@Simon: It seems many of the people who called out the left a few years ago are backpedaling. Bill Maher is perhaps the best example (TBH, I stopped watching him regularly around the election), but Sam Harris is also repeating more and more liberal talking points these days.
The funny thing about Bill Maher is that when he is spouting liberal talking points during the scripted parts he does not seem to be having fun, but he will then spontaneously add a jab at the liberals during the unscripted parts it seems like something he really believes and then realize he has to backtrack. Like when you tell a crude joke you think is funny and realize your boss is listening in.
Conservatives should be careful inviting liberals to their shows as it is part of their belief system they must riot once the speech become too free. Similar to how Muslims must set up a bomb as soon as they find themselves in a country with too high standard of living.
@_Morpheus: Lol that is too true. I didn't even think about it. Danny was raised by psycho monks who beat the shit out of him every day and probably fed him a diet of ass-life and snow. Luke should check his priveledge!
BTW, are the SJWs up in arms yet bc the asian chick doesn't have any superpowers and Jessica jones is weaker than Luke? (that part actually piss me off).