About this group being a representative sample:
I have lurked at other sites like witnesses.net and witnesses online. On the the parenting forums as well as others there were threads on how to keep your children apart from worldly children. Also, there were experiences about not playing with worldly children as youths and not getting involved in school activities. The difference was that those on witnesses.net spoke of how glad they were that their parents didn't allow them to play with worldly children or get involved in sports.
If you compare the various online jehovahs witness' forums, ex jw and jw, the experiences are pretty consistent. The perception as to whether it was a positive or negative experience seems to be what differs here.
None of the jehovah's witnesses that I know personally allow their children to participate in school activities. The woman that my grandmother studies with does not even allow her children to play with non-jehovah's witnesses. The people I know take their religion very seriously and I believe that they are sincere in thinking that they are doing what is right. At least if they are sincere I can respect them, but to belong to a religion and go door to door making converts and then say that they "take it with a grain of salt" sounds very hypocritical to me.
I just wanted to edit this and add that, I think some people have compelling reasons for maintaining their status as one of jehovahs-witnesses even though they do not believe everything that is taught. I didn't intend to call those ones hypocrits.
Edited by - Sassenach on 14 February 2001 2:32:22