It is two Gods because one commands for all sorts of sacrifices, and the other benevolent God says ‘I have not authorized any of those sacrifices’ (Jeremiah 7:22, 31; 8:8)
a careful reader of the bible can see depiction of two gods in the bible—one that of a loving father figure, and the other an impulsive sort of who has been copied thoughtlessly from other cultures.. 1) god of love (as seen in genesis chapter 1) who creates humans (men and woman simultaneously) “in his image” (which means he gave the best he can to his children, the potential to become like him) as a crown of creation with a command to take care of all species, and goes into silence unconcerned of mankind’s response [gratitude or worship] to him, yet with a presupposition to “renew” in case humans deplete/destroy the resources (mathew 19:28; revelation 21:1-5).
thus god’s action defines him as “the servant of humanity.” (luke 22:26, 27) this is in contrast to the second god (as seen in genesis chapter 2 and 3 and throughout other books) who makes the planning for suffering and death for humans in co-operation with his adversary.. 2) god of impartiality (deut 10:17; mathew 5:44-48) who asks us to love/greet everyone.
this is in contrast to the second god who commands his worshippers not even to greet those who do not share their beliefs.
It is two Gods because one commands for all sorts of sacrifices, and the other benevolent God says ‘I have not authorized any of those sacrifices’ (Jeremiah 7:22, 31; 8:8)
a careful reader of the bible can see depiction of two gods in the bible—one that of a loving father figure, and the other an impulsive sort of who has been copied thoughtlessly from other cultures.. 1) god of love (as seen in genesis chapter 1) who creates humans (men and woman simultaneously) “in his image” (which means he gave the best he can to his children, the potential to become like him) as a crown of creation with a command to take care of all species, and goes into silence unconcerned of mankind’s response [gratitude or worship] to him, yet with a presupposition to “renew” in case humans deplete/destroy the resources (mathew 19:28; revelation 21:1-5).
thus god’s action defines him as “the servant of humanity.” (luke 22:26, 27) this is in contrast to the second god (as seen in genesis chapter 2 and 3 and throughout other books) who makes the planning for suffering and death for humans in co-operation with his adversary.. 2) god of impartiality (deut 10:17; mathew 5:44-48) who asks us to love/greet everyone.
this is in contrast to the second god who commands his worshippers not even to greet those who do not share their beliefs.
A careful reader of the Bible can see depiction of two Gods in the Bible—one that of a loving Father figure, and the other an impulsive sort of who has been copied thoughtlessly from other cultures.
1) God of love (as seen in Genesis chapter 1) who creates humans (men and woman simultaneously) “in His image” (which means He gave the best He can to His children, the potential to become like Him) as a crown of creation with a command to take care of all species, and goes into silence unconcerned of mankind’s response [gratitude or worship] to Him, yet with a presupposition to “renew” in case humans deplete/destroy the resources (Mathew 19:28; Revelation 21:1-5). Thus God’s action defines Him as “the servant of humanity.” (Luke 22:26, 27) This is in contrast to the second God (as seen in Genesis chapter 2 and 3 and throughout other books) who makes the planning for suffering and death for humans in co-operation with His adversary.
2) God of impartiality (Deut 10:17; Mathew 5:44-48) who asks us to love/greet everyone. This is in contrast to the second God who commands His worshippers not even to greet those who do not share their beliefs. (2John 1:10)
3) God of tender mercies who hates all sorts of sacrifices (Mathew 9:13; Jeremiah 6:20; 7:31; Psalm 50:9, 10; Isaiah 1:11-13) and killings (Isaiah 66:3) because He knows the workings of human body, as confirmed by Centre for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education at Stanford: ‘When people act in a compassionate way, pleasure circuits get activated in their brain which leads to a feeling of increased wellbeing, joy and optimism and drives away several physical and psychological ailments.’ [http://ccare.stanford.edu/] This God is in contrast to the second God who makes elaborate provisions for ‘revenge and killings’ (Numbers 31:17, 18) and sacrifices for anything and everything (Ex, Lev, Num, and Deut …) who uses killing to test even his faithful one (He commanded Abraham to kill his only son—in view of the trauma that presents to the child, it was a barbaric act even though test was aborted before its climax).
The former can only be discovered through discernment as it is given in low profile whereas the latter is invented by theologians and human writers. No wonder, the image of second God (which forms the bulk of Bible) alienated many thinking people like Thomas Alva Edison who said: "I do not believe in the God of the theologians; but that there is a Supreme Intelligence I do not doubt." (The Freethinker, British Magazine, 1970) It is the depiction of this second God that made some say “A peaceful atheist is far more spiritual than a hateful believer.”
how do you think they lived with themselves?.
how do you think that the israelite soldiers that were ordered by king david to take uriah to the front lines and then retreat behind him so the enemy could slaughter him live after that event?
were they okay and at peace?.
They had no problem because they were worshipping a fictitious God who commanded Abraham to slaughter his only child.
in the genocidal instructions supposedly given by god we find this interesting command: “now kill all the boys.
and kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.” (numbers 31:17, 18).
in the midst of killing and plundering, how were the israelites to determine whether each girl “has slept with a man” or not?.
I can't believe someone dared to explain this portion!
in the genocidal instructions supposedly given by god we find this interesting command: “now kill all the boys.
and kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.” (numbers 31:17, 18).
in the midst of killing and plundering, how were the israelites to determine whether each girl “has slept with a man” or not?.
Bible is guilty of violating ts own commandment: ‘Don’t speak many words because you will unavoidably commit sin, but restrain your lips.” (Proverb 10:19)
How nice it would have been if Bible were too succinct and simple as triple filter of Socretes who said: “Ask three questions before speaking (which equally applies to acting also):
(1) Does what I’m about to say show Truth?
(2) Does it show Goodness? and
(3) Does it show Usefulness or Beauty?
If not, don’t speak [or do it].
With these three simple verses, Bible might have been completed!
in the genocidal instructions supposedly given by god we find this interesting command: “now kill all the boys.
and kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.” (numbers 31:17, 18).
in the midst of killing and plundering, how were the israelites to determine whether each girl “has slept with a man” or not?.
In the genocidal instructions supposedly given by God we find this interesting command: “Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.” (Numbers 31:17, 18)
In the midst of killing and plundering, how were the Israelites to determine whether each girl “has slept with a man” or not?
Interestingly, God declares, through Jesus, that He had not made any such commands (John 8:28; Mathew 5:28) which means they were all Israelites’ own claim.
in guided reading, you tend to get the understanding of the guide.
what if guide is blind?
religious leaders who understand ‘one innocent man should be killed to atone the sins of others are in bondage to darkness, hence there is nothing good to be expected from them.
Beth Sam,
What you said is a great truth.
If we take all scriptures to be figurative, it makes sense; and there is peace.
If we take them all literally, we are sowing the seeds for contention and conflict.
in guided reading, you tend to get the understanding of the guide.
what if guide is blind?
religious leaders who understand ‘one innocent man should be killed to atone the sins of others are in bondage to darkness, hence there is nothing good to be expected from them.
When children can understand hard stuff like quantum mechanics and make practical application, why do they need help to understand Bible?
in guided reading, you tend to get the understanding of the guide.
what if guide is blind?
religious leaders who understand ‘one innocent man should be killed to atone the sins of others are in bondage to darkness, hence there is nothing good to be expected from them.
In guided reading, you tend to get the understanding of the guide. What if guide is blind? Religious leaders who understand ‘one innocent man should be killed to atone the sins of others are in bondage to darkness, hence there is nothing good to be expected from them. In other parts of the world, religious leaders discriminate between sex, caste...etc which is another type of bondage to darkness. Hence, if one wants to understand scriptures, he must read it unguided, independently. This is how I go about:
1)If I add both good and bad I am producing waste. Tree is symbol of production/reproduction, hence "tree of good and bad" (Gen 2:16) and eating of it (Gen 3:1-5) would mean humanity (original Hebrew word is Adam) chose a path of wastefulness after leading a perfect life on a perfect earth for a sufficiently long period. Hence what we find is the wasted earth, not the original, perfect earth. I have found this fact: What happens to my body is the manifestation of what is going on in my inner world—mind, and similarly, thought pattern of individuals collective changed the ecosystem of earth after humans changed from path of perfection to path of wastefulness. And if thought pattern of individuals collective returns to the original mode the ecosystem of earth would also be restored.
2)When it is reported ‘supply of wine is finished’ during a wedding at Cana in Galilee, response of Jesus (one of the invitees) was “What does this have to do with me?” (John 2:4) This shows God is non-interventionist. John’s gospel says Jesus performed a miracle of turning the water into wine which is gospel writer’s own imagination, proof of which lies in the verse 2:11 which says ‘this was the first of all miracles Jesus performed.’ If this was the first miracle, all other gospels written earlier than this gospel would have no reason to forget the “first” miracle. God needs to intervene only when humans succeed in transforming the earth into total wastefulness through things such as pollution, war …etc
3)Revelation book confirms that earth would become wasted, and would be renewed subsequently (Rev 11:18; 21:1-5) which was the main theme of Jesus’ preaching. (Mathew 19:28)
To understand such a simple thing as above, why is an organization needed?
article today, "i pretended it didn't happen": nuns report abuse by priests.
by nicole winfield and rodney muttumuza__associated press.
i always heard stories about the nuns but holy crap, it's bad.nuns were considered "safe" sexual partners for priests (africa and aids) who feared they might be infected with hiv if they went to prostitutes.
Now it is becoming like a wildfire:
Cardinal engaging in sexual abuse with minors for decades (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/28/world/europe/cardinal-theodore-mccarrick-resigns.html)
Bishop raping the nun in multiple occasions (https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/nun-accuses-kerala-bishop-of-sexual-abuse-4-years-ago/story-ICfukFv6Ty77wHvCaTBBGP.html)
Five priests enjoyed sex with a woman misusing the information received from the holy institution of confession. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KF2B9VkX0nE)
They do all these things because they obviously believe deep in their heart that there is no God. This shows man-made scriptures cannot ensure morality even on the religious leaders, yet we find many lay men leading a moral life wth no difficulty.
Even bird Robin can navigate straight without the help of any modern equipment.