Hi All,
They are describing Godzilla with a nose ring...anyone remember the Godzilla series...remember the scales on his or her back...(Hollywood didn't lift up Godzilla's skirt to see if male or female). Yes, maybe it could be a crocodile or alligator, in the beginning of the description, but breathing smoke & fire....Now that's a Dragon....but since JW's can't figure & can't explain, because they are too afraid of the realness of life...it goes over their heads...to say, hey maybe there were dragons & dungeons...
I'm a witness...but I don't live in a fantasy JW world. Many things are not explained....& don't care. Everything can't be explained...& that's ok...We humans have to have the answer to everything. But what is really important is ..WHILE WE ARE HERE ON EARTH....TREAT ONE ANOTHER WELL. LOOK AFTER EACH OTHER...Because knowing all this doesn't really matter, if you need food, clothing & a roof over our heads. If I've learned anything from the bible at all, IS BE GOOD TO OUR FELLOW MAN/WOMAN.
Some JW's & humans have missed that message, altogether....