Because it's the familiar. Most people want to belong and there is a certain type of personality that draws them to the Jw's. somehow many of the friends never fit in or wanted fit in, so here comes this knock at the door and one is embraced. That's the attraction right there.
I read on different sites of ones who have left, but not really. Some even have their chance to tell their story but won't for some reason. Once a comment was said that Jw's can't expect outsiders to expose the org. but those who are in and those who left.
Some stay away so they can do what they didn't do while they were in then got their full and came right back. That's why you see some are really hard on the Jw's but some, not so much.
Someone asked about what could change for more folks to come in, I say if the org. would just mind their business and teach the Bible without any spin to it, which the Bible is just asking us to get along and stop dominating one another and take care of one another because we are all in this mess together.
Nothing wrong with some of the witness stuff stays in you, especially the good stuff on not being judgmental and only judge people for yourself not by what other people say. If they really imitated Jesus they would be a force to reckon with, the true essence of Christianity is when Jesus washed the feet of his betrayer Judas. Now that's heavy, how many of us would be at a function and be serving and sister or brother so and so come on line and you got to serve them, and we are not too fond of them. what you gonna do? What would Jesus do? Of course that is extreme but you have to admit we humans can be extreme at times, true? So if one still has a little JW left in them, don't keep the bad stuff that you know are not the right way to treat one another, religion should not have to teach you that.