i should clarify one thing, although the new elder was put on the schedule before reappointment, the actual date for his part in the ministry school was after the letter of appointment was read. I think i was the only person in the cong who knew he was already on the schedule because i was standing in front of the bullitin board when the school overseer told brother "new" which part he would take. you see the schedule was already up and someone had "copped out" so to speak of a talk.
now concerning your situation, you gave a public talk before appointment. i am referring to a part in the ministry school. I am most certain that either the school schedule in one of the fall KMs or the school guide book (i think the former) states that the first two parts ARE TO BE GIVEN BY AN ELDER OR MINISTERIAL SERVANT. please referance an appropriate statement if i have this wrong.
also, it was the PO(brother "new"'s old old friend) who had the connection with ken little.
Finally, as i pointed out, this was not a very capable elder. I believe the main reason he was recruited was to insure the promotion of a ministerial servant to the rank of elder. You see this MS was really new (baptized about 2 years).And i think the Po was loading the BOE to insure the Promotion(this MS had kissed up to all theelders becoming best friends with the PO before Becoming even an unbaptized pub). It was pretty obvious that one of the elders wouldn't rubber stamp the promo and the new elder seemingly convinced him to change his mind. However, i don't know how these things work at elder meetings, but would be interested to here your take on it.