This is a message that no one should claim direct appointment from God. If appointed by God, org should have go ne increasing.
JoinedPosts by Ireneus
Sells out of KHs
by asp59 ini just wonder about the 3000 buildings that are gonna be sold out.
seems like a lot.
but how much is it in percentage of the buildings they own that are gonna be sold?.
"One drop of poison in a glass of water"
by stuckinarut2 intime to revive this well known, and often used jw illustration!.
"if you are in desperate need of a drink of water, and the glass in front of you is 99% clean, but contains just 1% poison, would you drink it??".
how often we heard this trotted out from the platform.. recently though, i have heard many examples of still-in jws sharing their observations about things that don't seem quite right with the current activities, direction and culture of the organization.
Will JWs abandon the Bible if they find that Bible too contains pagan teachings (or poison) even more than 1%?
For example, to create a parallel to worldly kings trying to kill the anointed one of God and in desperation killing all the children at random to ensure the death of the anointed one [a feature found in pagan scriptures], Bible also creates a story in which Gospel writer Matthew claims shortly after the birth of Jesus, Mary, Joseph and Jesus went to Egypt to flee from King Herod who was allegedly killing all baby boys who were two-years old or younger (Matthew 2:1-21). However, according to Luke 2:39, the "holy" family did not go to Egypt shortly after the birth of Jesus, they went to Nazareth. Neither the Gospel of John or the Gospel of Mark mention this time of Jesus' life. And the same gospel ends with another teaching of trinity (Mathew 28:19) copied from pagan sources. Jeremiah says most of the OT portions that speak about sacrifices are ‘nothing but lies’ (Jeremiah 7:22, 31; 8:8)
Claiming “We are appointed by Jesus to spiritually feed others” is futile
by Ireneus in1)what jesus actually said was ‘he wouldn’t appoint anybody to dispense spiritual food’ (mathew 7:21-23); and what is purportedly said by jesus in mathew 24:45 could not have been uttered by jesus because of the very wording “slave” used in tacit endorsement of the prima facie inhuman practice of slavery, about which abraham lincoln said “if slavery is not wrong, then nothing is wrong.”.
2)people know what is wrong and even hate it when it is found in others.. 3)people know what is right.
see how the world responded with prayers and unsolicited help when twelve boys belonging to the wild boars soccer team and their coach were caught up in a cave in thailand.. 4)people know even what becomes wrong which was once treated as right.
1)What Jesus actually said was ‘He wouldn’t appoint anybody to dispense spiritual food’ (Mathew 7:21-23); and what is purportedly said by Jesus in Mathew 24:45 could not have been uttered by Jesus because of the very wording “slave” used in tacit endorsement of the prima facie inhuman practice of slavery, about which Abraham Lincoln said “If slavery is not wrong, then nothing is wrong.”
2)People know what is wrong and even hate it when it is found in others.
3)People know what is right. See how the world responded with prayers and unsolicited help when twelve boys belonging to the Wild Boars soccer team and their coach were caught up in a cave in Thailand.
4)People know even what becomes wrong which was once treated as right. When Trump family started charity it was praised as good, but that very act is now seen wrong because “New York state attorney general alleges charity illegally coordinated with Trump campaign.” (
5)Claiming "our God is true and your God is false" is the greatest joke just like each country calls ocean as theirs even naming it as Indian ocean, Arabian sea, Caspian Sea, Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean sea …etc, yet we all know there is only one ocean.
Bible comes alive if we look for meaning behind the symbols it uses
by Ireneus inbible contains too much human thinking presented as though from god, thus much of its information brings dishonor to god.. yet it contains great beneficial truths behind the symbols it uses.
let us take the only two cases of miracles jesus performed without any request from anybody which would show the very purpose of his ministry:.
1) jesus healed a woman who “was bent over and could not straighten up at all.” (luke 13:11-13).
Hi EverApostate,
I have not yet finished my College education, into final year now. Now only I heard about the religion you mentioned, hence did search in the google--not interested because of the huge fee they charge on their meditation training program, can't afford with my pocket-money.
Destruction to start from “God’s House”
by Ireneus inhere is the greatest irony: people proclaiming the destruction of others are the first ones to experience destruction, foretaste of which is already experienced in the form of shrinking glory, finance and confidence!.
babel means confusion, hence babylon the great means a great nation of confusing doctrines.
this nation is “intoxicated” and “drunk with the blood of god’s holy ones.” (revelation 17:2, 6) the greatest intoxication of christendom and its heartland jehovah’s witnesses is with their own claim of having monopoly on truth and thus treating rest of the mankind as pagan, a concept that kills everything god’s holy ones stood for (mathew 7:12).
No, punkofnice,
No competition, No fight here, we are all spiritual people ever since we left
Worldly separation on the basis of certain physical or social factors like language and skin color is no different from the separation religion creates. Religion, by its very etymology, exists to unite people. But people fight in the name of religion. Religious fight/argument (subtle or gross) shows that spirituality is not present. When spirituality goes, quarrels begin.
Destruction to start from “God’s House”
by Ireneus inhere is the greatest irony: people proclaiming the destruction of others are the first ones to experience destruction, foretaste of which is already experienced in the form of shrinking glory, finance and confidence!.
babel means confusion, hence babylon the great means a great nation of confusing doctrines.
this nation is “intoxicated” and “drunk with the blood of god’s holy ones.” (revelation 17:2, 6) the greatest intoxication of christendom and its heartland jehovah’s witnesses is with their own claim of having monopoly on truth and thus treating rest of the mankind as pagan, a concept that kills everything god’s holy ones stood for (mathew 7:12).
Interestingly, something too obvious is not seen by JWs.
God is non-interventionist, says Jesus through the famous story of prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) because the Hero of the story, Father, permits son to use his free-will to any extent and accepts him when “he returns to his senses” and also there are many unambiguous statements such as Mathew 12:35; Revelation 22:11 …etc to this effect. This is because it is nature (not God) that rewards according to what each one does—qualitatively (Galatians 6:7) and quantitatively (Luke 6:38)
That means God would not say He leads the history (as implied in Genesis 3:15) nor Jesus would say He would appoint “a Faithful and Discreet Slave” class to lead people spiritually as given in Mathew 24:45. The wording itself suggests that it is coined by some thoughtless person because it gives the impression that Jesus tacitly condones the disgusting practice of slavery about which Abraham Lincoln rightly said: “If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.”
What is new becomes old in due course. God filled the earth with provisions for life's enjoyment. (Genesis 1) Mankind (Adam, originally means mankind in Hebrew) enjoyed those provisions for some extended period; and then greed appeared which is symbolically presented through an individual Adam (what actually mankind did collectively); thus earth began to become old, became like hell. Now population is exploding and resources are depleted/destroyed. In due course, God will refill the earth with provisions for life's enjoyment. (Revelation 21:1-5) Only God can renew what has become old. This is common sense, not a thing to be preached.
Bible comes alive if we look for meaning behind the symbols it uses
by Ireneus inbible contains too much human thinking presented as though from god, thus much of its information brings dishonor to god.. yet it contains great beneficial truths behind the symbols it uses.
let us take the only two cases of miracles jesus performed without any request from anybody which would show the very purpose of his ministry:.
1) jesus healed a woman who “was bent over and could not straighten up at all.” (luke 13:11-13).
Hi Doug
What I am regularly using is New American Bible, Catholic Reference Edition, which contains Apocrypha. I give equal value to the Apocryphal Books also, hence I believe in the immortality of soul, hence find teaching or resurrection useless. I have also a collection of unlisted gospels such as of Thomas, Marcion etc.
Bible comes alive if we look for meaning behind the symbols it uses
by Ireneus inbible contains too much human thinking presented as though from god, thus much of its information brings dishonor to god.. yet it contains great beneficial truths behind the symbols it uses.
let us take the only two cases of miracles jesus performed without any request from anybody which would show the very purpose of his ministry:.
1) jesus healed a woman who “was bent over and could not straighten up at all.” (luke 13:11-13).
Hi Doug,
You asked: “When you say "Bible", which Canon do you mean?”
I view bulk of the Bible as uninspired and some verses here and there are inspired because those very few verses match with my intuition, my experience and history.
For example,
God is non-interventionist, says Jesus through the famous story of prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32) because the Hero of the story Father permits son to use his free-will to any extent and accepts him when “he returns to his senses” and through the unambiguous statement. (Revelation 22:11)
Nature rewards according to what each one does—qualitatively (Galatians 6:7) and quantitatively (Luke 6:38)
That means God would not say He leads the history (as implied in Genesis 3:15) nor Jesus would say He would appoint “a Faithful and Discreet Slave” class to lead people spiritually as given in Mathew 24:45. The wording itself suggests that it is coined by some thoughtless person because it gives the impression that Jesus tacitly condones the disgusting practice of slavery about which Abraham Lincoln rightly said: “If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.”
Now come back to non-interventionist policy of God which is well attested by history. God filled the earth with provisions for life’s enjoyment (Genesis 1). Mankind enjoyed those provisions for some untold period of time (may be 1000s of years), then greed appeared (Genesis 3) which made the earth a hell-like place. Now population is exploding and resources are getting depleted/destroyed. In due course, God will refill the earth with provisions for life’s enjoyment (Revelation 21:1-5).
The above gives you an idea how I view the Bible and its concepts.
Bible comes alive if we look for meaning behind the symbols it uses
by Ireneus inbible contains too much human thinking presented as though from god, thus much of its information brings dishonor to god.. yet it contains great beneficial truths behind the symbols it uses.
let us take the only two cases of miracles jesus performed without any request from anybody which would show the very purpose of his ministry:.
1) jesus healed a woman who “was bent over and could not straighten up at all.” (luke 13:11-13).
With a trustee attitude acting humanely is the best religion.
Bible comes alive if we look for meaning behind the symbols it uses
by Ireneus inbible contains too much human thinking presented as though from god, thus much of its information brings dishonor to god.. yet it contains great beneficial truths behind the symbols it uses.
let us take the only two cases of miracles jesus performed without any request from anybody which would show the very purpose of his ministry:.
1) jesus healed a woman who “was bent over and could not straighten up at all.” (luke 13:11-13).
Hi Punkofnice,
Each religion has a special audience; that is why people belonging to different religions do not feel comfortable with other religious ideas and scriptures. If one can draw benefit from his religion and its scripture that’s fine because ultimately religions are trying to make us act humanely.
But people like me are different. I try every religion and its scripture and compare, and take the best out of them. The best thing I found with regard to art of living was this. When a famous religious figure was told someone called him a liar, he responded: “You can also call me a liar.” It means he is least bothered about his image, about how other people view him. This is what egolessness means. When I started this policy, I enjoy a great sense of peace and even freedom.