Hi Sourgrapes,
What a great comment...so true...guess once the child is here, they are not going to continue to give them gifts...I find some JW's are just plain cheap & the org. fit their way of thinking...because our birthdays are the only days that belong to an individual...all the other holidays are about someone or something else...So if you are cheap and only care about yourself & can swallow a stupid story about not celebrating ones birthday because someone's head was chopped off on their birthday...fiddle sticks... What if on someones wedding day someone was killed & we know this to have happened...many newlyweds die right after the wedding, car accidents, etc, or have been killed on the way to their wedding...folks get killed daily...another stupid reason is that one makes a big deal of their birthday & so that makes them angry because someone else is in the limelight...remember JW's only do things to be seen...I do know this female she goes all out for birthdays...she may not have a lot of money but she finds it when it's time for anyone's birthday...she spends money she don't have...I notice some folks don't have enough money to get them through the month or week or even day, but will spend their last dime on holidays...to me that's not smart...most of the holidays are man made(make you go out and spend money you don't have)...but your birthday is yours..celebrate how you want..
I also liked the other comments....wonder what type of comments you gave as a witness...GREAT, I bet.