Anytime man tells you what God wants, it's usually what they want..
We are here on earth to love & take care of each other, but that's too simple...a bunch of rules that humans think God wants, we'll do that...Know scriptures, don't associate with people who aren't you & so on....
God said, Love him & Love your neighbor...what a simple message but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO....don't take blood but if you do take this part. Jesus is God, no he isn't...he is God's son...it was a stake no a cross...Jesus was born on Xmas, no he wasn't...stay with your mate even if they are abusing you....obey the 10 commandments...NO, they are outdated...
Too many manmade rules that's why (if the story is true) God sent his son so we don't have to do all this things to please God...
Humans just don't know how to keep things simple....love challenges...so they have made religion a challenge when it's not supposed to be...it's supposed to promote peace...