Can You Believe THIS?

by LDH 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    From the JW-MEDIA site

    ::::Do you believe that you are the only ones who will be saved?

    No. Many millions who have lived in centuries past and who were not Jehovah's Witnesses will come back in a resurrection and have an opportunity for life. Many now living may yet take a stand for truth and righteousness before God's time of judgment, and they will gain salvation. Moreover, Jesus said that we should not be judging one another. Humans look at the outward appearance; God looks at the heart. He sees accurately and judges mercifully. God has committed judgment into Jesus' hands, not ours.—Matthew 7:1-5; John 5:22, 27.::::

    OK, so SOMEBODY help me here. There is some intense double speak here. It mentions that many dead people will be resurrected. But that is not what the question asks. It says, are you the only ones who **WILL BE SAVED**?? That means future. Then, next is some really tricky wording.

    It says there are "Many now living may yet take a stand for truth and righteousness before God's time of judgment, and they will gain salvation." So then the answer to the question, is that only those who take their stand as JWs will be saved.

    Why didn't they just write that instead of doing this double talk.
    Or is it just ME? (again, LOL)

  • RedhorseWoman

    No, it's not just you. I got into a discussion on another board over this exact quote.

    Someone had asked why JW's believe that only they will survive. One of the active JW's posted this little clip, and said very smugly that this proves that JW's do NOT believe that only they will gain salvation.

    In actuality, though, that is exactly what it says....but not in an obvious way. This goes along with JT's post about what is said and what is meant.

    All JW's KNOW that those who "take a stand for truth and righteousness" will do so by becoming JW's. Additionally, those who are resurrected will then be given a chance to "learn about Jehovah's laws and purposes"....i.e. become a JW. If they don't want to be assimilated, the WT teaches that they will be destroyed on the spot.

    So, even though this sounds good, it's just tricky wording. The unvarnished truth in this statement is that "Yes, we believe that only JW's will ultimately survive Armageddon to live in Paradise."

    Poor PR, though.

  • ISP

    Hi lisa

    Its cool really. Its an attempt at being PC with a definetely unPC matter. i.e. the biblical perceived mass destruction of the masses at armageddon. That is not exactly PC with all those dudes is it. It is no doubt a violation of their human rights!

    It arises from a carefully sculptured question

    'Do you believe that you are the only ones who will be saved?'

    If it was 'Do you believe that you are the only ones who will be saved AT ARMAGEDDON?' the respondent would have to utter the non PC response of 'YES'.

    So the above gives an illusion of tolerance and reasonableness.


  • larc

    I think the devious part is the "only Jehovah knows a person's heart". This implies that good people of other religions will be OK. Of course, we all know that JW's don't believe this. They believe that only the submissive, meek, teachable sheep that they bring in will be saved. The vast majority of people, they believe, are black hearts doomed for destruction. They use the right language that any good sales person would use to try to close the deal.

  • Xandit

    "Many now living may yet take a stand for truth and righteousness before God's time of judgment, and they will gain salvation." Like I said somewhere else, I take them at their very specific written word. Far as I'm concerned this does not say that such ones have to be JWs. Works for me.

  • Gozz

    Xandit Quote:

    "Many now living may yet take a stand for truth and righteousness before God's time of judgment, and they will gain salvation." Like I said somewhere else, I take them at their very specific written word. Far as I'm concerned this does not say that such ones have to be JWs. Works for me.

    I wish to ask Xandit: "Are Jehovah's Witnesses the only group that would be saved at Armageddon?

    Xandit, I only need a clarification from your post. Thanks

  • thinker

    It seems to me that the WT has a habit of putting themselves in a "win-win" situation. The legalistic language allows them to say something and deny it in the same statement! There are lots of examples: Jehovah's perfect organization administered by imperfect men. A rising number of JWs means Jah's approval, a declining number is a fulfillment of prophesy.
    Read the wording carefully: The resurected ones will only have "an OPPORTUNITY for life". Sounds like the JW's are gonna be real busy converting the recently awaken dead!
    So, those now living (and the dead that will rise) have an opportunity to convert to JWs and be saved. Clear meaning: Only faithful JWs will have salvation. A clear judgement on all humanity, dead and alive. This is followed by the denial that they judge anyone! It is impossible to believe the statement in whole, since the last half contradicts the first half. Unless of course you wish to believe that the society is making jugdements FOR God and Jesus. And of course, they're only "humans"; so they're allowed to mess up from time to time. Very clever wording indeed.


  • Frenchy

    This is the sort of double talk that ‘Friend' and I got into debate over. One thing is said and another is implied...but only to those who are savvy of the prevailing concept. For instance:
    Many now living may yet take a stand for truth and righteousness before God's time of judgment, and they will gain salvation.
    Xandit says that he takes them at their word and that this works for him. It's good that he is able to do this because I'm sure there was a time when he would have been of the same mindset as the R&F are now. The secret in understanding that statement is in the definition of the terms "truth and righteousness". "Truth" to a JW is the JW faith. Nothing else. Also, inasmuch as the Society tells them that they have ‘righteousness' imputed to them (them being the Annointed) then again this is the only place to ‘take a stand for it.'
    A Witness reading this will not be confused in the least. It tells him loud and clear that if a person is to gain salvation he must take a stand for ‘the Truth', i.e., become a JW.
    A ‘worldly' person reading this at face value will miss the message completely which is why it is worded in such a way.

  • Frenchy

    Just a side note on this to those who are not JW: It is the contention of the WTBS that only they have the truth. To openly admit that salvation may exist outside of 'the organization' would defeat a great deal of their propaganda. Remember that in their eyes they are the modern day 'Noah's Ark' of salvation.

  • Frenchy

    Here is another example of this being done at the same site:
    Do you shun former members?
    "Those who simply cease to be involved in the faith are not shunned. In compliance with the Scriptures, however, members can be expelled for serious unchristian conduct, such as stealing, drunkenness, or adultery, if they do not repent and cease such actions. Disfellowshipping does not sever family ties. Disfellowshipped members may continue to attend religious services, and if they wish, they may receive pastoral visits. They are always welcome to return to the faith.—1 Corinthians 5:11-13"-End of Quote.
    Can you see how a ‘worldly' person reading this can get a completely wrong view of what disfellowshipping is really about? Look at the first sentence. At one level it's true. If you become inactive you are not df'd. Even if you tell the elders that you want to ‘cease to be involved in the faith' then you will not be disassociated. What will happen in the second instance is that you will be disassociated. TECHNICALLY it's not a lie. BUT inasmuch as disassociation and disfellowshipping are, in practical application, one and the same thing it is a MISLEADING statement that violates the spirit of truth if not truth itself.
    Same thing for the sentence: "Disfellowshipping does not sever family ties." How could it do so literally? I mean if your fleshly brother is df'd that does not alter the fact that he is still biologically your brother. BUT how about social ties? Ah Ha! But that is another question, one they choose not to list and then answer. Again this is a violation of the spirit of truth, it's not the ‘whole truth'.

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