Counter-protests to Free Speech Rally in Boston

by Anony Mous 51 Replies latest social current

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    I never thought I would see that in the US, a "Free Speech Rally" (which has distanced itself from and organizers have nothing at all to do with the right, Republicans or extremism) is being counter protested by thousands in Boston today, the counter protests being organized by a coalition of BLack supreMacists and SJW's.

    On the other hand, Google is building a database of speech that doesn't align with the left-wing political values.

    I'm not sure what youngsters are thinking these days, but Free Speech used to be the cornerstone of American civilizations only a few decades ago. The only way to drown out "bad" free speech is more free speech.


    Trump had a chance to "nip this in the bud" in Charlottesville.

    There was violence on both sides.

    That was pointed out by Trump, as it should have been.

    He also said there were good people on both sides.

    There are no Good Nazi`s.

    Like it or not, Trump gave them a Nod of Approval.

    This isn`t going to get better anytime soon...


    Image result for Shit storm

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @OUTLAW: This has nothing to do with Nazi's (or Trump) though. The Free Speech Coalition in Boston is a Liberal/Libertarian group and my point was that people are counter protesting simply along party lines regardless of the message.

    Regardless, the ideology that all Nazi's are bad is a slippery slope and is exactly what lead to Nazism and McCarthyism. There are no good people amongst JW's? The entire population of Germany was Nazi at one point? They may be misguided or have a radical ideology, but some of them would not hurt a fly. They are FREE to observe whatever they want as long as they don't HURT anyone.

  • hothabanero

    The left CANNOT tolerate free speech and critique of their ideas, beginning with the ideas that anyone who does not tow the SJW/'all white people are bad'-line is a nazi.

    Time after time they show up with weapons and turn a peaceful demonstration into violence all so they can scream: Look! they were all violent nazis to begin with!

    People have begun showing up with baseball hats and shields to protect themselves from antifa and sure that is taken as a sign they are dealing with nazis.

    beating people up for speaking freely is exactly a nazi tactic... it is worth remembering that totalitarianism (soviets, nazis, KKK) have all started out as leftist organizations.


    @OUTLAW: This has nothing to do with Nazi's (or Trump) though. The Free Speech Coalition in Boston is a Liberal/Libertarian group.

    It`s clear what happened at Charlottesville, is fueling this massive rally.

    Do you really think the rally would be this huge otherwise?


    There are no good people amongst JW's?

    The rally has nothing to do with JW`s, Catholics...Or...

    Bunnies with Pancakes on Their Heads.

    Image result for bunny with pancake on head

  • jp1692

    It's sadly ironic that extremist and fanatics never seem to realize they all end up behaving pretty much the same in spite of their supposed ideological differences.

  • _Morpheus

    “It`s clear what happened at Charlottesville, is fueling this massive rally.

    Do you really think the rally would be this huge otherwise?”

    i worry when we start saying something is clear simply because we wish it to be so. Why is it clear? The organizers of this event planned it long before the Charlottesville fiasco and have done and said everything they can to distance themselves from that. Is free speech somehow liked to nazis or the kkk??? Is anyone who claims to be a patriotic american going to be viewed a right wing nazi extremest? Its insane to link this boston event and some kkk rally 600 miles and 5 states away.... but thats what just happened.

    score one for the left.


    Its insane to link this boston event and some kkk rally 600 miles and 5 states away.... but thats what just happened....._ morpheus

    Just curious.

    Do you think it`s possible.
    That what happened at Charlottesville, could have influenced the massive turn out in Boston?

    Both sides want to express their point of view.

    Both sides are entitled to freedom of speech.

  • hothabanero

    @OUTLAW: wake up and smell the coffee. One side protest freedom of speech, the other side try to shut them down by violence.

    They try to censor us on the internet, they try to get us fired, they have turned campuses and universities into indoctrination camps where students and professors who don't tow the line 200% are PERSECUTED, they turn up in DROVES and make PEACEFUL protests orgies of violence, they scream NAZIS at every turn regardless of what people actually believe.

    They hate everyone and everything white i.e. western culture. You are NO LONGER even allowed to say that for the "thought police".

    One thing is to "technically" be able to say what you believe... another thing is to be able to say it and not have to fear for your life or livelihood, or be able to get an education which is not build around a failed ideology.

    ANTIFA, the SJW and BLM are a bunch of fascists operating out of the fascist playbook...

    listen to this guy. He is a world-renowned professor and he is being SILENCED by the SJW thought police. YES IT IS HAPPENING!!!!!

  • hothabanero

    Don't get me wrong, I am a peaceful person and I think they should be allowed free speech, but that speech should not undermine civil society like islamist propaganda in various forms.

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