Hi Danni Jackson,
I read your post...welcome..you are in the right place...this is where you can vent and not get in trouble...don't tell too much of where and who and not too many situations, there are lurkers here and some may be in your own backyard....
All I'm going to say is....Love God...many have made the mistake of loving the org. more than God/Jesus themselves, so when something happens, we blame God...it's the messengers we should be angry with. How many times have you read....Do not judge or you will be judged...no one in the org. has a right to pass judgment on any one...aren't they the ones that brought up if you point a finger how many are pointing back at you?
All religions think they are right....that's why you read the bible for yourself....the only thing places of worship gives you are the pieces to the spiritual puzzle YOU have to put it together for yourself...Most single parents get hooked by the love or conditional love in the org. being that single parents feel they are alone in raising their children...and yes Mr & Mrs. Loving will do it for a while, then when a new person of interest comes in...they will drop you like a hot potato...there is a scripture in the bible where it talks about these religious folks coming into widows homes and making feel worse and more guilty....I forget the passage....
The longer you stay the more you will see and hear do as I say not as I do....many are in there because it provides a social life and at the same time they feel that they are working for Jehovah....someone on here said because they attend meetings, go out in service and whatever else they do...basically being seen, it makes them seem more spiritual....just like in the workplace....you don't have to actually do anything just be seen. Remember this is an org. with characteristics of a working place with the same tiers as a job has....everyone wants the ear of the CEO (GB's)...
I am a witness too...not that long myself...I have been there long enough to read the bible with them at least twice...I think I got the jist of the bible....now I can talk to people of any denomination and know for myself what the bible really says, not what the org. says it says...see that's the revelation right there...the truth will lead you to the truth...if you are open to it..that's what happened to me...God allowed me to see the truth, not thru the org. eyes but for myself....so I've been awake for a long time...
When I talk to the friends, I don't try to change them just plant a seed of love...many feel that they are going thru so much, but I let them know...don't you think your neighbors are going thru the same things we are, we pay rent, so do they, they pay bills, so do we...just because we are witnesses doesn't mean we are the only ones in life going thru anything..
What about the hurricanes and earthquakes, everyone that lives in those places are effected not just witnesses...how can they be so narrow minded....that's the problem...they are narrow...
I could go on but ...won't...
Don't be mad at God/Jesus....they didn't do nothing to you...direct your anger or whatever where it belongs...MAN....