Its all smoke and mirrors. Take some from here put them over there, nope that's uneven. Take those from here and put them way over there. And on the last day of the month, God ah sorry the org looked at it and said It was good, then they rested. Why? Because they fooled the flock again ( so they think).
The org is now just a social setting. For the young that are stuck in for the moment they utilize it as a social media just like others that are not JW. Each age group has their little click. And for those who think they are too good to rub shoulders with non Jw's this suits their purpose. Religious snobs. And in every religion those are dying out. Why because folks can read. Most don't care nothing about the flip flop doctrines. That thought don't even come into play.
Many have never come from a home of unconditional love, so the hall just like churches are full of hurt folks. So when good folks come into these places of worship the hurt folks are drawn to them only to suck The niceness out of them to make the just like themselves. Then there are those who come from a great home and did what their parents told them to do as long as they lived at home but inside they are not what they appear to like us all but those type come to the hall. And they are who they have always been. Snob or lazy (full time ministry), need to be validated and so on.
The halls are not filling up because of the internet. You can conduct your own bible study on line. Then when you get to the part that talks about DF'ing. That's when they say why continue because eventually ill most likely do something and get put out, I'm out now, why get shamed and put out. Plus no commitment. But they told us to direct folks to the JW org. Well for that month anyway, because the next month was can you use only the Bible in the ministry.
&&& another real good reasons the halls are not filling up with Bible students and the young one. Because nobody is standing in line to be celibate. Now that's the real deal. Folks in and out of the truth are filling the earth and being fruitful.