It's a parable...that's all it is...& The org. just fit themselves in...Just like they fit them selves into being of the 144,000....Just like they think Jesus is now in charge and sending the org. smoke signals of when the end is...you know they think God's chariot is really on the move...yes, witnesses think they are privy to the end & when it will happen...they use the events of the day to point to the end...wonder what they thought during the civil rights un-rest...or any other events that might look like the end...
Most witnesses are full of themselves...that's one MO to be one...to think much of yourself...
I always said, it's a good thing that Jesus didn't have any children because the witnesses would have all claimed they are his seed....
They don't know who the FDS class is...in a few years they'll change who they are again...
So if the org. uses parables to describe themselves...then maybe the entire org., is just a parable...not real.