cofty: ok you are right I updated my post...
anyway creationists quote behe all the time so it isn't right when you say they quote someone with a degree in philosophy in general.
so i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
cofty: ok you are right I updated my post...
anyway creationists quote behe all the time so it isn't right when you say they quote someone with a degree in philosophy in general.
so i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
BEHE and PURDOM have phds in relevant areas & believe in creationism...
u don't have to strawman to win the argument.
UPDATE: Got a name wrong sorry.
for $150: collaboration with the backer so that their story of successfully escaping an abusive belief system (300 words max) features along with others in the final pages of how to escape from jehovah's witnesses.
the text will be written by the author but will include a minimum of one quote worded by the backer.
that passage ring all kinds of warning bells. watch out for the clarification that "girls" somehow mean "old woman" and "serious issues" mean "normal marriage problems".
I'd say an 11 on the Roy Moore scale lol!
for $150: collaboration with the backer so that their story of successfully escaping an abusive belief system (300 words max) features along with others in the final pages of how to escape from jehovah's witnesses.
the text will be written by the author but will include a minimum of one quote worded by the backer.
I daren't say anything about this distracting jerking because he is so sensitive to criticism.
Sounds like Lloyd is a bit dusty lol.
i can't believe this is taking place in our country!
all across america there are areas where people are trying to enforce christian law!
outsiders are strictly forbidden from entering and they have private security and guards to keep people out.
never go full libtard bro lol.
today the fcc voted against internet neutrality..
@faithnomore: nobody outside the alarmist liberal press is saying the internet will cost more.
if you stop crying wolf everytime Trump does ANYTHING people will take you more serious.
today the fcc voted against internet neutrality..
@faithnomore: This is 100% like Brexit. before the vote: if you vote for Brexit, the sky will literally fall.
after the vote: the sky will literally fall "soon"
now: the sky will fall invisibly, but there may also be other effects, such as improvements, or nothing at all.
That companies like google and facebook support "net neutrality" while they are anything but shows what a farce it is. you don't seriously believe they have your best interest in mind???
for $150: collaboration with the backer so that their story of successfully escaping an abusive belief system (300 words max) features along with others in the final pages of how to escape from jehovah's witnesses.
the text will be written by the author but will include a minimum of one quote worded by the backer.
is the facebook issue related to the exjw reddit? there seems to be some overlap of persona...
today the fcc voted against internet neutrality..
Does anyone remember how Brexit was the end of Britain, and that all the experts predicted the British economy would tank and everyone would be hunting feral cats within a week or so?
Same with net neutrality. When we get rid of these undemocratic bodies determining our laws it is always for the better.
today the fcc voted against internet neutrality..
Obviously the non-thinking right-wingers love it like Morpheus and Hothabanero
lol, don't go full libtard on me bro!
fact: internet is still here. fact: having the internet controlled by some regulatory organ like the fcc is bad.
Trump just made the internet free & unregulated. you are welcome!