Beth Sam,
What you said is a great truth.
If we take all scriptures to be figurative, it makes sense; and there is peace.
If we take them all literally, we are sowing the seeds for contention and conflict.
in guided reading, you tend to get the understanding of the guide.
what if guide is blind?
religious leaders who understand ‘one innocent man should be killed to atone the sins of others are in bondage to darkness, hence there is nothing good to be expected from them.
Beth Sam,
What you said is a great truth.
If we take all scriptures to be figurative, it makes sense; and there is peace.
If we take them all literally, we are sowing the seeds for contention and conflict.
in guided reading, you tend to get the understanding of the guide.
what if guide is blind?
religious leaders who understand ‘one innocent man should be killed to atone the sins of others are in bondage to darkness, hence there is nothing good to be expected from them.
When children can understand hard stuff like quantum mechanics and make practical application, why do they need help to understand Bible?
in guided reading, you tend to get the understanding of the guide.
what if guide is blind?
religious leaders who understand ‘one innocent man should be killed to atone the sins of others are in bondage to darkness, hence there is nothing good to be expected from them.
In guided reading, you tend to get the understanding of the guide. What if guide is blind? Religious leaders who understand ‘one innocent man should be killed to atone the sins of others are in bondage to darkness, hence there is nothing good to be expected from them. In other parts of the world, religious leaders discriminate between sex, caste...etc which is another type of bondage to darkness. Hence, if one wants to understand scriptures, he must read it unguided, independently. This is how I go about:
1)If I add both good and bad I am producing waste. Tree is symbol of production/reproduction, hence "tree of good and bad" (Gen 2:16) and eating of it (Gen 3:1-5) would mean humanity (original Hebrew word is Adam) chose a path of wastefulness after leading a perfect life on a perfect earth for a sufficiently long period. Hence what we find is the wasted earth, not the original, perfect earth. I have found this fact: What happens to my body is the manifestation of what is going on in my inner world—mind, and similarly, thought pattern of individuals collective changed the ecosystem of earth after humans changed from path of perfection to path of wastefulness. And if thought pattern of individuals collective returns to the original mode the ecosystem of earth would also be restored.
2)When it is reported ‘supply of wine is finished’ during a wedding at Cana in Galilee, response of Jesus (one of the invitees) was “What does this have to do with me?” (John 2:4) This shows God is non-interventionist. John’s gospel says Jesus performed a miracle of turning the water into wine which is gospel writer’s own imagination, proof of which lies in the verse 2:11 which says ‘this was the first of all miracles Jesus performed.’ If this was the first miracle, all other gospels written earlier than this gospel would have no reason to forget the “first” miracle. God needs to intervene only when humans succeed in transforming the earth into total wastefulness through things such as pollution, war …etc
3)Revelation book confirms that earth would become wasted, and would be renewed subsequently (Rev 11:18; 21:1-5) which was the main theme of Jesus’ preaching. (Mathew 19:28)
To understand such a simple thing as above, why is an organization needed?
article today, "i pretended it didn't happen": nuns report abuse by priests.
by nicole winfield and rodney muttumuza__associated press.
i always heard stories about the nuns but holy crap, it's bad.nuns were considered "safe" sexual partners for priests (africa and aids) who feared they might be infected with hiv if they went to prostitutes.
Now it is becoming like a wildfire:
Cardinal engaging in sexual abuse with minors for decades (
Bishop raping the nun in multiple occasions (
Five priests enjoyed sex with a woman misusing the information received from the holy institution of confession. (
They do all these things because they obviously believe deep in their heart that there is no God. This shows man-made scriptures cannot ensure morality even on the religious leaders, yet we find many lay men leading a moral life wth no difficulty.
Even bird Robin can navigate straight without the help of any modern equipment.
i enjoy watching nature documentaries; david attenborough being my favorite host and narrator.
that being said, i’ve come to the conclusion that contrary to xianity’s teaching, the earth is not “perfectly placed/designed for life.” .
when you actually observe the world at large, without blinders, it’s a wonder that life even exists.
You are asking “What happens when lighting strikes a forest full of tress and they all burn to their destruction, and why disease-causing viruses?”
Whether it is good or hurt, they come from multiple sources such as one’s own action, God’s over-all design of everything, and nature…etc.
If everyone is caring for each other, you will have perfect system of things on earth resembling heaven, with perfect climate with no such things as harmful lightening ..etc
If everyone is self-serving, you will have just opposite type of system things on earth resembling hell.
If people are mixed, then you will have another system of things befitting such a mixture.
Connection between our thinking pattern and responses of nature are becoming more pronounced these days. We destroyed the perfection of nature with our greed; we designed vehicles and factories with their toxinating pipes on to the air we breathe and water we drink. Human body is a micro universe and we see our bodies reacting according to the quality of our thoughts. Similarly thoughts of all human beings will have corresponding effects on the environment outside because both human bodies and nature outside are made with same physical elements. You can deduct these thoughts from this article. ( In addition, climate change is now known to be increasing the cases of diabetes and other diseases.
Similar is the case with micro organisms causing diseases. We simply blame them. We are not bothered to find out why some doctors and nurses get affected by the viruses from the patients they treat and other doctors and nurses do not get affected by them. Viruses multiply in favorable environment. What makes favorable environment in some humans and unfavorable in other humans? It is obviously their habit. Why can’t such habits be made mandatory in every country like tax laws are mandatory which make provision to recover your any property in case of violation.
Micro organisms work to remove the wastes from the earth, and if wastes are found in human bodies they will find favorable atmosphere there to multiply themselves bringing the condition we call dis-ease.
i enjoy watching nature documentaries; david attenborough being my favorite host and narrator.
that being said, i’ve come to the conclusion that contrary to xianity’s teaching, the earth is not “perfectly placed/designed for life.” .
when you actually observe the world at large, without blinders, it’s a wonder that life even exists.
I disagree:
If you add both good and bad you are producing waste. Tree is symbol of production/reproduction, hence "tree of good and bad" would mean humanity (original Hebrew word is Adam) chose a path of wastefulness after leading a perfect life on a perfect earth for a sufficiently long period. Hence what we find is the wasted earth, not the original, perfect earth. Because what happens to your body is the manifestation of what is going on in your internal world--mind, and similarly, earth too would change after humans change their paths on to wastefulness.
For example, last year during my vacation time I purchased one German Shepherd when it was a baby, and I fed it for less than two months, and returned to my College. After one year again when I visited my family, when I got down from the taxi itself, this now-gown up dog was trying to break its chain to come towards me to show its love. My dad released the dog, it came running towards me, stood up with both the hands on my shoulders--with my nose touching its nose. What a deep expression of affection from a dog just because I cared for it one year back, when it was a baby!
If humanity had done the same with all the other animals, we would not have had carnivorous ones, all--humans and animals--would have lived as one family. Even carnivorous one, if it is removed from its community when it is a baby and allowed to grow with lambs, it will return to lamb's nature.
But humanity's purpose is changed! We started the sports called hunting the animals, began eating them. Our purpose is to accumulate exceedingly to create privation in others, and enjoy seeing others suffering. (
Following such mentality is what eating from "tree of good and bad" means.
that is, the "faithful and prudent slave" admitted that he is not a channel between god and people, but a group of ordinary people who have themselves appointed themselves and interpret the bible by themselves ??
?so why did they then decide that in 1919 they were chosen by jesus christ.after all, jesus clearly said how to distinguish a false prophet (deuteronomy 18: 20-22).. who will help to find quotes from the watchtower, that the words "faithful and discreet slave" come not from him, but from god.and that everything he writes in publications is true and true.?.
If they were "faithful and discreet" they would not have made such bold and extraordinary claims [which were later failed miserably by constant changing of teachings] to fit themselves into the fulfilment of another parable intended for the Pharisees: " When he noticed how the guests picked the places of honor at the table, he told them this parable: “When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for a person more distinguished than you may have been invited. If so, the host who invited both of you will come and say to you, ‘Give this person your seat.’ Then, humiliated, you will have to take the least important place. But when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he will say to you, ‘Friend, move up to a better place.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all the other guests. For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”--Luke 14:7-11
When an Elder or Ministerial Servant moves into Bethel (which is of course a sign further progress in the path of spirituality), he automatically ceases to be an Elder or Ministerial Servant. He may or may not be appointed again only when CO visits Bethel congregation. This has no scriptural precedence, it was their own invention.
Making an already appointed Elder into a high-profile Elder with another title Bethel Elder was another unscriptural practice they started.
But fortunately, they later discontinued such practices.
But the question is: Why should such things which only fans one's egotism arise in the first place only to be discarded after practising them for decades?
things that must shortly take place... the true understanding of the “generation” mentioned at matthew 24:34 may soon be revealed!.
please watch the one minute youtube video and read the explanation in the videos description..
The Fall Guy,
What you said is true. In the first century, Christians understood end of
all ages would happen in their generation: "These things happened to them
as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the
culmination of the ages has come" (1 Cor 10:11) about which Jesus
described "such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now,
no, nor will occur again"
things that must shortly take place... the true understanding of the “generation” mentioned at matthew 24:34 may soon be revealed!.
please watch the one minute youtube video and read the explanation in the videos description..
Mat 24:34 might never have been uttered by Jesus. If he did, he would have said: "the generation that would see the fulfillment of all these things Will not pass away"