JoinedTopics Started by Hidethevelociraptors
Any ExJw Millenials here? If not which Gen do you fall under?
by Hidethevelociraptors inif anyone had to guess, what do you think the average age of the community actually is?.
are more millennials actually waking up or is it pretty even amongst previous generations as well?
Has anyone seen "The Prodigal Son Returns" on JW.TV? A Masterpiece of indoctrination
by truthseeker ini'm watching the jw movie the prodigal son returns.. it is a masterpiece of indoctination and what i would call a "cult" classic.. it's about two brothers who work for their father's construction firm.
the older one is the most spiritual and the younger one isn't.
he befriends al, a weak brother, who persuades him to take a job in the city and move there.. it shows the "world" in the worst possible light.
Finally posting and I'm FRUSTRATED!!!
by stephanie61092 inokay, i'm about to engage in a major word vomit.
just giving you fair warning as your time may be better spent somewhere else.. so, i'm sitting on my lunch break, bawling my eyes out, and writing on this forum to people i don't know yet probably have a great deal in common with but at the same time, used to scare the daylights out of me.
for years, i would come across this forum and 'lurk' awhile if you will, or see things on youtube.