Hi Christina,
I read all the comments and they are all trying to help you...follow your conscience...and it's ok to lose your religion, but keep your faith...If you believe in God don't let the witness experience take that away from you, if you want to, if you don't believe in God anymore, that's another story, only you can answer that.
You must ask yourself why you are there and what do you want....are you looking for the truth...Christina, hate to bust your bubble there is no truth in a building an organization or in any specific doctrine....the truth is in you, The bible leads you to the truth about you, are you unforgiving, are you quick tempered, do you judge people yet get angry when someone does the same to you...THE TRUTH IS...DO YOU NEED TO CHANGE TO BE A BETTER PERSON...the meat and potatoes of the bible is ....love God and love one another...but that's too simple of humans, we must make it more difficult then it is...stand on one foot and recite the lord's prayer backwards on one foot, yep, that's us humans...ain't happy unless we are challenged.
The truth has led me to the truth about me and how I need to straighten up some things about me, according to God, not man....you will find the org. makes some good points but then you'll see where they make no sense at all and it's only their propaganda...That's where you have to be discerning...I started to see different things even before I got baptized but, I wanted to learn the bible and I did, but I learned it according to the spirit of which it is written...The org. constantly re-writes their bible to fit in words like governing body, body or elders, just rewriting to fit themselves into the picture. Then they tell us that Jesus was talking to all regarding the door to door, but since the org. likes to divide and conquer, certain scriptures apply to this group and certain scriptures apply to that group...phooey....when Jesus or was it Paul sent out the 70, these were supposedly the anointed, so us sheeps ain't gotta go because this scripture wasn't for the sheep, if read in the context.....
Trust your conscience, you see and feel something, then acknowledge it, don't stick your head in the sand and hope it get's better because it won't not unless you put in your slip for full time ministry, and you go out in service more, then they'll love bomb you again, especially after your name is announced as so & so will now be a full time pioneer, oh, they will clap, and then after the meeting, they will be all over you again, you will be included in pioneer stuff, like a secret society, then depending on your personality, you'll start looking down on folks who were once like you....or maybe you won't. But if you want to be loved again...go on put in your pioneer slip, full time slip, no half stepping with the aux. They will be all over you but not for long because you only aux. Yep, if you want them to really pull out the red carpet go for full time...but just remember, that will get old too...the publishers will talk about you too, if you become a pioneer, look at her, she just starting coming to the meetings and out in service now she is a full time pioneer, haters...you will never please the friends, but if that's the type of person you are that is a crowd pleaser and needs validation all the time, for any little thing...then stay a witness..I'm not saying all this to put you down I'm trying to help you help yourself, to find your motives.
I've so outgrown being a witness, I feel my calling is more than just knocking on doors, most of my time is encouraging the congregation, because some of them are so down and out...so for now, I have this delusion that some of them need me, because I'm easy to talk to and don't judge...but again, I feel I have a different calling....I want to leave but yet stay, because I have made some nice conditional friends....for now....if I leave I will miss them but since they were only my friends because I was a witness...to be honest....no lost...I'll be sad, but I did keep my friends that are not witnesses...
Lots of luck on finding your path...as someone said, this site in avail. 24/7....It has helped me in so many ways, I'm not that great of a writer as some are on here, I'm not to phlylosophical as some are here....I'm just say what I say....can't even spell the word...phly....LOL...Again, this is a great site for venting, even if you can't leave the org. right now, you see things, and sometimes you think you are crazy or spiritually weak, this site helps.
Tor (again)