For those who are deep into Mathematics, perceiving a soul having existence independent of body is not a difficult task. Thoughts, recordings (memories), dreams …etc do not originate in the brain which is like a machine made of parts, says the great Mathematics legend Kurt Godel says in his biography, and then he makes this conclusion: “The brain is a computing machine connected with a spirit. Consciousness is connected with one unity. A machine is composed of part. In materialism all elements behave the same. It is mysterious to think of them as spread out and automatically united. For something to be a whole, it has to have an additional object, say, a soul or a mind.” (A Logical Journey, written by Hao Wang, 6.1.19, 21; 9.4.12)
JoinedPosts by Ireneus
God and the afterlife. Do you need to believe in both
by moley ini consider myself an atheist, i completely reject the idea of a totalitarian desert god/any god and the bible is a book of fairytales and folk legends.. i do however sort of believe that this life is not all there is.
i’m not talking about heaven or hell but in a tangible state of being.. there are a few experiences i’ve had in my llife.
could be imagined could be real.
Has God preserved His word today?
by JW Answers inhas god preserved his word today?
many people attack, doubt and fault god's word.
yet god has made several promises in his word.he promised to preserve his word unto every generation,he promised that every word would be truth,he promised that we can rely and depend on his every word.satan wants nothing more than to dismiss, and cast doubt on god's word... so the question today is... do we have god's preserved word today?
Bible writer himself admitted some untruths contained in the Bible. (Jsremaiah 8:8)
J.W.`s and Paradise and the Reality of it.
by smiddy3 inwhen god created adam and eve and put them in the garden of eden it was then up to them to cultivate and take care of it ,god had no further hand in it .the responsibility rested with adam/eve and their offspring.. the same would be true in the paradise to come ,god gets rid of all of us wicked people ,but then it is up to j.w.~s who are left on this earth to restore such a paradise.?
without god`s intervention.. think of it , this system is gone with all its infrastructure.. 8 million + j.w.`s scattered throughout the earth with.
no communication systems operating .
Some Bible prophecies could be true.
Preaching--not a God-ordained work
by Ireneus in1) when christians tried preaching in india, they were surprised to see mr. m. k. gandhi, leader of the freedom struggle, already practicing the very essence of bible.. 2) swami vivekananda (the star campaigner of hinduism) got a shock of his life when he met a christian boy already practicing the very essence of hinduism when he was on a foreign tour.
vivekananda purchased one kilogram of apple from a shop and started walking with it.
a boy who was following him stopped him and wanted to repurchase the apple, offering the double amount.
1) When Christians tried preaching in India, they were surprised to see Mr. M. K. Gandhi, leader of the freedom struggle, already practicing the very essence of Bible.
2) Swami Vivekananda (the Star Campaigner of Hinduism) got a shock of his life when he met a Christian boy already practicing the very essence of Hinduism when he was on a foreign tour. Vivekananda purchased one kilogram of apple from a shop and started walking with it. A boy who was following him stopped him and wanted to repurchase the apple, offering the double amount. When asked why, boy replied: “I saw the shopkeeper mixing spoiled apples also when you were busy talking to other customers. When you return to your country, I don’t want you to speak ill of our country.” Vivekananda promised he would not speak ill of his country because of the loft attitude the boy manifested. But he understood even little ones are endowed with moral sense which means preaching is not needed.
3) People are able to do what is right if they want to, hence Jesus declared that some chose to do what is good and others choose to do what is bad. (Mathew 12:35) Preaching would often not make any difference. (Revelation 22:11) This is why Jesus himself declared categorically that no preaching work is God-ordained. (Mathew 7:21-23) Learning from experience (own or of others) is the mechanism God has put in place. (Luke 6:38) This would either result in upward evolution of mankind or their downward evolution (in which case God can always “renew” what has become decadent.—Mathew 19:28)
This means all preaching references found in the Bible are later adoptions.
Influence of Babylon the Great is only increasing
by Ireneus inaccording to jw teaching, babylon the great is the name for all other religions except themselves and predicted its influence over governments would wane in the last days.
yet we find just opposite happening!.
we saw russian government acting against jws, we saw president trump’s swearing in ceremony where church official had central stage ….etc.. here is another sample!
That means Law of Attraction seems to be working in the case of JWs too. According to Law of Attraction, one attracts according to what he really is, what he is in his heart, not according to what he superficially wants.
JWs were saying all other religions would experience a 'drying up', and saying this repeatedly over the years, they attracted the same towards themselves--now it is they that experience 'drying up' with even major Branch offices being placed for sale.
Interpretation often takes you away from truth
by Ireneus inyesterday, my classmate was giving an example from her homeland on how people can give various interpretations which have nothing to do with truth.
though studying in the us, she was closely monitoring what was happening in kerala (a small southern state of india), her birth place.
last month saw unprecedent heavy rains wreaking widespread havoc in this small state with huge population (which is much more than australia’s population).
Influence of Babylon the Great is only increasing
by Ireneus inaccording to jw teaching, babylon the great is the name for all other religions except themselves and predicted its influence over governments would wane in the last days.
yet we find just opposite happening!.
we saw russian government acting against jws, we saw president trump’s swearing in ceremony where church official had central stage ….etc.. here is another sample!
Bungi Bill,
Yes,very true. Their 100 years of work has produced only a few thousand JWs in India with a population of over 1.3 billion--no drying at all. And even their India Branch office is placed for sale.
Christendomy pic
by neat blue dog inanybody else think this picture (the top one) from tomorrow's wt study is a little christendomy?
The whole picture can be wrong because the account itself is fabricated. According to Jesus' baptism account John saw holy spirit coming on Jesus and Father speaking from Heaven "This is my son whom I have approved."
Yet "When John, who was in prison, heard about the deeds of the Messiah, he sent his disciples to ask him, “Are you the one who is to come, or should we expect someone else?” (Mathew 11:2, 3) This shows John never saw holy spirit coming on Jesus nor heard the Father speaking about Jesus.
Influence of Babylon the Great is only increasing
by Ireneus inaccording to jw teaching, babylon the great is the name for all other religions except themselves and predicted its influence over governments would wane in the last days.
yet we find just opposite happening!.
we saw russian government acting against jws, we saw president trump’s swearing in ceremony where church official had central stage ….etc.. here is another sample!
According to JW teaching, Babylon the Great is the name for all other religions except themselves and predicted its influence over Governments would wane in the Last Days. Yet we find just opposite happening!
We saw Russian Government acting against JWs, we saw President Trump’s swearing in ceremony where church official had central stage ….etc.
Here is another sample! In a place where Federal Government is Hindu-friendly and State Government is Marxist, nuns are forced to go on strike because their complaints with Police yield no results even when the nun is raped by the Bishop 13 times all because Church officials put great pressure on Government not to pursue the case vigorously.
Ironically, it happens in a State where Police often acts in haste because of which Policemen even receive death sentence from the Judicial Establishment.
Interpretation often takes you away from truth
by Ireneus inyesterday, my classmate was giving an example from her homeland on how people can give various interpretations which have nothing to do with truth.
though studying in the us, she was closely monitoring what was happening in kerala (a small southern state of india), her birth place.
last month saw unprecedent heavy rains wreaking widespread havoc in this small state with huge population (which is much more than australia’s population).
Anders Andersen, I agree with you, yet I disagree with you on myths which are beneficial for the insightful ones. For example, in Genesis 2:17 God is depicted as saying: “You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” Here the whole stress is on death.
After Adam and Eve ate of that tree, God simply said “because you have done this” you have brought various kinds of sufferings into your life. Here the whole stress is on suffering as resulting from disobedience.
Thus death is not linked to disobedience because death is a natural phenomenon common to all species (millions of them). Death as the result of sin is a later theory Paul developed. This explains why OT prophets and even Jesus did not speak about death as resulting from disobedience. If death really was the result of sinning, the whole Bible would have been filled with verses focusing on this subject, yet OT is completely silent on this seemingly vital subject.
With this background, if we revisit Genesis 2:17 it would make more sense: ‘You must not eat from the tree [symbol of production] of the knowledge of good and evil [evil = absence of good, hence disregard for others, sign of having ego], for when you eat from it [when you enjoy having ego] you will invite various kinds of suffering into your life.’ Instead of saying ‘bringing in ego means bringing in suffering,’ Bible used symbolism. This explains why Bible is filled with verses attributing ego as the source of all kinds of suffering.
In other words, Bible is simply explaining suffering through the means of mythology. Myth, mystery, mysticism …all have the root meaning of ‘measuring out’ from the vast reservoir of knowledge known and unknown. And Greek etymology is all about ‘listening and seeing with ears and eyes shut down’ which means listening what is unsaid and seeing what is unseen.
Thus myths are suggestive of the hidden just like money is the symbol of labor—mental or physical. It is like saying ‘you reap what you sow’ which we all know literally because we experience it in our life. Yet it has a suggestive meaning too. When we see good action producing good results and bad action bad results, it is likely that some would choose to do good repeatedly and discontinue performing bad action; thus they evolve upwardly. Thus cause and effect mechanism is all about upward evolution. But in practice, many evolve downward repeating the same mistakes over and over again. This is because people go by their taste rather than proof. Those who want to know the truth would understand it even without external help, and even when it is in coded language or presented in mysticism. Those who do not want to know the truth would not understand it even with external help, and even when it is presented it in too simple language. Hence the seers used mythologies.