of strength, courage, and confidence, don’t be manipulated by others.’
John 3:16 "For God loved the world so much that he gave his only begotten Son" ...Really ?
by smiddy3 infor four thousand years god never gave two hoots about the world of mankind that is suggested by john 3;16 and how do we know that ?
simply by looking at his dealings with mankind for the first 4000 years of his dealings with humans as shown by the "old testament".
1. god only dealt with a couple or a few individuals early on in the o.t.. 2.god only dealt with one family line whom he chose above anybody else .. 3.this family line the israelites became a nation whom god dealt with exclusively.. the exclusion of every other peoples on earth ,he favoured who became the israelites and he obviously had a hatred for any other people and was instrumental in trying to get the israelites to commit genocide on many occasions against these people who god had never taken an interest in .. 5.jehovah god on numerous occasions instructed the israelite`s/jews wipe out the amorite`s , the hittites ,the jebusite`s ,etc ,etc, and with the blessing of him not to feel sorry for them kill old man woman and child and do not feel sorry for them.. jehovah god actually gave the israelites /jews sanctions to commit genocide amongst these nations in the "old testament ".
God has never thought of sacrificing anyone, let alone Jesus. (Jeremiah 7:31) The whole concept of sacrifice is the invention of priestly class. (Jeremiah 8:8) Jesus unequivocally declared through an illustration that He did not come to die. (Mathew 21:37). Hence Jesus would not contradict himself as given in John 3:16. This concept is from John, not from Jesus just as John 3:13 is from John (not from Jesus).