I am aware of the atheists’ position that if a human being did the kinds of things that God does (caused natural evils such as earthquakes, tsunamis, epidemics, cancer, inborn disabilities etc.), then that person would be morally evil. If it would be wrong for a human being to do these things, why are they not wrong for God?
I purposefully avoided answering this because answer will not be accepted by evolutionists who do not believe there was a paradise (devoid of natural evils) on earth to start with which was lost for some reason. One of the reasons why it was lost was killing other species to eat their flesh. Now this has to have its consequence. If one enjoys eating non-vegetarian food, he is also a party in the worldwide killing field where innocent animals are slaughtered against the best-known principle found in the Bible: “killing a bull is equal to killing a man.” (Isaiah 66:3) There is another form of killing, fondly called abortion, which is killing of the innocent and helpless life as it blossoms in the womb. Condemning this act Pope Francis recently compared the procedure to “hiring a hitman to resolve a problem.” ( Killing means giving untimely death to someone, and is an act of sowing which has to have its reaping soon or later, and nature has various ways to cause untimely death. Whether it is identical death to all matters not because whether one dies this week or next week, or in 10 minutes or 10 years, it is infinitely small amounts of time in view of the immortality of soul [even according to some scientists such as Wernher von Braun who wrote: “I believe in an immortal soul. Science has proved that nothing disintegrates into nothingness. Life and soul, therefore, cannot disintegrate into nothingness, and so are immortal. Everything science has taught me and continues to teach me-strengthens my belief in the continuity of our spiritual existence after death. Nothing disappears without a trace.” ] and in view of the big scheme of things. Hence in principle, there is no basis for complaining on the nature and timing of death one receives. It is typical of what happens to one's body. What happens to the body is the reflection of his inner world. Similarly, what earth returns is the reflection of inner world of individuals collective.