Mid Week Meeting. The book of Job....what does this teach me about Jehovah

by tor1500 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • tor1500

    Hi All,

    Is it me or are you having a hard time commenting on What does this week's Bible Reading teach me about Jehovah & what points from this week's Bible Study reading can I use in the field ministry ? I'm having a hard time commenting because what does Job show about Jehovah....well, # 1 he allowed Job's suffering, but he didn't let Satan take his life. # 2 what scripture could one use in the field ministry regarding the book of Job...Talking to a householder, see if you don't behave, God's gonna get you....or allow Satan to get you. Although at times we all go through trials & we do come out a better person.

    My thoughts are what does Job teach us about HUMAN NATURE...that would be the better question & a better study. I think many are thinking the same thing....Behind Job's suffering is...Satan & God allowing Satan to attack Job. I do think this is a better book for us to take a look at human behavior when under pressure...Job did what everyone else does who feel they have obeyed God...or at least to the best of their ability. Job lost everything & was in pain...what would any of us do...Complain, just like Job. First he says he won't talk against God, then he says, God, what did I do, I've been good, didn't I do all the right things?

    I noticed not too many comments at my hall regarding Job & what this teaches us....Some do have comments but they are the same as the week before...In the back of their minds, I'm wondering if they are saying, Jehovah is behind all of this...what can I say, I can't say....Jehovah caused it...or can I ?

    Well, soon we'll be out of this book of Job..I'll be happy...

    I do remember one of the verses in Job 37:5:He does great things that are beyond our understanding...& some other stuff we don't understand...But he is God...& he can do what he wants or not. I love God, but not the human portrayal of God..

    Just Venting,


  • sparrowdown

    The Job story teaches us that

    Jehovah the all powerful, all intelligent, all loving being is never satisfied. WTF?

    Jehovah does not value our loyalty, service or sacrifice, as a matter of fact you are more likely to be used for sport by the "Gods" if you are.

    Jehovah views replacing lost cattle as being the same as replacing lost human children. WTF?

    If Jehovah kills all your children and strikes you with malignant boils you better not complain about it you whiney bitch! WTF?

    Also, Jehovah allows Satan to abuse his children! WT actual F is up with that?

  • Lieu
    If your boss treats you well, there will be some jealous employee around to say you wouldn't be successful without the boss holding your hand.
  • Dunedain

    The problem with why Job, at least to those who don't blindly follow/read it, is that it doesn't "fit" with a lot of the rest of the bible.

    The reason for this, is that the STORY is much more ancient in origin, than the other books of the bible. The story itself states that Job was an "oriental", which is quite different than the other characters of the old testament and their Jewish origins.

    The book of Job was quite obviously " added ", by the religious leaders, and most likely to be a fear inducing lesson to keep the sheeple on their toes. What is a better " group control", than making the sheeple think that at ANY time God can just come and wipeout your whole family, and life, all on a whim.

    The book of Job is archaic in origin, and story, and message. It existed far before the bible was first written, and was added in, as almost an afterthought, but a good one, at least from the religious leaders perspective, to keep control of the people.

    This is why, when WE read it now, being fully awake and away from the mind control Cult, it appears CRAZY, and PSYCHOTIC. It is NOT a story of a loving God. It is the story of whimsical, indifferent Gods, who think NOTHING of using humans as mere playthings. Humans, in the story of Job, are worthless. They can be bartered with, killed, destroyed, and tortured, for NO reason. The "lessons" in Job could have EASILY been shown without the evil toying of human life.

    I can recall an Elder from a visiting congregation, giving the talk one Sunday, and he was saying how wonderful the book of Job was. He continued to say how fortunate Job will be in the new system, because he will have 2 sets of children to welcome back in the resurrection. STUPIDITY at its WORST!!!

  • sowhatnow

    why would anyone want to be reminded of such a horrible story at thier door? there is nothing joyful about ruminating jobs plight in life.

    there is nothing positive from the book. [and apparently real fire breathing dragons lived then, lol]

    to me all its telling us is that no matter how good we think we have it, at the drop of a hat, it can all be taken away, and there is nothing we can do about it. fire, floods, explosions, sudden death, loss of a job, disease, violence ect. we have no control.

    and so this is how ancient man has attempted to explain why seemingly good people have horrible things happen to them.

    blame a evil demon god.

    Job was unaware of a devil. he thought it was god. he never knew why he went through that.

    thing is , everything innocent suffered, animals and jobs children, to prove a point that god already knew, lol.

    stupid .

  • millie210

    Vent away tor1500,

    I enjoyed your post!

  • JW_Rogue
    I like how Job gets tested by having all his family and livestock perish. In the end it's okay though because he's blessed with double the amount. LOL What did his kids do to deserve that? Just another tip off that male heads of the household were the only ones not thought of as possessions in those days.

    Mid Week Meeting. The book of Job....what does this teach me about Jehovah

    ...................................................The WBT$ God is a Psychopath..

    .................................................Image result for Angry god

    .........Job Was a Slow Learner........

    Image result for i'm a slow learner

  • stuckinarut2
  • tor1500

    Hi All,

    I loved all of your replies. #####why would anyone want to be reminded of such a horrible story at thier door? there is nothing joyful about ruminating jobs plight in life. This is exactly what I was thinking....what could you show a householder the door that is so positive from JOB....Now if you happen to spend some time with them, maybe you can show them how God, gave everything back to Job....but how long would that take ? What this book will confirm is that GOD can cause & cannot Cause...or should I say ALLOW...

    I think it's a good book to show that no matter how you obey God & do what is right.....you're faith will be tested. I think we all think if we do good nothing bad will happen, but that ain't the case.....Jesus was good & looked what he had to go through.

    As I mentioned before, I'll be glad when we finish this book...I like Eccl.it's got wise sayings....

    I'll come back when I need to vent some more..LOL...This past Sunday's WT...Shun your own family, be Loyal to God first..I think God is saying no such thing...Humans love to shun, 'member when we were little & if someone was different or didn't smell so good, what did we kids do....We would say....Don't talk to so & so, they blah blah blah..so that's humans...Humans love to ostracize, 'member when Aids started...don't touch this person, you can get it if you touch them & so on....

    Well, I'll be back soon with some more observations...


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