well said. I usually get windy with my comment, but you hit the nail on the head.
lets play a fun game?.
we all know that as witnesses, we were constantly told to read the bible, and ask ourselves what the passage we read reveals about god.. as an example, here is a wt that highlights this.. may 2016 wt study edition "benefit fully from jehovah's provisions".
8 ask questions.
well said. I usually get windy with my comment, but you hit the nail on the head.
mine was to some random guy in uniform i saw on the street about two years ago.
even as a jw i knew that we had a lot of freedoms here in the us that were hard earned.
it felt really good to finally be able to say in person to someone when i i did..
Hi all.
I am a new JW. So I always acknowledge people who serve from the restroom attendant to a person who was drafted or joined the armed services. In reality we earthlings should stop fighting and domineering one another and take care of each other.
i am going to run down the middle with this observation. I think males like to fight. It's the only way they can settle things. No don't talk it out amongst yourselves involve other people's lives that don't have a clue. Males even go to other countries that are not their own to fight aka foreign legion. Men are wired differently. They have an aggressive gene. Some females like to fight too. Wars are about money. Sure good comes out of it. The USA just wants to be world power. I saw a documentary on Coca Cola. They said their aim was to get Coca Cola into every nation in the world. They showed poor places where people for a treat would buy a bottle for the family with the little money they had. So. Now if Coca Cola could do this regarding a bottle of soda what kind of humans are we. We care more about soda than looking out for one another.
lets play a fun game?.
we all know that as witnesses, we were constantly told to read the bible, and ask ourselves what the passage we read reveals about god.. as an example, here is a wt that highlights this.. may 2016 wt study edition "benefit fully from jehovah's provisions".
8 ask questions.
Hi All,
For those who believe in God/spiritual: We are supposed to work it out ourselves. Yes we are our brothers keeper. Would any of us be good if God didn't say so. I believe some need to be told and some people are just good natured whether they believe or not.
I too think hey God fix this or that. What type of characters would we developed if God fixed everything yet we look at the youth today and they can't even handle getting the wrong coffee, because we haven't raised them to deal with anything. Folks put baby on board so we all should drive safer. Don't you think we should drive safe period. If we never experienced life good or bad what type of characters would we be. A bunch spoiled children. There are words that would never be used like endurance, forgiveness, etc. These words wood mean nothing.
At the end of the day some need God or a God or sun or moon to tell them how to behave others just know whether it is God only they will know.
Does anyone on this site would see someone in need either on this site or wherever. Do you need God to tell you what to do. I think God is our conscience. Some call it conscience and some call it God. How do you roll?
i personally would like to see they get the very best but haven't a clue how to do it what are your benevolent words of wisdom, should a person do a deep research on his own a kind of self medication or should they brush up on some psychology,, who should they trust because after you leave you got big trust issues.. i don't know about you but to me it was a real shocker, i was totally into getting their worthless bull shit out of my head.
i choose the self medicate path and did as must research as time would allow,, science was a biggie for me, it was enjoyable learning to get so much bull shit out of my head..
I think it has to be more like a time capsule it has to release the medicine little by little. Most JW's will not be able to go cold turkey. I am a witness and know tatt but what I notice is that if they find out it's not the truth their world has been crushed. There was a female on this site that found out the truth was not the truth, she almost lost it. Her very foundation was shaken.
See being a witness for some it offers life all tied up in a bow. Everything is groovy even their religion. All the "t's" crossed and all the "i's" dotted. Its a religion for OCD folks or folks who pretend to be. Many of us are not that neat but we see others that are so we pretend to be too.
I think it is to know that when man tells you what God wants it's usually what man wants.
There are nice people out here. You have to love you. That is the first step. Love God first that's if you still believe in him because he did create us. Read and listen to other things in life. Positive things. You say you got trust issues. Well if everyone was as bad as the org says or you think why aren't you stepping over dead bodies on the street. You cannot leave your life in the hands of others. That is what Jw's do. Something is said from the stage you read the scriptures and they don't line up. Jw's believe man more than the Bible. That is the first mistake.
I am a witness. But I am as balanced as I can be. I would like to go but I have made some nice conditional friends but I also have friends and family that are not Jw's. so for me it's a matter of time.
Do you trust yourself? Because that's where the trust (issue) starts. If you are not willing to trust folks, don't ask them for what you, yourself don't have. People have nothing to prove to you. In life there are no guarantees. We learn by our mistakes. The more we endure the more understanding we gain for one another.
The truth is not an organization or a doctrine, it's not outside of you it's inside of you. You have to take what man says with a grain of salt.
lets play a fun game?.
we all know that as witnesses, we were constantly told to read the bible, and ask ourselves what the passage we read reveals about god.. as an example, here is a wt that highlights this.. may 2016 wt study edition "benefit fully from jehovah's provisions".
8 ask questions.
@Coldsteel and All,
You are correct he did warn them. When you really look at the OT it was God trying to get the Israelites to leave other gods and worship only him. But they insisted on their own way. God always forgave them kind of like a husband or wife that gives their mate constant chances after being always forgiven. So I was not saying God is self centered in a way that many speak of God on here. Some are mad at God and that's personal but if you read most of my comments I don't see God as bad. God should be self centered because he created everything.
When God killed women and children it was explained that it was merciful, if the parents were killed and the babies left alive, and all the adults are dead, who will raise the babies/children. So that is how it was explained to me. In my mind I think. Oh my.....how could you kill innocent children. Then I think maybe God was being merciful.
Oh by the way. I think someone mentioned Uzzah. I think that's the guy who touched the Ark and God struck him down. First the Ark was supposed to be carried a certain way and God gave instructions of who should be allowed. No one was supposed to touch it. When I first read the account, I said Uzzah was only trying to keep the Ark from falling but God killed him. That is why it's good to read the Bible with an open mind and you will be able to connect the dots.
Those who believe in God, remember he sacrificed his son for us and he didn't have to. Back in the garden he could have got rid of those two and created another couple. But I'm kind of guessing it would turn out the same way. Can't give us free will. We can't handle it. Ever go into an empty theater, open seats everywhere, free will, but got to many choices to pick from. Most humans are followers.
I don't see God as a butler so when I wake up every morning I have a laundry list of things I want him to do. But as I matured I ask for forgiveness, peace of mind, to change what I can leave let go of the rest and hope God handles it and that I can endure what life throws at me. Help me to be a better person than the day before.
lets play a fun game?.
we all know that as witnesses, we were constantly told to read the bible, and ask ourselves what the passage we read reveals about god.. as an example, here is a wt that highlights this.. may 2016 wt study edition "benefit fully from jehovah's provisions".
8 ask questions.
The bible was written by rich Jewish men. So how they portrayed God is through their own eyes.
We are made in God's image, so that means we are somewhat alike. Ok. We know that before folks have kids they are self centered, no sympathy nor empathy, no compassion for folks who have families and hold down jobs. Many can't work overtime but those who don't have family don't get it. So. In the Ot God was like had a certain amount of understanding but he didn't take no mess. You messed up blam...,Jehovah got rid of you or allowed you to suffer until you came back to him. Self centered, wouldn't you say. Kind of unforgiving. But now here comes his son to earth, we see a different Jehovah, he ain't destroying and killing like he did in the OT, no not while his son is on earth. Now Jehovah has calmed down, he thinks and acts differently since his son. Just like humans. We are bad to the bone before our kids are born then we become wet noodles. A person who may have been squirmish, that same person now don't even care if their child spits up on them.
The Bible only tells you how to get along with your fellow man. Some see the Bible as rules and regulations and others see it as a guide to life and how to deal with this life and find some peace through all of it.
Can't focus on who and what God does, there's a message in the Bible. Love God (if you believe there is a God), love your neighbor as yourself. But many don't love themselves so how can they love their neighbors that's why it's difficult for JWs to bring in others. People see there is no love in them.
I think Jehovah just want humans to remember. I made you and I can break you. To praise him no matter what. Even if you going through a bad time. Remember all the good he has done.... so in essence God is saying all that I've done. Stop your belly aching. You whiners, you.
years ago it was all about armageddon and getting out of babylon the great.
then with the draw close to jehovah and is there a creator that care about you.
it was all about building a relationship with jehovah.
Yes, they are mentioning Christ more. Other Christians would ask in a situation, "what would Jesus do"? Many of the witnesses never took to that statement because their main focus is on Jehovah. But just the other day in their literature they said. What would Jesus do? There would be no point to all this with out the Christ. Isn't that why they are considered christians.
I think they are now slowly seeing that Jesus is the way and Jehovah can sanctify his own name and he said so in the scriptures. The witnesses wanted to be so unlike other religions they went beyond the scriptures.
If this religion is to continue they better get close and personal with Jesus. But you know witnesses they don't like standing in line because they are chosen by God, so they don't have to wait to talk to Jesus so Jesus could tell God they want to see him. Instead they push Jesus aside and say, our name is on the guest list to see Jehovah.
Many letters get written to the org. don't think they don't take heed but many of those letters never make it to their literature. But many of the readers can back it up with scripture too.
I am in and there are a lot more changes to look warm and fuzzy to the public but the Fds class is beating us because we are not bringing in any more studies. So the org. is closing, opening, merging and whatever slight of the hand to make it look like the org is growing but in reality they just want to justify folks leaving and not joining and that the new state of the art facility was needed because we are growing. NOT. All smoke and mirrors.
hello there.. my father just claimed that the good thing about being a witness was how they just let the bible interpret itself.
now i know the irony in this statement, but i dont know what to show him that he just cant discard with some ignorant excuse.
any ideas?
You can ask how does the FDS give us the food. Most likely he will say they are guided or inspired by the Holy Spirit. They claim they only follow Gods word. You say to Dad, right? Then you go to the study WT that says they are not inspired nor infallible. You say to Dad again, right?So now Dad, if they are not inspired, who is feeding the flock? If the Holy Spirit is guiding the writers/FDS and then there is a new brighter light does the Holy Spirit lie or are the FDs deaf. Or would you say since they are going beyond what is written. And if Jehovah is directing this org. Is his compass off.
But what you have to realize. He is chosen. He is in Gods organization and that's the hook and bait right there. They feel just like the Jews. Chosen
this is very topical so i thought i'd share a compilation document of 10 audio clips.. these are mostly from before 1975, taken from convention recordings at the time, stressing the importance of 1975 and getting the crowd excited in anticipation.. entire talks are embedded but it's been typed out what was said and the time point it occurs.. this document is 220mb, so be warned.. i hope you're not triggered by the drawn out assembly speech style because this is full of it.. if anyone ever tries to tell you that there was no mention of 1975, hopefully this will give you some evidence.. if anyone with the ability could turn this into a short, shareable video, that would be much more useable and shareable than this (no disrespect to the creator).. click here for the recordings.
it will be gone in one month..
Hi All,
This should be interesting to see how they spin this. I mentioned on another thread that it's not about how the friends reacted to 1975, but who mentioned the date in the first place. Whether the friends took it too far who told them the date 1975 and they also put it in writing. No matter what as the kids say, "you/org. Started it". If 1975 was just a rumor why is there literature that mentions it. Stay alive 1975. I wonder if anyone will still have a copy.
Also, in the public edition of 1/2013 the org says this. Have Jehovah witnesses given incorrect dates for the end.? The first paragraph says Jehovah witnesses have had wrong expectations about when the end would come like Jesus first disciples..... why in the public edition? I have printed this out and keep it handy. Just to keep me from drinking the Kool aide.
A while ago I met an xjw. He was an elder. Nice man. He was a Jw for many years, gave talks, well one day he decided to do some research, found out 607 was not the real date the org told him. So in time he and his family left. I asked everything about witnesses, he was not angry with them just the fact as to how could he not question because he is intelligent. He said the friends will lie to themselves and to you because they can't handle the real truth. So I asked him about the 1975 thing, he said it's true the society amped up the date and did tell the friends not to do this or that. He said the org. is lying to protect themselves.
1975 was real and the org. Suggested because they Will always say we never told you to.
I'm not sure if this is a good PR move for the org. It may not turn out the way they think it will. The org. feels if it kind of come clean they will make some points.
I also wonder what is going through a young persons head when they see and hear this. Young folks are not stupid.
no mention whatsoever that it was watchtower themselves that strongly hinted towards this date.
instead they blame those who "put their trust in a date, not jehovah".. let's recap... .
Someone commented on this thread or another one about the video but no mention of the Arc. Why? Because this is not about persecution this is about documented facts of the org. hiding known child abusers and telling the flock not to report to the police. They are hard pressed to spin this. That's why they are doing all this Smoke and mirrors in the name of Jehovah..
There are too many that can come forward and say they were told not to go to the police. Those are hard core facts and they can't say it persecution. But sit back they are trying to do as much damage control as possible but they are right Jehovah's chariot is moving fast but not in the direction they think. I think this chariot is going to travel to Australia to expose.
They cant wiggle out of this one although they will try. That's why so much emphasis on Russia because now that's persecution. When folks google Russian ban on JW other links will come up about the ARC and they know it.
The Catholics thought they were above the law but we see how that worked out and it took a lot time for them to finally admit they had child abusers and they hid it from the police too.