Bring it on....
i need advisei need advise about lingo of jw community.a publisher is required to report time spent in preaching, and field service.in japan.
we say something like“ put time in report card’how do you say in english language?.
Bring it on....
new letter today (please visit avoidjw.org for a copy of the official letter and yes, i also noticed they got the date wrong!).
february 28, 2017. to all bodies of elders.
re: visiting disfellowshipped or disassociated individuals.
Don't you know we are in the last days(lol)....Too many DF'd and DA'd ones so little time...to me this is what they are really saying....there are not enough Elders to officially visit them...
and on the other hand, many of the brothers might have been using these visits to extend their field service hours or if they wanted to leave field service they would say to the group going on a return, when in reality, they weren't going at all.
As far as the org. is concerned they gave them enough time even their own magazine...As far as the society is concerned they have to keep up with the wobbly wheels of Gods chariot, ( I stole that from someone on this site or was it another....but I thought is was a good one).
Most of the ones that left, they are glad to be done....just hope they were able to become functional citizens.
i need advisei need advise about lingo of jw community.a publisher is required to report time spent in preaching, and field service.in japan.
we say something like“ put time in report card’how do you say in english language?.
Hi Yoko,
Sorry to not answer your question....Each hall says it differently...some say, Please turn in your slip for your field service time for the Month of February. Some say, report time...never heard report card...although that sounds more accurate.
i need advisei need advise about lingo of jw community.a publisher is required to report time spent in preaching, and field service.in japan.
we say something like“ put time in report card’how do you say in english language?.
This is how it really goes...We would like to give a quick reminder for those who didn't turn in their time for the MONTH of DECEMBER 2016, (now mind you, we are in Feb. 2017").
You know why because in December they didn't hand in their time or report time since Oct. 2016. Some are too shamed to report their hours or time whichever so, they are the ones who always hand them in late...some how they think they missed a minute in Oct., so they are recalculating...phooey...they don't have no time to report that's why it's late...
Hope we hear more from you Yoko. They have x JW's in Japan....and is Japan under preaching ban, and is it as bad as the witnesses say?
Welcome....we are friendly folks here....some are x's and some are faders and some are on the fence, but what most here have in common...is the Truth about the Truth. I was going to greet you in Japanese but I didn't want to assume that you were just because of the title of your topic. So, I'll say Welcome Again.
so had to check it out to see what it's all about.. what i got was more cloudiness.
as in luke 2:9.... suddenly jehovah’s angel stood before them, and jehovah’s glory gleamed around them, and they became very fearful.
the notes point out.... jehovah’s angel: this expression occurs many times in the hebrew scriptures, starting at ge 16:7. when it occurs in early copies of the septuagint, the greek word agʹge·los (angel; messenger) is followed by the divine name written in hebrew characters.
Well one thing for sure the org. can't say this is Michael the Archangel aka Jesus....Jehovah's Angel, he had a mess of them....sometimes they were called sons then lights...whatever...Jehovah angel who they may say is Michael/Jesus can't be in the manger at the same time...
I think the society is running out of things to say.....they are trying to run ahead of the information age and they can't keep up....
i went to meeting today and the sister in front of me was upset song 134 now song 139 no longer contains jehovahs name.
they took it out.
i never even noticed .
I don't think I would have noticed it until I sang it....as many of you know I'm a witness...as many call me an oxymoron witness... Don't quote me, but I think the witnesses or the society is really starting to see that Jehovah wants us to worship him and his son Christ Jesus...But through out the NT, it's brought out countlessly, any one who believes in the son, will have everlasting life...So far, the org. has been able to use Jehovah's name just to be in the know...Don't think the writers don't come on sites and see, what the scriptures really say...It's all about Jesus.
Yeah, Jehovah just wants us to know who did all this...but he changed the game plan, Jesus is the good news...and yes, I Jehovah God (is Jehovah a jewish name, and would God name himself a Jewish name, God is not partial, not important, just a thought). Again, don't quote me but I think they are inching slowly towards into their doctrine Jesus Christ..They/we are call Jehovah witnesses...but in truth we are Christians, and what are Christians, those who believe in Christ Jesus...because if there was no Jesus, the bible would have ended right after the fruit episode.
No Christ no Christians...I remember one of the brothers was talking in the lobby of the hall, and someone commended him on him mild and humble way about him...and he said, I'm just trying to imitate Jesus...Then a sister and I were talking and she was talking about how the org. and friends handle things, then she said, the org. is supposed to imitate Jesus...she didn't correct herself...I got the message...
So all that to say, I think they are inching towards Jesus Christ name being used more now...since we are supposed to be in the last day and Jesus is now King, and he is the head of he congregation and he will give the GoVBoD., heads-up of when the GB/Armageddon will occur...Because you all do know that the Gov boys have a direct line to God...and he gives them hints of the last days....but somehow they can't seem to get it right.... So now they are going to make King Jesus their focus because he's the one coming back...they took out Jehovah and replaced it with God....no doubt, the org. will explain that away...Just wait a few years...God will be replaced by Lord, then Jesus...
Most of us will be gone on by the time they might get it right,
sorry if this was posted before but if it was then it is worth repeating and discussing.
the hypocrisy of the jw cult knows no bounds.
supposedly, the reason jw's are not allowed to vote is because they must not be a part of this world.
Hi LonghairGal,
Hope all is well and you are doing fine. Yep, that's what they do. Especially the ones that live in the NYS area. NYS is very generous. You only find this out when one goes somewhere else. Witnesses are there for the handouts but don't want to participate. Many that I know go to second hand stores to buy their clothes, and go to pantries...and so on....They don't celebrate Thanksgiving but take advantage of Black Friday...& you know I could go on...
Before the depression, the gov't never helped the people, so people had to help one another. During the depression no one had anything to give anyone....so eventually things got so bad, the gov't had to step in and after that mankind has back away from helping one another, if you ask anyone today for help they'll say, go to the welfare office or disability but don't come to me. So they think it's bad now...back then...terrible....
I've learned to take what witnesses say with a grain of salt. One day they are overly zealous about this then tomorrow they dropped that then become zealous about something else...
Most witnesses I know....they do exactly as they please...
blondie’s comments you will not hear at the february 26, 2017 wt study (december 2016) (rewards).
excellent general website: www.jwfacts.com .
bible translations www.biblegateway.com/cgi-bin/bible .
I like # 17...What are some of the rewards that we enjoy now ? Breathing....driving to the hall in a nice car, eating, paying their rents or mortgages, nice clothes...the latest computers to keep up with Jehovah's chariot...The rewards are the basics in life, and witnesses are not even satisfied with that...going to the bank with a loaf of bread under their arms...
I find some witnesses whiners and complainers, they are never satisfied....
Blondie good take on this weeks WT...I'm glad you are out too....maybe one day I'll leave too....when I'm not afraid of what folks will say...
four years ago the watchtower made the following demand.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.
they are not content with obedience and in the upcoming june watchtower they have this to say -15. how does respect for theocratic headship reveal our love for jehovah’s way of ruling?15 what is our response to divinely authorized headship?
The good news for any who fear death....is Jesus was resurrected from the dead...and brought back to life and then went to heaven...now...was he in charge then or in 1914....who knows...it was invisible..
To be honest...does anyone want to die? Nope...so if this whole bible thing is true, we get to come back and maybe the earth will be a better place...that would be nice...you wouldn't have to look behind your back to see whose behind you and if you do, it won't be anyone who will harm you....
As the bible says....The Good news is Jesus...he was raised from the dead but before that he died for our sins...that's the meat and potatoes of it....The OT, was about God, the NT is about Jesus...and faith in him...not the WT...
The WT doesn't know what to preach about...they will preach about anything that is different from other religions...even if they are wrong...since they say they are not inspired which God's sovereignty are they proclaiming or even following. So if one day they get a new light on God's sovereignty wouldn't the first light disagree...I'm just saying...one thing the org. has not been able to find a teaching and stick to it.
until a couple of months ago i was an uber-spiritual pioneer, only having association with other pioneers, elders and others who would fill in the category i classified as "spiritually acceptable" friends.. but since stopping pioneering and having more time to think about my doubts and what i really believe (or better said, what i no longer believe), i have started getting to know other less spiritual brothers and sisters of the area.
in fact, my old friends are starting to forget me quite quickly, i must say.
so, i guess my next move in fading is becoming what i call the average witness.. and what did i discover?
I'm a witness...go to the boasting meetings..etc...the hall is made up of cliques... Pioneers hang with Pioneers, Publishers who put in a lot of hours, almost as many as Pioneers do, they hang with each other. Aux. Pioneers hang together...and so on...
If you want to be an average publisher, they will say well if you aux. pioneer this month you can go to the pioneer meeting...I say Why? What is it a secret society? Privi. info. that us average Joe's can't know...if it's to help the ministry why can't the publishers know too...I watch the Pioneers in my hall. They know the answers but sit up there all smug, and won't answer or answer like, ah, these dumb publishers...I guess I'll have to raise my hand and give them the answer....
I am a regular Joe at the hall, I give certain amount of hours and no more...the more you do the more they want. I follow the scripture where it says God will trust you with a little and see if you are dedicated to that and how well you do...if you want more hours in the ministry, I'll think about it...
Many think I have a pioneering spirit but what it is, is that I'm positive and when I DO go out in service I put my heart into it...once the 2 hrs. or so are done...I'm out...I have no desire to pioneer...I have no desire to have my name announced from the stage...