Yes, they are mentioning Christ more. Other Christians would ask in a situation, "what would Jesus do"? Many of the witnesses never took to that statement because their main focus is on Jehovah. But just the other day in their literature they said. What would Jesus do? There would be no point to all this with out the Christ. Isn't that why they are considered christians.
I think they are now slowly seeing that Jesus is the way and Jehovah can sanctify his own name and he said so in the scriptures. The witnesses wanted to be so unlike other religions they went beyond the scriptures.
If this religion is to continue they better get close and personal with Jesus. But you know witnesses they don't like standing in line because they are chosen by God, so they don't have to wait to talk to Jesus so Jesus could tell God they want to see him. Instead they push Jesus aside and say, our name is on the guest list to see Jehovah.
Many letters get written to the org. don't think they don't take heed but many of those letters never make it to their literature. But many of the readers can back it up with scripture too.
I am in and there are a lot more changes to look warm and fuzzy to the public but the Fds class is beating us because we are not bringing in any more studies. So the org. is closing, opening, merging and whatever slight of the hand to make it look like the org is growing but in reality they just want to justify folks leaving and not joining and that the new state of the art facility was needed because we are growing. NOT. All smoke and mirrors.