The Witnesses are back in the mid-evil days...The still think folks eat blood, they had blood lettings back then because they thought the evilness was in the blood.....
Folks that they DF don't believe in Ba'lam...they just don't believe what the org. is saying about God, or maybe they smoke or whatever human frailties mankind has....Most of the DF'ing that is done, has no grounds....it's for nothing, sex....the very act that brings us here, sex, without it...The Elders wouldn't have anyone to DF, as a matter of fact if it wasn't for sex, the elders wouldn't exist either.....
The witnesses are taking the bible too far....the longer they peer into the more rules and regulations they will see and enforce....they have to re-invent themselves, so there is enough in the bible as a don't, that can keep religions going for decades....
Jesus never DF anyone, many of the rules in the NT, are told by Paul, so he was just giving rules to the places he visited and needed those rules.
DF'ing is just about control, that's all, just like hell is the same control other places of worship use...all to make us good, ain't working....folks are human and like Paul says, he want to do the right thing but he can't....he's conflicted, just like the rest of us...we too want to do good, but sometimes, we are just human...oh yes, and imperfect.