yes the wt has money but not as much as the roman catholic church so we should all give as much money to the tower as we can. this they will have the most money and this will prove that they have god's blessing. also the preaching work can be increased in Ireland,Italy, mexico, Brazil(you know all the catholic places ) and screw places like India(2nd most populas country on earth) because there is no financial advantage.
JoinedPosts by sawthelight
Sept. KM: WT Sanctifies Fiscal Irresponsibility
by Room 215 in``because the world scene is always changing, a family head may be inclined to spend an excessive amount of time on the job, with a view to building up his financial reserves for unforeseen crises.''.
do they seriously endorse living from paycheck to paycheck as spiritually meritorious, a responsible mode of living for heads of families with mortgage/rent payments, child support, health insurance, car payments, utility bills, a food budget, etc.
all this after they ``stack the deck'' against self-sufficiency and independence for the average jw famnily head by discouraging university education or other forms of specialized education so vital in today's complex economy.. that's why so many, even while professing loyalty and submission to the fds quietly come to terms on their own.
10/1 WT: Creative days = 7,000 years
by Seeker inthe fourth paragraph on page 30 in the october 1, 2001 wt says this:.
"getting back to paul's statement in hebrews, we note that he pointed out that "there remains a sabbath resting for the peoples of god," and he urged his fellow christians to do their utmost "to enter into that rest.
" this shows that when paul wrote those words, "the seventh day" of god's rest, which had started some 4,000 years earlier, was still in progress.
where in the bible does it say that eve was created before the sabath? the first sabath was in Gen 1. adam and eve were both created in ch 2. why must we assume this is a retelling of the same storey? doesn't interpretation belong to God? if so, where does the bible itself say it is the same storey twice?
Comments? Black Slavery
by Naeblis infound this article interesting.
what do you guys think?
it seems to be opposed topretty much everything i've read so far.. .
i can't speak for anyone else but supporting foreign governments makes no sense to me. especially when the existance of israel pisses off the oil producing arabs upon whom all western nation still rely.let them stand on there own i say.but i suspect many who fund political campaigns insist on helping israel. also, ther has been sympathy because of the holocaust being 55 yrs ago. (personally i've had enough of this guilt trip, a relative of mine helped free europe including the jews and i think they should start showing some gratitude instead of constantly going around with their hand out)i think my opinion is becoming more widely held. so i say everone stand on their own two feet. -
Comments? Black Slavery
by Naeblis infound this article interesting.
what do you guys think?
it seems to be opposed topretty much everything i've read so far.. .
there are whispers of protest; however, most media outlets are owned by jewish interests and this could never be given fair discussion on the tele or radio. -
CO's visit sunday 9/23/01
by peaceloveharmony inhey all, .
well, i was just invited to attend the meeting on sunday, the co is visiting and my mother told me the talk will be a good one.
i don't know if i can stomach sitting thru this!
COs give only 2 different "talks" per year. any mention of recent events will only be "in passing", so why not skip it? Seriously, do PLH
you want to break with the WT? if so it is a good way to start, the elders go out of their way for a big crowd; don't contribute to this; rather, contribute to a smaller than normal crowd. COs are very spoiled with large goups to speak to, make it like a regular meeting(ever smaller attendance). wouldn't it be great if the only ones who showed up were the ones who give the monitary gifts that the tax man never hears about. The CO would have to lecture his supporters! HaHa!remember, the WT has no insite;so, whatever they say is irrelivant anyways!
Questions="dishonest baiting"?
by Julie inthree little scriptures that i feel reflect the opposite of all that christians claim biblegod to be.
i merely asked a hard-core defender of the faith to justify these as actions of an all-loving, enlightened supreme being.
here they are along with the "explanations" of them (in a nutshell):.
all loving god
only in writings of peter and paul.
Jay Dubs right about 1914
by FrightMare inplease study this chart very, very carefully:
why has such an unprecedented boom in population and technology occurred during the specific time the bible points to the 'last days', 1914?
there was no letter J or equivalent in the "bible" languages. nor, was there a j in english( a non biblical language) until approx. 400 years ago. If there was a j what would be the signicance? certainly nothing to do with the creator's name(YHWH) Yaweh or Yod He Va He.
Comments? Black Slavery
by Naeblis infound this article interesting.
what do you guys think?
it seems to be opposed topretty much everything i've read so far.. .
if descendants of rich plantation owners are rich and this pisses off any negroes; sue those people. it is not the responsiblity of the public in general to pay for personal beefs.
Do Not Call List
by anglise indo not call list.
an ex-jw in the uk has come up with a brainwave!!.
he canvassed his local area and came up with a signed list of several thousand householders who did not wish to be called on again by jehovahs witnesses.. this list was then handed to the local congregations and the london bethel who were then obliged to list all those households as do not calls.. has anyone else tried this?
i wonder if there are any special activity campaigns in the coming months? a list of DNC's imediately before one of these months could really stir some shit. on the down side it will probably be easier than ever to waste time while counting time in service . but on the upside fewer people will get to be annoyed at the door-step. if it takes a long time to put a substantial list together maybe next august would be a good time to spring it on the cult. this could have a devistating effect on moral to those real troopers who pioneer forever right before a new service year.
Get Rid Of Old WT Books?
by sawthelight ini havn't been to the kigdumb hall in 3.5 years and have no intention of ever going back.
i have a collection of some of the rainbow books from da judge as well as da judges edited copies of 6 0f the 7 studies in the scripturs.
should i get rid of them?
i'm leaning towards leaving them in the boxes where they are know or donating. although maybe i could extort a few hundred $$ out of a local elder and get rid of them that way. i personally don't want the dam things, but i do see how they could be used to help some more people see the light. i think i'll give myself until sunday to make a final decision.