@ DOC,
Of course commentators agree it's not considered from the original texts. Why? Because, what it's saying is this...None of us, & I mean none of us has the right to judge another person. If Jesus didn't judge why should we. There are so many scriptures that say, we should not judge, because if we do, we will be judged as well. Basically, it's saying what goes around comes around. Jesus even told a woman, that she had been married several times & now is living with a man....did he judge her...NO. He told her not to do it again.
I think this judging thing goes over folks head. When the bible says, DO NOT JUDGE. Isn't there a period after that statement ? It doesn't say, do not judge, BUT....No, it doesn't. Now of course you can judge what you will or won't do, but that's the extent of it.
To be honest, I don't want Jehovah's/Jesus's job. I wouldn't want to judge anyone, it's even difficult for me to be on jury duty, love the time off, but hate when I get picked for a case...All you hear is, hearsay, I wasn't there. Plus I don't know the whole story.
I think Drifting away could use any scripture that speaks of judging...I think there is one that says, Don't judge, lest you will be judged. Elders have to be reminded, oh bro. you can judge me all you want...but, hold on my friend...your day is coming....
This reminds me of a twilight episode where, the man who was the executioner would hear the person who was about to die via electric chair, telling the executioner, I didn't do it, I'm innocent...then he says, "They all say that". Well, later on in the story the executioner is the one in the chair now...& he says the same thing that those he killed said...& guess what? What do you think the executioner said just before the plug was pulled..."I didn't do it, I'm innocent." Now the new executioner, says right back at him, yep they all say that...Another saying comes to mind...It's always the thief that screams the loudest...I have so many of them.
It's always ok when we do it, but let someone else do the same thing....we hang'em high...
I know it's difficult to wait on God, but I'm telling you, I've seen folks in this life get judged, because they were unfair or misjudged someone or a situation...& Guess what? I didn't have to lift a finger.