@OUTLAW: wake up and smell the coffee. One side protest freedom of speech, the other side try to shut them down by violence.
They try to censor us on the internet, they try to get us fired, they have turned campuses and universities into indoctrination camps where students and professors who don't tow the line 200% are PERSECUTED, they turn up in DROVES and make PEACEFUL protests orgies of violence, they scream NAZIS at every turn regardless of what people actually believe.
They hate everyone and everything white i.e. western culture. You are NO LONGER even allowed to say that for the "thought police".
One thing is to "technically" be able to say what you believe... another thing is to be able to say it and not have to fear for your life or livelihood, or be able to get an education which is not build around a failed ideology.
ANTIFA, the SJW and BLM are a bunch of fascists operating out of the fascist playbook...
listen to this guy. He is a world-renowned professor and he is being SILENCED by the SJW thought police. YES IT IS HAPPENING!!!!!