While they are there, can someone ask one of them to research when the fall of Babylon or whatever that place where the JW's claim it happened in 609 or 607...They are where there should be records...that cannot be denied.
I'm just saying..
warning: cult launches countrywide campaign.
hana levi julian-.
While they are there, can someone ask one of them to research when the fall of Babylon or whatever that place where the JW's claim it happened in 609 or 607...They are where there should be records...that cannot be denied.
I'm just saying..
it appears that the borg has some financial issues and i would think they are related to the hush money being paid out for the child molestation lawsuits to protect the guilty cult members and the fine untarnished reputation of the jdubs.. we have seen how much the borg refers to the hebrew scriptures for their guiding principles whenever it suits the borg's needs.
tithing certainly is laced throughout the old testament.
under the mosaic law, there were three tithes.
I haven't read all comments. The question is:"Will the Watchtower Company in the near future start asking for a tithe? They are asking for it now...except it's not called Tithe, it's called donation, inheritance, allowance, ice cream money...aka: Asking for money...They don't call it Tithe because they don't want to be associated with other religions.
The only thing that the org. may adjust is Jesus....now we are reading Jesus is the way....I think they are getting many letters from readers that shows Jesus is the way...Jehovah is God but it was his son that died for us(if you believe)...So stay tuned for that...
They try to guilt us into giving money, especially the videos...tugging at our heart strings, just like the United Way used to do years ago...come to the jobs, show a sob story film that moves your heart the next thing you know you are donating x amount of money from each check. When the tears dry up you wonder..."What did I do"?
Every meeting is asking for money but it's the way they ask....smooth as silk...
just to say, the guardian investigative reporter who is looking into child abuse among jws rang me today as i had completed the form linked to their recent article.. we had a nice chat, she asked me for some details about my particular experience and asked me to spread the word as they are looking for more abuse victims.
her new article will probably come out in 10 days, so look out for it.. if you are in the uk and you are a victim or know of one, this is an opportunity to speak out and you can remain anonymous, as i have done.
Great....does she have any connections in the USA? NYT, WSJ, USA today...what about the Washington Post. Many on here believe the story isn't big or important enough but when a reporter begins to un-ravel the org. It may seem a small thing at the beginning but when they begin to dig....
In the scheme of things that is going on in the world, folks think this is no big thing...but if left un-noticed and not dealt with, it will effect more than just witnesses...
I think if the org. didn't point fingers at other religions they may have dealt with the situation but since they accused other religions they are in denial or trying to cover up what the do by saying they don't condone child abuse.
Being that this subject is in other countries, the witnesses just see it as persecution....but if the USA is exposed...won't hear a peep...just a bunch of heads hung low....
But I'm glad someone is interested. Beats nothing,
checked out another thread on the jw talk cult site and found this new discussion under the heading makes it awkward...i think: .
hi brothers, hope we are all basking in jehovah's undeserved kindness.
well, anytime im having a bible study in the ministry and we get to d study 6 in the brochure; listen to god and live forever which has d topic : what do we learn from the great flood?
@ Finkelstein,
You are so on point...this is my favorite scripture to use against DF'ing...If you look in other bibles it's there. I read somewhere that this may not have been a part of the original scriptures. Not sure if true or not. But it goes to show that Jesus wasn't judgmental as JW's are. That's why they took it out. Why ? Because it shows nobody is supposed to judge anyone....No mention of DF"ing is there? Jesus told the woman. This is from the Good News bible: He straightened up and said to her, “Where are they? Is there no one left to condemn you?”
11 “No one, sir,” she answered.
“Well, then,” Jesus said, “I do not condemn you either. Go, but do not sin again.”. That's it in a nutshell... If Jesus don't judge...why do Brothers judge ?
I have pointed this out scripture several times but no one commented on it. On this site and others.
But this is a good scripture to make a copy of and have it ready if you are ever called into the room....They know it too..
The problem with religion and worship (there are many problems) but one thing..."EVERYBODY THINKS THEY ARE RIGHT". I told this to a witness and they said, well, we know we are right...I said, there you go, and another denomination can say the same thing.
They say they never mess with the scriptures, no, but they delete them...
well in order to shun someone you must dehumanize them much like what occurred in slavery.
dehumanizing someone now allows you treat them worst then an animal.
and now you can justify ignoring them there not human anymore.
Shunning is a matter of control. It is supposed to make the person feel so bad about what they did. AKA: Guilty. Make you miss your JW family that you'll straighten up and fly right.
Many in the org. feel shunning df'ing is a good and loving thing....I don't think so....just like putting a child on time out, how long is that supposed to be for.
There are only approx. 8 million that think shunning is loving... Thank Goodness...just a drop in the bucket...
Shunning may work for some but for others it may not make a difference at all, they wanted to leave anyway.
So, the ? was what does it accomplish...NOTHING.
it struck me that the society has created a culture of lazy jw parenting.. rather than parents being there to guide and direct and help their children through all stages of life, the gb / society has become the "go-too" for everything.. if the child has an issue, there is a wt article for that.. does the child need help with something else?
ah, there is a caleb and sophia cartoon for that.. what about that other topic?
ah, there is a book for that.. so rather than being present parents, the average jw parent simply outsources their parenting to the organization!
Most JW parents & JW's are just overwhelmed with life itself. Always in an exasperated mode, whether with or without children. I call it having the vapors. Many of them have a hard time just dealing with everyday life, always waiting for paradise, never really enjoying the here & now. Oh yes, they pretend to enjoy themselves. Just look at their sad eyes. Many laugh but it never reaches their eyes.
I agree, JW parents don't do anything by instinct only making the babies....they research everything to see Jehovah's view...aka: They haven't a clue to what they are doing. Can't even keep the child quiet during the meetings, we know that's hard because kids will be kids...they don't discipline their kids in front of the friends that's why the kids act up, cuz they know parents won't do anything.
Many JW's need a manual just to live life, so that's where the bible fits in for them. They are just basically to lazy to think. Just open a book & it's all laid out for you. But that goes for the religion itself, you don't have to think, it's all there for you.
Parents today are just different whether witnesses or not. They stress their kids out by keeping them busy so the parents don't have to interact with them...soccer lessons,practice, baseball, after school stuff...whatever, anything not to be with their kids, but to the parent they are doing the right thing...see I'm good to my kids...but no time for them...that's why some kids do what they please...parents don't pay them no mind, they don't know what they are doing or where they are going...that's how some slip through the cracks and end up shooting up schools...plain old ignoring their kids...we fight for pro-life to not abort the children but when they get here, we ignore them..
Parents are too into themselves today....JW parents are lazy because the org. makes them lazy and they want their kids...
just had 2 nice witnesses at the door.
without boring you with all the to-ing and fro-ing.
i invented a friend who became a witness back in the early 1950s, this friend tried to get me to become a witness, because his teachers father (a leader in that congregation) told him that the big a was coming in 5 years (which was true).
Before I became a witness, I was told that The JEWS were chosen & still are....came to be a witness and found out they were cut off...but when I read the scriptures they are not completely cut off, God is just mad at them at the moment but they ain't cut off at all...We are grafted into the branch...the branch is the Jew...Romans 11:11:So I ask, They did not stumble and fall completely, did they? Certainly not! But by their false step, there is salvation to people of the nations, to incite them to jealousy.11:17-21:However, if some of the branches were broken off and you, although being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became a sharer of the richness of the olive’s root, 18 do not be arrogant toward* the branches. If, though, you are arrogant toward* them,r remember that it is not you who bears the root, but the root bears you. 19 You will say, then: “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.”s 20 That is true! For their lack of faith, they were broken off,t but you are standing by faith.u Do not be haughty, but be in fear. 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you.
Now I find, God ain't finish with the Jews just yet....It's like when a parent gives you a gift & you don't appreciate it so they give it to someone who will & then the one that first got the gift is now jealous, so maybe if given another gift they would appreciate it more...
There is so much JW's teach that are only their teachings....at the time they began they sounded different from other religions. People were tired of having questions and the clergy telling them God is a mystery so the JW's jumped on it...but they went past the scriptures...
this just breaks my heart.
one of my favorite actors.
i wonder why he went back.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgxx7knkwzc.
I think his family was JW's from what I heard. I didn't know he went back. He went back b'cuz he had, had his fun...sex drugs & rock & roll. That happens when folks do all they want, as they get older they begin to think about their life. They did all they wanted to do and now they can be a witness or religious...hope he won't be overly zealous...you know when folks did what they wanted to do they are more judgmental than anybody.
I just learned something, I didn't know there was a show called Lethal Weapon...I thought it was just a movie...learn something new everyday...
There is another actor Terrance Howard that was raised or exposed to the witnesses and said if he ever joined a religion it would only be the JW's. Deep down folks who were a witness and want to come back there is some type of guilt they are working off...& believe me the ones that return after being out there, they will throw folks under the bus to be DF'd..because they have so much guilt and won't confess their stuff but will so they tell other folks stuff...
Well to each his own.
given the numerous videos on youtube about all the scandals and controversies of the watchtower bible and tract society.
are they headed to becoming one of the most infamous religious groups in the world for all the wrong reasons?.
@ JWLeaks, & All,
You hit the nail on the head. The core of a witness is "self". That's the common denominator of JW personality. Most of them need some type of validation. The org. strokes one ego...read a scripture, repeat a comment from their literature, they beam when someone says loved your comment or your reading...help someone take off their sweater or jacket (ever notice when one needs to take off a jacket or a sweater the entire congregation tries to help and almost take your arm off). JW's only do things to be seen, they are most helpful when in public or around folks who aren't witnesses to say see, we are so helpful. If you go into a restroom & it's crowded, they get to cleaning to show how holy & pious and clean they are (most of them are germaphobics)....but bet you if no one is in the bathroom they do just like most...do their thing wash their hands & walk out.
Most of them would not survive in a church with a big congregation because they would just a member and to stand out you would have to join different committees to be important & in churches when you join a committee you have to be reliable...none of this woe is me. They would get lost in a church. No one would care if they are suffering...JW's enjoy bad health...JW's have to fake being sick because that's the only way to miss a meeting...you can't just say, I was tired and wanted to go home..no you have to make up a medical condition so when you don't come, the friends will say well, so & so isn't here but you know they suffer with.....(you can fill in the blanks). Most of them are healthier than most they are always in the street in the fresh air walking....
There is a saying...Birds of a feather flock together...that's my opinion of the org. same type of personalities...See Me syndrome...
As many have said, most folks know witnesses but all they know is we don't celebrate holidays, no blood, & just heard someone say, Only 144,000 going to heaven....I know that blew that person's head...but to be fair, why would the bible say, The meek will inherit the earth. Children will be playing with animals, don't that sound like earth to me...New Heavens & New Earth, I'm just saying...The way the JW's explain this new system sound perfect but we still will have a government...only it will be in heaven...
Well all that to say, nobody cares about JW's. Something real controversial has to happen at the top...
Just like with this HS shootings, Gov't won't care until it happens to one of their children, but hope not.
ofriends, having followed many of your posts on this website, i am convinced that the prophecy of the last days as penned in 2nd timothy 3:1-7 is actually now being fulfilled by the present governing body.. .
2 tim 3:1… but know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.
(definitely, we all face hardships from the gb policies.
These two have always reminded me of our D2D...we prey on folks who are weak and going through stuff...and then we love bomb'em...I do agree that we/GB/JW are fulfilling bible prophesy...otherwise why do we know it so well...it's always easy to recognize yourself & say it's someone else...
For the most part JW's use the org. for social outlet...they get nothing out of the meetings/assemblies or conventions...it's just to get out the house & look holy...
☑️From among these arise men who slyly work their way into households and captivate weak women loaded down with sins, led by various desires, (Camp followers, photos with the GB, Bibles signed by the GB.)
☑️ always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth. (Revised understanding, New Light).
@Neat Blue, exactly...JW's have applied the scriptures to themselves...they even say the first DF'ing was when Jehovah thru Adam out of the Garden...(but he never shunned him)....I think you are right about the Jerusalem thing...The bible has great stories...The good against the bad...I take from the bible is how to treat folks and have patience for them...
JW's know the bible back to front but can't apply it that's why they fiend for a bible student so they appear to be doing the right thing all the while just telling their student what to do but they never do it....those who can do..do, those who can't...TEACH...
There is another generation coming up....don't think they'll swallow the kool-aide...remember, this generation put a BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE..they are not cut from the same cloth as their parents...just like we weren't..The baby boomers, made statements...we were about sex, drugs & rock & roll, but a lot of changes and good things came from that generation...We protested, butt our heads against the establishment...etc...
Just to add...since I'm a witness, I can say, no matter how they change the doctrine it will never shake the faith of a witness...because the org. admits they have a new understanding & to a witness that is a humble move...many of the friends say, the org. is so humble they are not like other religions, FDS/GB's (whoever writes this stuff), admit when they are wrong (never use that word, it's a new understanding)...you know like when an abusive spouse says, he/she has a new understanding that he/she should not abuse.....the abused spouse will say, well at least they admitted it...I think even if they admitted to child abuse (the org.) it will all be how they phrase it...
Remember how the Catholics got a new understanding that they shouldn't burn folks...