So he has done 7 videos this month:
The JULY broadcast - 1hr 12 minutes
2 x voicemail videos - 26 minutes
1 x convention video Saturday pm - 2hrs 45 minutes
2 x interviews - 2 hrs
1 x self indulgent video - 1 hr
Total: 7hrs 30 minutes (approx)
GENEROUS preparation time: 10 hours
Estimated work hours for August: 17.5 hrs
most people work at least 35-40 hours in a normal week.
He had two weeks “vacation” so in a normal job a person would work at least 70 hours in that month. He worked approx 17.5 hours.
At this point I just laugh….burnout …. Come on….. even if you DOUBLE my estimation it would still only be a 35 hour fortnight ….
Exjw Caleb released his Saturday pm convention rebuttal video 25 July and put out more video hours than lloyd this month. Caleb also has a “job”.
JW thoughts put his AUGUST rebuttal video out on the 9 August. He also has a “job”. He also finished his convention rebuttals so long ago that I can’t even remember.
Ive still got some leftovers of the iceberg chips …..