@Calebs Airplane,
Now that makes a lot of sense.....that's why they are not in the media for child abuse....they got a hook up.
just your thoughts....i've been all over this site, everyone says, that if jehovah was backing the org.
then why so many things happen in the org.
child abuse, shunning, and so on....but my question or thought is why is the banning of witnesses all over the media, but the arc isn't wasn't picked up in the media, like this (oh little leaks here and there, but nothing major) nothing like the nyt or any major media venue where the friends would see it and couldn't deny it, even if they wanted to....why does the media care more about banning witnesses than child abuse...i know even if the arc was exposed many of the friends would stay, but would be shamed, because they talked about other religions...or maybe jehovah is bringing the org.
@Calebs Airplane,
Now that makes a lot of sense.....that's why they are not in the media for child abuse....they got a hook up.
i think if we could have a graph of how the change rate of technology has sky rocketed during the last century or perhaps the last three centuries, the point would be clearly made.. say we had a huge graph of technological progress of man since his ability to make fire, about 600,000 years ago, we'd see that a new techno advancement in the species happened every 50,000 years or so, then doubling every so often till we reached the say 14th century then the doubling must have got into high gear, till now in the information age where light speed sets the limits.
now we have information at our finger tips and no need for making a laborious trips to library.
case in point type in jehovah's witnesses in any search engine.. ignorance is in a down turn no matter how hard the governing body demonize higher education, the internet, and whatever.. as this younger generation with information at your finger tips becomes of age no matter how young you get them committed by being baptized, it spells doom for these clowns running this corporation.
Hi Freddo,
" In the developed world it is only the depressed and the mentally ill that are buying it. These and a few of the offspring of the depressed, mentally ill and deluded that are already in."
That's the congregations in a nutshell...just look at the demo's we sisters do...always talking to a depressed person, either to come to the hall, or to continue studying, putting their life before coming to the meetings...so depressed...gives the impression that nobody that is balanced is attracted to this religion....that's why I feel so out of placed....I'm not depressed....well, I'm human so at times we all get depressed at one time or another....
Although, some play the depressed card when they are not at the meetings or out in service, then when you hear that they were depressed and was on vacation....how fortunate, to be depressed but have enough dough to travel and other niceties in life....they also play the depressed or mental card to seem holy or broken...because God is the God of the Broken hearted....I'm a witness, so I'm on the inside, and I see the games they play...
The internet just makes more folks informed....the best thing a witness can do while witnessing or conducting a study is tell the truth about the org...oh, not what we talk about but if you do this you will be DF'd and other little tidbits they should know before they get loved bombed...
The org. is leaking from the bottom out,
just your thoughts....i've been all over this site, everyone says, that if jehovah was backing the org.
then why so many things happen in the org.
child abuse, shunning, and so on....but my question or thought is why is the banning of witnesses all over the media, but the arc isn't wasn't picked up in the media, like this (oh little leaks here and there, but nothing major) nothing like the nyt or any major media venue where the friends would see it and couldn't deny it, even if they wanted to....why does the media care more about banning witnesses than child abuse...i know even if the arc was exposed many of the friends would stay, but would be shamed, because they talked about other religions...or maybe jehovah is bringing the org.
Got cha.
I'll be more careful....
this is part of the clam meeting this week.. how contradictory is it?.
first, they instruct people to avoid inactive ones and to shun them and to treat them the same as da'd or df'd ones, .
Another reason is because the elders are supposed to visit the inactive ones, but they don't have the time nor the manpower...so they are using the flock to search'em out and find them then tell the elders where to go get'em...and what kind of encouragement will they give them...
The elders are so busy that they can't do all that is required of them....I know they get letters that the congregation doesn't know about....don't think they don't know about the scandals in the org, yet, they have to keep a straight face and business as usual.....if you want to remain in the org...
In a little while...we may be able to talk to the DF'd ones...never say never...the org. wants to bring more sheep in and they can't bring them in and then DF them...folks will talk... I had a friend that was studying, she never told me she was studying to be a witness, she invited me to her baptism, for a while she never mentioned it again, then one day she said, they want me to disassociate with ones who are not witnesses...so she bounced...I wish I did the same thing...me dummy..
I'm a witness, don't pay no mind to what is written, they have to fill up a page...go to the meetings if you like the friends, play the game, but follow your own God...because if this is all true about God and we are going to be judged individually, when it comes to ones turn to stand up, saying you are a Jehovah Witness ain't going to give you know points with God...Jehovah Witness is not a password into Paradise/Heaven.
just your thoughts....i've been all over this site, everyone says, that if jehovah was backing the org.
then why so many things happen in the org.
child abuse, shunning, and so on....but my question or thought is why is the banning of witnesses all over the media, but the arc isn't wasn't picked up in the media, like this (oh little leaks here and there, but nothing major) nothing like the nyt or any major media venue where the friends would see it and couldn't deny it, even if they wanted to....why does the media care more about banning witnesses than child abuse...i know even if the arc was exposed many of the friends would stay, but would be shamed, because they talked about other religions...or maybe jehovah is bringing the org.
Hi All,
Great comments...I like the one where someone at the NYT is a witness or knows someone...here's a thought, could the org. be paying not to have it published...would you put it past them ?
I hear when you say it's not newsworthy, but it depends on the spin of it...Headlines could read....Religion Points finger at other religions...news at 11....that'll wet their appetite...it could be on The Daily Show....like a spoof...ever see Bill Maher....he pokes fun at things like these, even Penn & Teller...
Yes, there are other religions but it only seems that the JW's always in the paper or in court....so they want to be newsworthy...so I say give them what they want...there is a starving reporter out there that could really dig into this story....he or she could make it newsworthy....again, it's all how you spin the story...
People will read anything if the heading grabs their attention....that's what writers do....just look at the writers in the org...very clever....they know how to hold 8 million folks interest....so much so that they are brainwashed...
It's just puzzles me how nothing of the ARC is mentioned...you all make valid points...I also like the comment where the person says, they reap what they sowed...that's true, seems a whole lot of mess is going on Down Under....maybe they thought God can't see down under....
As usual pedophile goes to the back of the line....but no wonder, I'm up late at nite and they have these hot lines with females....and they say you can call them up, at the end of the commercial she says, & I'm 18...Having sex with underage folks will never go away....it's accepted in our society....Men and women are both guilty of it...
I'm a female, and before I was 18 grown men were trying to talk to me....thank goodness for good parents, that would ask, how old is that guy ?....they made me think...I was young so what did I know...See Trump and his child bride and when she gets old, he'll dump her and get someone young again....Getting older can be a bummer for some, they never think, gee, I'm still here....so some folks go out with younger folks to hold back the hand of time, we all know that's one of life's betrayals...
So the ARC will never be exposed, only if the rumor mill of JW's picks it up, and we know, they still won't believe it....but I do know if many of the JW's found out the ARC was true, they would crumble...
Thank you all for your replies....this has always puzzled me and will continue to do so, but won't lose any sleep.
just your thoughts....i've been all over this site, everyone says, that if jehovah was backing the org.
then why so many things happen in the org.
child abuse, shunning, and so on....but my question or thought is why is the banning of witnesses all over the media, but the arc isn't wasn't picked up in the media, like this (oh little leaks here and there, but nothing major) nothing like the nyt or any major media venue where the friends would see it and couldn't deny it, even if they wanted to....why does the media care more about banning witnesses than child abuse...i know even if the arc was exposed many of the friends would stay, but would be shamed, because they talked about other religions...or maybe jehovah is bringing the org.
Just your thoughts....I've been all over this site, everyone says, that if Jehovah was backing the org. then why so many things happen in the org. child abuse, shunning, and so on....but my question or thought is why is the Banning of witnesses all over the media, but the ARC isn't wasn't picked up in the media, like this (oh little leaks here and there, but nothing major) Nothing like the NYT or any major media venue where the friends would see it and couldn't deny it, even if they wanted to....why does the media care more about banning witnesses than child abuse...I know even if The ARC was exposed many of the friends would stay, but would be shamed, because they talked about other religions...or maybe Jehovah is bringing the org. to it's arrogant knees....
So here is my question....who is protecting the org. from the real scandals? If it's not Jehovah than who ?
i'm at the stage where i'd love a big scandal to come along showing clearly that the j.w's are not the true religion, but sometimes i get touched inside by various thoughts or events, the russian court trial being one of them.. i mean, j.w's are understandably fixated with attending the memorial, so why didn't the court say it will resume on monday or tuesday, instead setting wednesday 12 april as the date?
part of me believes the comments from pro-j.w's that jehovah moved events so they could attend the memorial.. it seems the j.w's will not be banned, which makes my mind and heart wrestle between thinking jah's behind it, or maybe the ministry of justice is just woefully prepared compared to the superb australian royal commission team who did their homework.
it surprises me the russians seemingly haven't done any homework..
I've read that many say, if Jehovah is backing the org. then why does this or that happen ? If Jehovah is a loving God why would he let certain things take place...especially in his organization....ummmm....maybe just maybe this isn't his organization and that's why stuff is happening in there just like in the rest of the world and the witnesses won't believe that it's not God's org., but he keeps not backing them....that should give them a sign...
But, humor me here...if this is God's org, and all these scandals....why aren't they being exposed? Who is behind them not being exposed....I'm talking NYT, ABC (prime time, not when folks are sleeping), major networks and newspapers, why has the Ban in Russia have so much coverage....who is blocking the news from Australia regarding the ARC....
JW's only love you if you are a JW or a JW in the making....
The Bottom line JW's (some) love with conditions....so to me it wasn't the org. that taught folks to love conditionally, they needed a good soil to plant that type of seed....so folks that can love like that...dig into their home life, their environment...if any one had the time to research the kind of people that love only conditionally, you may find they have something in common....when you are loved, no matter who or what you are....you know Love...and nobody can tell you different, oh well, yes they can, because many on this site including me....love conditionally because we wanted to be accepted knowing it's wrong to love like the society tells us...we can't hide behind the org. for what we know deep in our hearts is really right...so we shouldn't be angry at the org. but ourselves...because we knew better.
this is part of the clam meeting this week.. how contradictory is it?.
first, they instruct people to avoid inactive ones and to shun them and to treat them the same as da'd or df'd ones, .
They know sooner or later, they will be under the microscope....people read about them on the internet and they don't want to appear that they shun folks...this is for the public...now whether they really mean it, that's another story...I think a new breed is coming....again, if you look at the literature from years ago, the friends never smiled, but look at the pictures now...everyone is showing their teeth....
The new changes are scaring the die hards...they believe in shunning....they think it makes the person stronger...but I think it's deeper than that, I think folks that believe that shunning is good, there is something that they need to atone for....those type of folks who do that have other issues...they believe that folks should get their come just due but never feel that one day it may be them...
Many of the friends are so rigid when it comes to shunning, if you make a mistake and greet them, someone will come to you and say, you know you are not supposed to talk to them...they are DF'd...what kind of person is that...mean....so mean they can uphold shunning...and watch others to make sure no one talks to them....that's a mean person....but why are they so mean...there is something in ones DNA that can do it...and think it's ok...
I think the org. is not growing as they say they are...so they are not turning away anyone, it's about the #'s...so they can print, yet another book, how many returned to Jehovah.....
This is all to show the public and the courts, they are a warm and fuzzy religion...
jesus gave an illustration with a landowner being the central character:.
“there was a landowner who planted a vineyard.
he put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it and built a watchtower.
God may not have known but Jesus knew....he spoke of it many times in the NT.... Jesus even asked that he didn't have to do it but only if his father willed it...
I think God had hope that it wouldn't turn out the way it did....his hope was for humans to resist Satan...Judas could have changed his mind....but he didn't. The play had been thought out, Jehovah all the time hoping we would resist the Devil.....
But let's really take a look at this picture, reminds me of a gangsta picture, the boss asked one of his pals or sons to take the fall for mankind, the boss says, don't worry, you won't take the fall for long...as a matter of fact, you'll be free in three days, whaddaya think...can you do it...now it's gonna hurt and you'll be humiliated...but just think in 3 days, you'll be up and free before you know it...So Jesus agrees to sacrifice himself....why? Well, he is a good guy,& he loves his Father, but this is not in the bible, or maybe man got it wrong when they wrote the bible....Jesus may have asked...You sure you are gonna resurrect me in 3 days?
Here's a question for all...would you sacrifice your life if you knew you were going to be raised to life in 3 days ? Most folks wouldn't sacrifice a ham sandwich at 11 o'clock at night....
The Bible is full of parables...they are just lessons for life... the Bible has been re-written by man...maybe God really said, I hope they respect my son....but if not..